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COVID-19: Mental health and well-being for ourselves and our children []

By Yasmin Anwar, Berkeley News, April 17, 2020 The intense social isolation, stress and uncertainty surrounding COVID-19 is shaping up to be its own mental health pandemic. Already, spikes in post-traumatic stress disorder are being documented among vulnerable populations, health workers and other front-line personnel. In the latest in a series of Berkeley Conversations: COVID-19 live webcasts, UC Berkeley psychologists Dacher Keltner , Sonia Bishop and Frank Worrell offered advice on how to...

'I was scared for so long': Detroit students learn to find inner strength after experiencing trauma, living through COVID-19 []

By Eleanore Catolico, Chalkbeat Detroit, April 16, 2020 Brianna and her friends were all smiles in the car, soaking in their high school football team’s win. The 14-year-old replayed the joys of the day in her head: the corny jokes, prank calls, improvised dance routines. Then she was jolted by the sound of a loud pop. A man with a rifle was shooting at someone in the street. The smell of smoke filled the air as the onslaught of bullets blasted through the car, leaving Brianna with bullet...

Announcing New Trauma Informed Care Trainings!

Cowart Trauma Informed Partnership is pleased to announce two fabulous new training opportunities! This introductory level live webinar is essential for anyone who works with the public, especially now as the world is grappling with the COVID-19 pandemic. Participants of this live webinar will learn what trauma is, its possible effects, and how to respond appropriately. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ This new course is designed...

A National Virtual Town Hall meeting called "Communities of Color COVID-19 & Prevention/Solutions

We (SheRay's & Associates & TTJ Group, LLC) is sponsoring with our new podcast company UM (Urban Minority) Real Talk! A National Virtual Town Hall meeting called "Communities of Color COVID-19 & Prevention/Solutions" Please see the link below and register! Limited Space! We hope you will be able to participate! Thanks!…/2227019427013075725 # victoryoverthevirus

Native People and Coronavirus: Maintaining community while separating []

From Native Organizers Alliance, April 22, 2020 We hope you and your loved ones are in good health. During this Coronavirus pandemic, we are all finding ways to support our families and communities in difficult circumstances. Native communities are adopting new ways of meeting the urgent needs of our communities, both physically and spiritually. We are using digital tools to maintain community and ceremony while physically separating for our safety. Please join us for a video conference to...

What's Next? Illinois ACEs Response Collaborative Deepens Effort as Momentum Grows Across the State

It was more than a piece of parchment bearing the governor’s signature. Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker’s resolution declaring May 15, 2019 as the state’s first Trauma-Informed Awareness Day marked a high-level recognition that, where state policy is concerned, trauma matters. The resolution and resulting proclamation Pritzker signed also calls for legislators to consider childhood brain development, early adversity and buffering relationships when making policy decisions; it urges all state...

[Repost] Building Trauma-Informed Connections via Telehealth During COVID-19 []

By ACEs Aware, April 21, 2020 The physician speakers will share opportunities and guidance for providing trauma-informed care via telehealth as well as resources providers can offer to patients to help mitigate the impact of COVID-19 related stress on physical and mental health. This is particularly critical for patients who have experienced, or who are currently experiencing, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) or other adversities. Futures Without Violence will share resources providers...

Creative Expression Resources for COVID-19

COVID-19 has brought up a lot of new things and experiences and identifying emotions for them can be hard for kids. Art with Heart has created COVID-19 related activity worksheets, lesson videos, and more to help kids during this impactful time. Visit our home page at download the resources. Or use the links below. 1. How do you feel?: A feelings chart and worksheet to help identify emotions around COVID19 experiences. 2. Make your Emotions Move: Sometimes it’s hard to know...

Trauma-Informed CONVOS during COVID

Thanks to Lara Kain of ACES Connection, I discovered the brilliant Joe Truss of Culturally Responsive Leadership . Joe is a principal, a blogger, a father, and soon to be my second guest in a new free conversation series I am hosting - Trauma-Informed CONVOS during COVID. Joe authored a provocative, hilarious, raw blog that went viral on social media less than three weeks ago. If you haven't read it, it's a must: A School Principal's Pondering During a Pandemic. Join us for what will be a...

UNDERSTANDING TRAUMA: NHC Resiliency Task Force Offers Virtual Screenings of Informative Documentary []

By Brooke Suddeth on April 21, 2020 Resilience is defined as the ability to recover quickly from difficulties. Residents of Wilmington are no stranger to having to recover quickly from disasters, especially during hurricane season. There also are personal hardships less frequently discussed but equally difficult to overcome. The New Hanover County Resiliency Task Force is committed to building a more understanding and compassionate community that recognizes the impact of childhood trauma.

Becoming Too Much of What Our Parents Were - Even the Parts We Liked! - Get Unstuck - FREE Guided Journal

You know what I loved? My mom taught me at a very young age to always be ready with a bug-out bag and money that was my own. I have been ready to flee since I was 4. My mom, sisters, and I exercised that readiness countless times – rushing to leave to go live with an aunt, my grandma, my mom’s friend, etc. I loved the power in knowing that I didn’t need anyone. Ever.

Trauma-Informed Lens Podcast: Talking about Trauma of Divorce with Dr. Angela Cusimano

In this episode, Matt discusses the trauma of divorce with Dr. Angela Cusimano. On the list of Adverse Childhood Experience, Divorce is a unique type of family disruption. Dr. Cusimano shares her expertise in working with divorce survivors. Angela Cusimano is a psychologist and personal coach with decades of experience working with kids, families, and trauma survivors. She is a childhood divorce...

Inside the ACE Score Strengths Limitations and Misapplications with Dr. Robert Anda ( & Note

Cissy's note: Thanks to @Elizabeth Perry for flagging me and letting me know about this important YouTube video posted on April 6th via the ACE Interface Laura Porter channel which furthers this important discussion about the uses/misuses of ACEs scores. This topic is written about from a personal perspective by @Sirena Wheeler here, yesterday, on ACEs Connection a piece entitled Erasing My ACEs which @Laura Porter commented upon. I have found tremendous benefit from learning about ACEs...

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