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How better reporting can change the way people think about race, crime, and communities []

By Mary Lou Fulton, Center for Health Journalism, July 17, 2020 I was driving back to Los Angeles from my Arizona hometown when I heard an NPR story about a political rally with a familiar refrain. If only we could go back to the good old days, America’s problems would be solved. For years, the “make America great again” theme was repeated in news stories without much of a challenge. What good old days are we talking about? The days when Black people could be killed by police with impunity?

Schools must provide a learning home for students experiencing homelessness []

By Joseph P. Bishop, Ed Source, July 20, 2020 Due to the coronavirus crisis , California, like many states, is seeing surging unemployment, the highest in 50 years . Communities of color are prone to suffer higher rates of infection from the virus, and the economic burden disproportionately falls on black and Latinx parents , who are less likely to be able to work from home during the pandemic. Moreover, data from Los Angeles County, the most populous county in the state, show that 599,000...

Study Shows Excellent Preschool Experience Can Narrow Racial Achievement Gap []

By Nadra Nittle, The Chronicle of Social Change, July 1, 2020 Highly trained, well-paid preschool teachers with low-student ratios, clean, safe classrooms with blocks, playdough, art supplies and outdoor spaces where kids can run and play could be key to closing the racial achievement gap, according to a new Rutgers University study. The June policy analysis by the university’s National Institute of Early Education Research concludes that preschools have more influence on the academic...

A Better Normal- Education Upended- The PolyVagal Theory, Notions of Safety, and the Return to School

Please join us tomorrow, Thursday July 23rd as Emily Read Daniels and myself facilitate a discussion around what we can learn from the PolyVagal theory and cultivating a felt sense of safety as we plan to retun to school. We will do a brief presentation and then breakout session to discuss in small groups. Weekly themes include: How do we create physical and psychological safety, especially in the face of so much uncertainty? What strategies can we use to create a culture of collective care?

Exploring the Physiology of Trauma, Mental Health, and Dysautonomia

Paul Krauss MA LPC and Robert Rhoton Psy D., LPC, D.A.A.E.T.S. discuss the physiology of trauma. Dr. Rhoton defines trauma not as a one-time, terrible event; rather, he defines it as repetitive adversity that causes physiological symptoms. When the autonomic nervous system is constantly being triggered, the stress of this is a more accurate description of what trauma does to our bodies. Dysautonomia is a medical term that describes any time symptoms emerge because the balance between the...


I'm so thrilled to announce that I've solidified my first speaking/training engagement for 2021! In March, I'll be delivering a series of trainings through CLAS - Council for Leaders in Alabama Schools! Now, more than ever, understanding the impact of trauma and stress on students is absolutely necessary for effectively reaching and teaching our students. I would LOVE to connect with others of you (or those at your institutions) who believe in the VALUE of bringing this training to your...

Creating Sacred Space to Lead from Within (free eBook

Our work is sacred, and so are we. Our work can sometimes feel like there is room for nothing else. No time for stillness, no time for space, and no time to nurture ourselves and our spirit. Professional Spirituality™ is a term Tovi Scruggs-Hussein created to recognize our leadership as being the “Alpha-Energy” in our work, in our schools, and in our organizations. Those who practice professional spirituality recognize that our leadership is a calling of service, a calling to show up as our...

When Kids Can't Be Kids

Photo caption: Sharon Mccutcheon/ (The article below is an excerpt from my book , Crazy Was All I Ever Knew: The Impact of Maternal Mental Illness on Kid s. I have used a pseudonym to protect the privacy of family members.) Most kids of parents with a mental illness experience childhood differently and less innocently than other children as they deal with their often chaotic home lives and navigate their worlds. **** If you are the son or daughter of a parent with a mental...


By Kelsi Anderson, July 21, 2020, KSDK. "We want to support the members of our community who experience a traumatic event in the course of serving their neighbors" ST. PETERS, Mo. — Firefighters came together to create a nonprofit mental health initiative for bystanders of traumatic events after seeing the effects of post-traumatic stress disorder firsthand. Through the new Central County Fire and Rescue Community Crisis Assistance Program (CCAP), people can receive free counseling with...

To Stop Deadly Overdoses, 'The Opioid Fix' Urges Better Use Of Tools We Already Have [npr.or]

By Carrie Feibel, National Public Radio, July 21, 2020 More Americans than ever — almost 72,000 — died from a drug overdose last year, according to preliminary data from the Centers for Disease Control and Protection. This grim record for 2019 was driven by deaths from synthetic opioids like fentanyl, though overdoses involving cocaine and meth also played a role. Many warn that 2020 could be even worse, as the coronavirus pandemic increases isolation, despair, and economic hardship — all...

Many Latino workers fear getting tested for COVID-19. A San Francisco program aims to change that []

By Melissa Gomez, Los Angeles Times, July 21, 2020 At least once a week in the mornings, Elsa Hernandez walks the mile from her apartment to the Mission Language and Vocational School, sometimes falling in line behind hundreds of other Latinos picking up groceries from the Mission Food Hub. But on a recent Thursday afternoon, she stood in a different line near the hub. Wearing a mask, her red glasses propped on her head, Hernandez, 44, a longtime resident of San Francisco’s Mission District,...

The Virus Found a Crowded Houston Neighborhood, Sparing One Nearby []

By J. David Goodman, The New York Times, July 21, 2020 The starkly divergent ways in which the coronavirus has affected neighboring communities in the Houston area — one rich and one poor — underscore how it is a magnifier of inequities. To see how the virus can largely spare one neighborhood but upend one next door, look at Bellaire, with its tidy yards and spacious homes, and Gulfton, where apartment blocks pack residents in tight. “We’re last in voter turnout, we’re last in census...

UCSF study shows health workers grappling with pandemic anxiety: 'It's exhausting' []

By Mallory Moench, San Francisco Chronicle, July 21, 2020 Dr. Robert Rodriguez’s anxiety rises and falls with the number of coronavirus cases and deaths. Fear that he could get infected at his San Francisco General Hospital job, or bring the virus home, affects his sleep. He doesn’t hug his 16-year-old son as much. Other worried family members avoid interacting with him. The stress isn’t sustainable, he said. “If day after day, you’re waking up and dealing with patients that are extremely...

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