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Child Maltreatment National Peer Learning Team []

From Colorado School of Public Health, September 2020 What is the national peer learning team? The Child Maltreatment National Peer Learning Team aims to help public health departments engage with the topic of child maltreatment prevention by learning about successful strategies, exchanging expertise on how to elevate the priority of this work within the realm of public health, and leveraging necessary resources to advance prevention. The team is a collaboration between the Colorado...

Transforming Well-being through Social and Emotional Development

Tuesday, October 20, 2020, 3:00 to 4:30 PM ET As children, families, and caregivers struggle with ever-present adversity from COVID-19, generations of structural racism, acts of police brutality and racial unrest, and economic disparity - investing in the healthy social and emotional development of young children and families is vital. CSSP Senior Fellow Dr. David Willis and many other leaders and innovators in the early childhood field will be part of Transforming Well-being through Social...

Together for Families Conference (October 14-16)

Cost: $375 – $450 The virtual 2020 Together for Families Conference , co-hosted by the Center for the Study of Social Policy, the National Family Support Network, Be Strong Families, and Families Canada, connects stakeholders from across the U.S. and Canada in the family support and strengthening field to focus on best and promising practice for supporting families. Designed for practitioners at the program, systems, and funder levels, the conference will provide valuable opportunities for...

Survey for ACEs Connection: PCEs, ACEs, and Health Outcomes

ACEs Connection, we need your help ! We are performing a research study to better understand the relationship between positive childhood experiences (PCEs), ACEs, and health outcomes in adulthood. All we need is 5-10 minutes of your time and your honesty to complete the following anonymous survey. With your help we can find a better way to combat ACEs and to support the development of children into resilient adults. Just a little bit more about the survey: This survey is sponsored by the...

Protecting Our Children: COVID-19's Impact on Early Childhood and ACEs []

While children are not at high risk for contracting COVID-19, the pandemic has disrupted their lives and exacerbated challenges to children’s health and well-being. Children’s poverty rates could increase by 53% during the pandemic. The economic consequences include increased food insecurity and housing instability. Additionally, school closures are putting kids at risk for toxic stress, with 1 in 3 public school students lacking adequate access to the resources necessary for remote...

NEW! Testimonials

Sharing the most recent testimonials received for The Healing Place Podcast, including ACEs Connection members Kathleen Friend, MD; Heather Ferri; Heather Askew; Jondi Whitis; and Barbara Rubel.

First Time Ever: Mind Matters Facilitator Training

Online: September 21-25, 2020 Confidently teach Mind Matters after participating in this five day facilitator training (3.5 hours a day). Based on current research and neuroscience, Mind Matters helps people develop skills and coping mechanisms to overcome anxiety and build resilience. Mind Matters can be used separately or combined with other programs. It is being used in schools, community agencies in classrooms, online, retreats, and in-home visiting. Jane Stevens says, “Curtis and...

Advancing Parenting

Tempe preschools run by the Arizona DHS just requested 560 of our parenting tips bumper stickers. I had to tell them we didn't have the funds to print them. Help!!!! Visit

Portraits of Professional Caregivers documentary available for viewing from ACEs Connection this weekend

Our Transform Trauma with ACEs Science film festival launches this weekend. We are thrilled to share the documentary , P ortraits of Professional CAREgivers: Their Passion, Their Pain on Saturday, September 12th, and Sunday , September 13th. The documentary will be streamed from our Transform Trauma with ACEs Science Communit y . Click here to join. Registration is not required for viewing. You need to be a member of ACEs Connection and join this community site to watch the film this...

Housing Insecurity Caused by COVID-19 Doesn't Have to Exacerbate Educational Inequities []

By Megan Gallagher, Anne Griffith, and Alexa Rosenberg, Housing Matters, September 2, 2020 The coronavirus pandemic threatens housing stability, affordability, and quality, especially for families and children of color. Black and Latinx adults are reporting higher rates of income loss, food insufficiency , and missed rent or mortgage payments . When families face housing challenges, their children’s education also suffers. Homelessness and housing instability are widely recognized as...

The Untold []

By Ruth King, September 2020 My child, I’d like to tell you, from my lips, the truth about our racial history — about whiteness and about being a member of the white tribe. Years ago, our ancestors did a horrific deed against the human race. They owned black people as slaves and treated them with utter disrespect. Beatings, rape, torture, lynching, ongoing terror; we sold their children to the highest bidders and owned them as chattel. And we relied on them to grow our food and take care of...

Gwyneth Paltrow x Nadine Burke Harris: How Does Childhood Trauma Impact Health Outcomes? []

From Goop, June 16, 2020 “You can’t grow up Black in America and not feel outraged by the terrible health disparities that are still going on every day,” says Nadine Burke Harris, MD , the first surgeon general of California. GP got on a video call with Harris, who is an expert on adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). Her book, The Deepest Well , explores the connection between adversity, trauma, and toxic stress in childhood and health outcomes later in life. Much of her work focuses on...

To Build Emotional Strength, Expand Your Brain []

By Kerry Hannon, The New York Times, September 8, 2020 Eight years ago, while working as an assistant Cuyahoga County prosecutor in Cleveland, Gayle Williams-Byers was in the throes of a serial killer case when she decided to take horseback-riding lessons. This summer, in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, Ms. Williams-Byers , 46, now a South Euclid Municipal Court judge, started free online classes in American Sign Language offered by Gallaudet University in Washington. She also took a...

Column: New billboard campaign alerts us to adverse childhood experiences: ‘What is shareable is bearable’ []

By Jerry Davich, Chicago Tribune, September 7, 2020 “Be loving. Be caring. Be there.” These three simple child-rearing reminders can do so much to curtail the barrage of adverse childhood experiences in what can be an abusive, neglectful society. “Adverse childhood experiences,” or ACEs, are defined as emotionally traumatic events that can occur any time before a child turns 18. These situations include divorce, domestic violence, sexual abuse, emotional neglect, parental mental illness and...

LAUNCH Together Supports Social Emotional Well-Being in Southwest Denver

As the COVID-19 pandemic blurred from days into months, the leadership team of LAUNCH Together Southwest Denver began hearing about the sense of anguish and confusion felt by directors of early-childhood learning centers: Should I re-open? Is that financially feasible? Is it ethical? And how do I decide, in a sea of fast-changing information about a virus scientists are still struggling to understand? LAUNCH Together SW Denver, a collaborative formed in 2016 to boost community capacity to...

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