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Psychological Trauma Is the Next Crisis for Coronavirus Health Workers [Scientific American]

After his roughest days in a New York City emergency room, physician Matthew Bai feels his whole body relax when he sees his wife and 17-month-old daughter. “My light at the end of the tunnel is going home to family,” Bai says. When Manhattan’s Mount Sinai Hospital started to overflow with COVID-19 patients in late March, however, Bai and his wife decided she should take their toddler and stay with her parents in New Jersey. The risk of spreading the virus to his family was too great. Now...

Inequities in Mental Health Services: It’s Time for a Reckoning and Rectification []

As the country confronts the coronavirus crisis and the ways it has exposed racism and inequality, it is time for the mental health field to look inwards and reckon with its own shortcomings. Similar to other American institutions and disciplines, racial and socioeconomic inequalities tend to be replicated in the accessibility and appropriateness of treatments offered to vulnerable individuals and families. Continue reading at ...

1 in 4 high school students in the US experience bullying while 1 in 9 face sexual violence says CDC []

By Mihika Basu, Media Entertainment Arts WorldWide, August 26, 2020 High school students in the US experience unacceptable rates of interpersonal violence. While 1 in 4 experience bullying, 1 in 8 experience dating violence and 1 in 9 report having faced sexual violence, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Interpersonal violence or aggression perpetrated by another person, including dating violence, sexual violence and bullying, is a serious public health...

Bay Area life is incredibly stressful right now: Seven easy strategies to help you cope []

By Aidin Vaziri, San Francisco Chronicle, August 27, 2020 The coronavirus pandemic is taking a massive toll on our mental health. More than 40% of American adults are experiencing depression, anxiety, and substance abuse issues associated with the COVID-19 outbreak, the Centers for Disease Control said in a new report. Throw in wildfires, election season, financial distress, school, and the isolation created by shelter-in-place orders, and it is little wonder that Bay Area behavioral crisis...

The 2020 Back-to-School List for Teens' Emotional Well-Being []

By Lisa Damour, The New York Times, August 25, 2020 In a sea of Covid-19 confusion, this seems certain: The pandemic will disrupt school this fall. Attending school part-time, sporadically as viral outbreaks allow, or completely remotely may make excellent medical sense. But learning from home, or being constrained by in-school safety protocols, will reduce students’ exposure to the ordinary magic — the woven-in forces that promote healthy adolescent development — that happens at school. Can...

New episode of Transforming Trauma: NARM and a Trauma-Informed, Anti-Oppressive, Relational Approach to Mental Wellness and Social Justice with Cassandra Walker

Transforming Trauma Episode 020: NARM and a Trauma-Informed, Anti-Oppressive, Relational Approach to Mental Wellness and Social Justice with Cassandra Walker In this episode, Transforming Trauma host Sarah Buino is joined by Cassandra (Cassie) Walker, LCSW (they/them), a Black, queer, activist, entrepreneur, and NARM Master Therapist-in-Training located in Chicago, Illinois. Throughout the episode, they discuss growth that’s possible throughout the trauma healing process, how the...

Secure Attachment Style in Adulthood: How It Affects Your Life and Relationships

Have you ever wondered what is the motivating force it that relates to how you behave in intimate relationships and how you treat your children? Have you asked yourself how you choose the relationships that you attracted to? The leading theory in psychology today is called Attachment Theory, and for the next several weeks in October, we are going to explore it and its consequences in depth. Attachment refers to the way we relate to other people. There are four types of attachment, secure,...

National Governors Association Chooses Delaware to Participate in Adverse Childhood Experiences Learning Collaborative []

Department of Services for Children, Youth and their Families | Featured Posts | Date Posted: Wednesday, August 26, 2020 WILMINGTON, Del. – Governor John Carney on Wednesday announced Delaware was one of four states chosen by the National Governors Association to participate in a learning collaborative focused on recognizing and responding to adverse childhood experiences. The State of Delaware will join teams from Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wyoming in the Improving Well-being and Success of...

Announcing Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences: Data to Action Funding Opportunity Recipients [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention]

August 25, 2020 The CDC’s Division of Violence Prevention announces four recipients of funding from CDC-RFA-CE20-2006: Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences: Data to Action (PACE: D2A) . The awardees will measure, track, and prevent adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in their state. The new recipients are: · Georgia Department of Public Health · Connecticut Office of Early Childhood · Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Public Health · University of Michigan Public Health...

East Tennessee State University/Ballad Health Strong Brain Institute Included In Designation as a National Rural Research Center

JOHNSON CITY (Aug. 26, 2020) – East Tennessee State University received one of seven Rural Health Research Center grants, awarded by the Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA), Federal Office of Rural Health Policy, to create the Center for Substance Misuse in Rural America. The $2.77 million award, which ETSU won in collaboration with the NORC Walsh Center for Rural Health Analysis, part of NORC at the University of Chicago, spans four years. According to HRSA, the goal of...

California Youth Mental Health Crisis Worsened by COVID-19 and Must Be Addressed

California Children’s Trust and it’s partner, Breaking Barriers, have released a “ Practical Guide for Financing Social, Emotional and Mental Health in Schools ”, designed to help education leaders and California access millions of dollars of Medi-Cal funding students are entitled to in order to support the social and emotional needs of our students, even more essential during COVID-19. The guide notes that less than half of California’s school districts currently participate in the LEA BOP...

Community Gatherings Offer Healing for Emotional Wounds After Disasters []

By Megan Cattel, The Center for Public Integrity, August 25, 2020 After the Tubbs Fire in 2017, Anabel Garcia felt on edge every time an ambulance siren blared outside her home in Santa Rosa, California. Sirens reminded her of evacuating during the state’s second-deadliest wildfire , which killed 22 and destroyed 5,000 homes. Flames reached as close as five miles from her family’s house. “It terrified us,” Garcia said in Spanish. “But it was scarier having to go through it all a second...

SAVE THE DATE! CALIFORNIA ACES ACADEMY: Parental ACEs and Pediatrics: Transforming Well Care []

CALIFORNIA ACES ACADEMY (CAA) , funded by ACEs Aware, is providing free online training to Medi-Cal providers and others featuring: Practical strategies for integrating trauma-informed health care into your team’s practice that improves patients’ well being and the productivity of your practice. Meet colleagues with experience and success providing trauma-informed health care in their practices. Learn from national and local experts. Talk to other professionals from your region in small...

Centering Child Well-Being in Child Support Policy []

From The Aspen Institute, August 2020 Record levels of job loss, economic instability, and family isolation during the pandemic have raised the child support policy stakes for fathers, families, and communities. Through careful and rigorous research, we know that there is a better way to approach child support policy to build strong families and communities. Across the country - states, counties, and tribes have embraced the research and are modernizing their child support programs through...

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