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Centering Child Well-Being in Child Support Policy []

From The Aspen Institute, August 2020 Record levels of job loss, economic instability, and family isolation during the pandemic have raised the child support policy stakes for fathers, families, and communities. Through careful and rigorous research, we know that there is a better way to approach child support policy to build strong families and communities. Across the country - states, counties, and tribes have embraced the research and are modernizing their child support programs through...

Children Who Get Hugs Tend to Become Happier Adults

Photo credit: Xavier Mouton/ I missed out on hugs and cuddles. My mother, who was mentally ill, did not display affection. In second grade, I walked home from school with a friend. I remember watching as she ran up her front steps. Her mother would be waiting for her at the door with a smile. She’d open the door and wrap her arms around my friend. I was jealous. As explored in a previous post, young children need positive stimulation—back and forth interactions—from adults for...

Participation of Children and Adolescents in Live Crisis Drills and Exercises []

By David J. Schonfeld, Marlene Melzer-Lange, Andrew N. Hashikawa, et al., Pediatrics, August 2020 Abstract Children and adolescents should be included in exercises and drills to the extent that their involvement advances readiness to meet their unique needs in the event of a crisis and/or furthers their own preparedness or resiliency. However, there is also a need to be cautious about the potential psychological risks and other unintended consequences of directly involving children in live...

Feeling Anxious and Depressed? You're Right at Home in California []

By Phillip Reese, Kaiser Health News, August 26, 2020 It’s official, California: COVID-19 has left us sick with worry and increasingly despondent. And our youngest adults — ages 18 to 29 — are feeling it worst. Weekly surveys conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau from late April through late July offer a grim view of the toll the pandemic has taken on the nation’s mental health. By late July, more than 44% of California adult respondents reported levels of anxiety and gloom typically...

Virtual suspensions. Mask rules. More trauma. Why some worry a student discipline crisis is on the horizon []

By Kalyn Belsha, Chalkbeat, August 21, 2020 As America’s students head back into their virtual or real-life classrooms, new rules await. In Jacksonville, Florida, students who don’t wear a mask repeatedly could be removed from school and made to learn online. In some Texas districts, intentionally coughing on someone can be classified as assault. In Memphis, minor misbehaviors could land students in an online “supervised study.” It’s amounting to a flood of changes to school rules and...

Effects of a Brief Mindfulness-Based Program on Stress in Health Care Professionals at a US Biomedical Research Hosptial []

By Rezvan Ameli, Ninet Sinaii, Colin P. West, et al., JAMA Network Open, August 25, 2020 Key Points Español 中文 (Chinese) Question Is a brief mindfulness-based program effective and feasible in reducing stress among health care professionals during work hours? Findings In this randomized clinical trial including 78 participants randomized to a 5-session (7.5-hour total) mindfulness program or a life-as-usual control, participants in the mindfulness program reported reduced stress and anxiety...

Resilience Documentary- Facebook Live Discussion

As the Executive Director of Watch Me Grow Inc., I plan to continue to have public discussions about the importance of investing in Early Childhood Education & our Youth and becoming Trauma-Informed so that we can create more healthy environments. Tonight at 6:30pm PST we will have a Facebook Live Discussion with an amazing Panel. Click the link to join 👉🏽

Fighting Food Insufficiency in the Time of Covid-19 []

Loren McCullough, 8/26/20, HOPE involves a change in mindset. For many of us, our professional training and inclinations lead us to discover risks, problems, and deficits. In this blog (the first from our new team member, Loren McCullough), we examine national data that points to severe problems with the food supply – as experienced by families. Hidden within the data, we also see evidence for hope. Family and community engagement have buffered some of these...

Measuring States and Traits with Heart Rate Variability

In this episode, Jeff and Matt define states and traits and explore how HRV measures both. HRV provides amazing insight to understand “How am I doing today?” “How am I doing this week?” “How am I doing this month?” We also discuss how HRV provides a powerful outcome for clinical care and managers.

10 shocking truths revealed by the pandemic (and how to respond)

1. We have no national health care system to ensure vital and timely care for all in a pandemic. Actually, we do. It’s called Medicare for those over 65. It’s not brain surgery to see the urgent need for a Medicare-For-All system. If the feds won’t do it, then each state must design their own version (and some states have been working on this for decades). Without a system of care, many of our kids endure health disparities. 2. We have no national plan to ensure all health care providers...

New ACEs video now available

COPE24 has spent the last two years working on producing a new documentary video on the topic of ACEs. We have titlted the work "How Many ACEs Are You Holding?" Viewings are now available through our website at Just click on the ACEs playing card on the homepage of our website to view trailer and opt to purchase a viewing for only $6.50.

Seven Steps to Calm an Explosive Child

Are you exhausted by the explosive behaviors of the children you love? First, I want to say I am so proud of you. I know the fatigue and frustration that comes with parenting a child who feels out of control. The fact that you are reading this article means you are looking for support and guidance, and that means you are on your way to helping the children in your life. And believe me, you are probably already doing a better job than you think! Kids need you to show up more than anything!

Le Bonheur statistics show pandemic's brute force on children []

By Jane Roberts, Daily Memphian, August 24, 2020 Early evidence trickling in at Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital forms the outer boundaries of just how different life is in many Memphis homes now, including a 250% increase in self-reported depression or mental illness among adults and a 350% increase in violence in their homes and neighborhoods. What that constant stress means for children, including how it affects brain and social development, is well documented in extensive research of...

There's a Movement to Defund School Police, Too []

By Kara Harris, Bloomberg CityLab, August 24, 2020 When students in Minneapolis, Denver and Oakland eventually return to their classrooms, one group will be notably missing from school grounds: the police. After the killing of George Floyd and the resulting “defund the police” movement to divert resources to other types of community services, the Minneapolis School District was the first of several in the U.S. to end its relationship with the local police department. On June 2, the school...

Building a Black Voter Agenda in Minnesota []

By Farrah Mina, The Imprint, August 16, 2020 Every last Sunday of the month, around 30 people gather in Minnesota’s Twin Cities to partake in the Black Civic Network’s community dinners. Over a shared meal, the network leads discussions about policies and issues that impact Black families in the state, like elections, reparations and child protection services. Nick Muhammad founded the organization in 2017 with a mission to serve Black communities’ political and economic interests after...

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