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Underlying Health Disparities Could Mean Coronavirus Hits Some Communities Harder []

By Liz Essley Whyte and Chris Zubak-Skees, National Public Radio, April 1, 2020 As the coronavirus spreads across the country, millions of Americans already struggling with health and finances — especially those in minority communities — could bear the brunt of it. New data released Tuesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that COVID-19 patients with underlying health issues in the United States are more likely to need treatment in a hospital — or even in an intensive...

Get Audible FREE for your kids! []

From Audible, March 2020 During this time of shelter-in-place it’s important and challenging to make sure your kids are able to learn and be entertained, despite school closures. To address this, Audible is currently offering its service for FREE to school age kids. Visit to find hundreds of titles for kids 0-18. For as long as schools are closed, we're open. Starting today, kids everywhere can instantly stream an incredible collection of stories, including titles across...

How COVID-19 Affects CHCF Grantmaking []

By Kara Carter, California Health Care Foundation, April 6, 2020 The COVID-19 pandemic is disrupting every aspect of life in California — how we live, whether and how we work, how we interact, and how we feel. That is certainly the case for CHCF. COVID-19 has not only demanded that we operate as a virtual organization , it has also challenged us to reassess how we deploy our philanthropic resources. Here is our current thinking about how the COVID-19 pandemic affects CHCF grantmaking. [...

How To Help Your Teen Deal With Social Isolation []

By Elayne Daniels, Your Tango, April 4, 2020 For teens, friends are a lifeline, but you can help them manage loneliness and depression. Life as you've known it probably goes something like this: school ends in June and summer vacation begins, offering a predictable, planned for, and welcomed change of pace. As a teen in the United States, you go to the beach, hang out with friends, and go to family or neighborhood barbecues. Maybe you work at a camp, restaurant, or other establishment with...

Virtual film screening to focus on toxic stress []

By Ryan Trares, Daily Journal, April 3, 2020 Long after the wounds from trauma or abuse heal, the impact still claims far too many children’s lives. Research has shown that toxic stress experienced as a child can stay hidden for years, but this trauma puts them at a greater risk for disease, homelessness, prison time and early death. "This isn’t day-to-day stress or stress about homework. These are things that are a result of childhood abuse or neglect, or being in a home with domestic...

Coronavirus FAQs: Is A Homemade Mask Effective? And What's The Best Way To Wear One? []

By Laurel Wamsley and Allison Aubrey, National Public Radio, April 3, 2020 Since the beginning of the global coronavirus pandemic, Americans have been told by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention not to wear masks unless they are sick, caring for a sick person who is unable to wear one or working in health care. Numerous reasons have been given: that they don't offer significant protection from germs, that the most effective models need special fitting in order to work, that...

April marks Child Abuse Prevention Month []

By Special to The Enterprise, Davis Enterprise, April 4, 2020 As the community responds to measures put in place to “flatten the curve” and conserve our medical resources in response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), many families are placed in a state of unprecedented stress — financially, emotionally, personally and professionally. Families and children face fear and anxiety due to the increasing severity of restrictions, ongoing disruptions in routine, uncertainty about the future, and...

Coronavirus Disease 2019 and Children What Pediatric Health Care Clinicians Need to Know []

By Sonja A. Rasmussen, MD, MS; Lindsay A Thompson, MD, MS, JAMA Pediatrics, April 3, 2020 The emergence of a coronavirus illness not previously seen in humans, now called coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), has captured the attention of the US and the world. The virus was first identified in Wuhan, China, after an outbreak of pneumonia of unknown cause was identified in December 2019, with most early cases reporting exposure to a live animal market. On December 31, 2019, China reported the...

Self-Care Empowerment

Our mission at Grandfamily Today always centers around connection and ending isolation for Grandfamilies. Join me free for 5 weeks of Self-Care Empowerment. You can set your own schedule to connect-share-feel empowered! This is interactive! Join us! We will be using email and Marco Polo. If you’ve never used Marco Polo, don’t worry it’s easy and free! It was designed by a married couple to stay in touch with family around the globe. It is video based, but short videos and our group will be...

An Indestructible Book that Can Be Wiped Down -- for younger kids

So we are all worried about the virus and germs and transmission. Families confined to their homes are struggling. I have a bilingual children's book (ages 2 -- 4) that is on indestructible paper that can be wiped down -- cleaned off with a wipe. Seriously, this is a book for our transmission worried times. And, it deals with object constancy --- something critical in our crazy world. It is fun and clever and has multiracial characters. Older kids can find use for the book if they are trying...

Why am I so Tired? Clinician's Guide to Online Therapy

My work as a Clinical Supervisor and Consultant have found that many clinicians are finding themselves even more tired doing online sessions as compared to face-to-face. Understandably! I have 3 good reasons why. 1. Focus Fatigue 2. Freedom Freeze 3. Force Field Have a listen to learn more I am available at should you wish to connect with me!

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