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Patterns & Build

"Growth, thrive, and healing happen in interconnected patterns. Do early childhood systems and protocols reflect that - particularly regarding ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences), resilience, and prevention?" Jodi Wert ••• Click >>> The full blog post. Also, our Community of Practice for adults who are important to children is welcoming new members this week (until Friday, Sept 25th). Click >>> To learn more .

Coronavirus Disease 2019 Has Worsened Food Insecurity Among Families With Low Incomes, but Medicaid Is a "Potential Vehicle" for Relief []

By Joan Stephenson, JAMA Health Forum, September 11, 2020 The coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic and the economic devastation it has caused have made vehicular breadlines a familiar image in the news media: cars lining up for miles as people seek assistance from food banks to feed themselves and their families. With the expiration in late July of the $600 weekly federal supplement to unemployment benefits—and efforts for further relief stalled in Congress—the problem may well get worse.

The Relationship of Adulthood Chronic Disease and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs): Implications Regarding Prevention and Promotion in International Health []

By Jordan Holter, Christine Marchionni and Bankim Bhatt, IntechOpen, September 18, 2020 Abstract Several studies, including the innovative 1998 ACE Study by CDC-Kaiser Permanente, have assessed the association among adulthood chronic disease and the prevalence of maladaptive, health-harming behaviors including: excessive alcohol use, tobacco use, physical inactivity, psychiatric illness including suicidal ideation or attempts, promiscuous sexual behavior (>50 sex partners), history of...

A dramatically diminished L.A. school police force under proposed cuts []

By Howard Blume, Los Angeles Times, September 18, 2020 Two months after a divided Los Angeles Unified school board slashed funding for its police department by more than a third, the contours of a dramatically diminished force emerged this week. Under a plan presented to the board on Tuesday, police officers would be removed from school campuses and weekend patrols meant to protect schools from vandalism would be eliminated, among other cuts. The debate over the proposed cuts, set for later...

The Top 1% of Americans Have Taken $50 Trillion From the Bottom 90% - And That's Made the U.S. Less Secure []

By Nick Hanauer and David M. Rolf, Time, September 14, 2020 Like many of the virus’s hardest hit victims, the United States went into the COVID-19 pandemic wracked by preexisting conditions. A fraying public health infrastructure, inadequate medical supplies, an employer-based health insurance system perversely unsuited to the moment—these and other afflictions are surely contributing to the death toll . But in addressing the causes and consequences of this pandemic —and its cruelly uneven...

13-Year-Old Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Prejudice, Its Antidote, and the Five Documents That Shaped Humanity (

Ruth Bader Ginsburg (March 15, 1933–September 18, 2020) had barely cusped from childhood to adolescence when she watched in awe as her greatest role model — Eleanor Roosevelt, with her floral dresses and her “spine as stiff as the steel girder of a skyscraper” — was appointed chairperson of the newly established United Nations Commission on Human Rights. There is no overestimating the quickening of mind, the stir of soul, the immense swell of inspired idealism, which great role models can...

New Episode of Transforming Trauma: Exploring Historical and Intergenerational Trauma in the Jewish Experience with Rabbi Lynn Feinberg

Transforming Trauma Episode 023: Exploring Historical and Intergenerational Trauma in the Jewish Experience with Rabbi Lynn Feinberg “It's about really getting into that experience of compassion for myself, my people, for our journey, for what it means to adjust within… all those different layers.” ~ Lynn Feinberg In this special “High Holidays” episode of Transforming Trauma, host Sarah Buino welcomes guest Rabbi Lynn Feinberg , the first female Jewish Rabbi in Norway, as well as NARM...

Slaying The 'Fee-for-Service Monster' Of American Healthcare - Hidden Brain []

By Shankar Vedantam, Tara Boyle, Parth Shah, and Jennifer Schmidt, National Public Radio, September 2020 In the United States, healthcare providers are typically paid based on services provided. The more tests a patient undergoes, the bigger the bill. Vivian Lee, a radiologist and healthcare executive, says this fee-for-service business model needs to be reconsidered. "You're rewarding people doing things to other people. And actually, in many cases, you're rewarding that regardless of...

President Donald Trump's Climate Change Record Has Been a Boon for Oil Companies, and a Threat to the Planet []

By Vernon Loeb, Marianne Lavelle, and Stacy Feldman, Inside Climate News, September 1, 2020 In the middle of his 44th month in office, two weeks before the start of the Republican convention in late August, President Trump rolled back Barack Obama's last major environmental regulation, restricting methane leaks. The move represented an environmental trifecta of sorts for the president, who had handed the oil and gas industry another gift in his quest for "American energy dominance," thumbed...

Landscape of ACEs-related data from national surveys in the United States

Compiling data sources of ACEs statistics is critical to identify gaps in ACEs research in the US and Georgia. There is a lack of consistent data on ACE statistics. Resilient Georgia is an Atlanta-based organization that works towards creating an integrated behavioral health system by streamlining public and private efforts and resources to enhance trauma informed care through research, policy, and practice in Georgia. University of Georgia (UGA), College of Public Health Ph.D. student Kiran...

Stressors Take Toll on Students' Mental Health []

By Xenia Shih Bion, California Health Care Foundation, September 14, 2020 The new school year was already off to an abnormal start for the Bonny Doon Union Elementary School District when the wildfires erupted in Santa Cruz County. The weekend after students started school virtually on August 12, lightning strikes sparked the CZU Lightning Complex fire, putting all learning plans on hold as residents of Bonny Doon fled the area. “ Staff members and students have lost their homes as a result...

Is everyone better than me because I don't post the perfect social media pictures?

She is always so happy. He is always doing something cool. She is so much prettier than I am. He is so much more confident than I am. My life is so boring compared to theirs. I wish I had that kind of money to travel like they do. I wish I had a house as beautiful as theirs. Does that sound familiar? Why can’t I be as good, rich, attractive, etc. as that person? I am worthless because they are always posting awesome pictures and I could never live up to that! But have you ever wondered how...

Trump alleges 'left-wing indoctrination' in schools, says he will create national commission to push more 'pro-American' history []

By Moriah Balingit and Laura Meckler, The Washington Post, September 17, 2020 President Trump pressed his case Thursday that U.S. schools are indoctrinating children with a left-wing agenda hostile to the nation’s Founding Fathers, describing efforts to educate students about racism and slavery as an insult to the country’s lofty founding principles. Trump, speaking before original copies of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence at the National Archives, characterized...

Communities Can Better Prevent Homelessness through Housing - and Justice-System Partnerships []

By Emily Peiffer, Housing Matters, September 16, 2020 The pandemic’s devastating health and economic effects and the national reckoning around police brutality and systemic racism have highlighted pervasive inequities in communities across the US. A key issue lies directly at the intersection of those crises: homelessness. The nearly 570,000 people experiencing homelessness (PDF) on any given night, especially the 210,000 people forced to live outside, face greater risks of exposure to the...

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