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Hope Rising

I would like to invite you to join us for a webinar with Chan Hellman, Ph.D., a researcher, and author on how HOPE can change the lives of people who have experienced ACES. He has been presenting around the country on his 10 years of research and is looking forward to having an open dialog about hope and how to create hopeful communication at this moment. The webinar will be Friday, April 3rd at 1:30-2:45 pm Pacific time Start time in other times zones: 2:30 pm Mountain, 3:30 pm Central,...

TIC Take Five: Awe: A healing antidote

Awe: a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder. An overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration, fear, etc., produced by that which is grand, sublime, extremely powerful, or the like. Here's another in a series of "Take Five for self care" posts we're putting on our Lancaster County (PA) ACEs & Resilience Connection page. Wanted to share them here for the broader ACES Connection community. Carl Sagan once said, "Every aspect of nature reveals a deep mystery and touches...

Invisible Children: Kids of Mentally Ill Parents Often Overlooked

By Alice Kenny (The article below is an excerpt from my new book, Crazy Was All I Ever Knew: The Impact of Maternal Mental Illness on Kids . I have used a pseudonym to protect the privacy of family members.) Growing up with a mentally ill mother, I learned to stay under the radar—to avoid drawing attention to myself in my home and later in the world around me. This gave me a sense of safety. My mother’s behavior was erratic, and she displayed a propensity for unprovoked rages. Her mental...

Amazing Educator Steve Miletto is Reading the Wrinkles Story

This link has all the needed places to go to get Wrinkles: the video book without music, the video book with music, and now the podcast of an educator (not me) reading the story. Stellar really. A Spanish version is in the works as is an ebook. Please help kids navigate our complex, changing world by understanding through Wrinkles the feelings we are all having. Processing is key. P.S. Watch for a set of...

Finding the Right Words About COVID-19 []

By Kate Meyers, California Health Care Foundation, March 26, 2020 Health care organizations in California and around the US are working incredibly hard to prepare for or respond to a surge of patients suffering from symptoms related to COVID-19. Appropriately, preparation has focused on trying to ensure adequate numbers of health care professionals and sufficient supplies and equipment in the right places at the right times as the demand grows. That focus on numbers and logistics is...

Getting Through, Making Memories and Being the Grown-Ups []

By Perri Klass, The New York Times, March 24, 2020 I’m not here to tell you what the “good thing” is about the coronavirus situation, because there is no good thing about a pandemic, not ever. That doesn’t mean there won’t be acts of heroism, because there will be, and heartwarming stories, because we’ll have those too, and even — if we’re lucky — moments of scientific brilliance. But we still have to get through the bad stuff. And getting through the bad stuff with your kids may be your act...

The Coronavirus Spurs A Movement of People Reclaiming Vacant Homes []

By Dana Goodyear, The New Yorker, March 28, 2020 California has the worst housing crisis in the country —so bad that, when Governor Gavin Newsom took office, in 2019, he used his inaugural address to call for a “ Marshall Plan for affordable housing ,” entailing the construction of 3.5 million housing units by 2025. This month, with an uptick in covid-19 cases in Los Angeles, and orders from Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti directing city residents to stay home at all costs, activists have...

Social Distancing: What decisionmakers need to know []

By Manel Kappagoda, Sabrina Adler, Rebecca Johnson, and Patrick Glass, ChangeLab Solutions, March 2020 COVID-19, a type of coronavirus, is an extremely serious threat to public health and safety in the United States. Responding adequately and quickly to this pandemic can help save the lives of millions of Americans. The most crucial intervention for preventing the spread of COVID-19 is widespread social distancing , which has been recommended or ordered by public health authorities at all...

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Community Physicians: What We've Learned []

By Brian R. Stork, Nicholas John Akselberg, Yongmei Qin, and David C. Miller, The Permanente Journal, January 24, 2020 ABSTRACT Introduction : The prevalence of childhood trauma, as measured by the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study questionnaire, has been studied in a wide variety of community settings. However, little is known about physicians’ familiarity with and use of the ACE questionnaire or the prevalence of childhood trauma in the physician community. Objective: To survey a...

Unique impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on individuals with complex health and social needs []

From The National Center for Complex Health and Social Needs, April 1, 2020 Thank you to our partners and communities who are adapting and innovating more than ever in this unprecedented crisis. Whether you are providing services to individuals, gathering resources for organizations and communities, or staying home to prevent the spread of COVID-19, we are in this together and appreciate all of your hard work. The spread of COVID-19 in the United States and globally has made stark what we in...

Wisconsin Connection Coronavirus Check-in

Hi there Wisconsin! Let's c heck in. Connect about the ACEs Movement's response to the Coronavirus and how we are taking care of ourselves. You are invited to a Zoom meeting. When: Apr 2, 2020 12:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada) Register in advance for this meeting: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Supporting the Wounded Educator

Dear ACES Friends, We wanted to take a moment to share with you our recently released book Supporting the Wounded Educator: A Trauma-Sensitive Approach to Self-Care. Since 2006, Joe has provided training across the country about trauma-informed practices and social emotional learning strategies for reaching the wounded child. So many would respond, "We believe what you're saying, but what about the wounded educator?" We desire to share a comprehensive approach to being trauma-informed,...

Time to Come In, Bear: A Children's Story About Social Distancing []

By Kim St. Lawrence, YouTube, March 23, 2020 Note from the author: No children's story should be written in a weekend, but I wanted to get this out while social distancing is so important for prevention. We're in awe of parents who are navigating this new normal with their littles and hope this will help to start a dialogue or provide comfort in uncertain times. [ Please click here for video .]

Family Justice Centers, COVID-19 and HOPE

From Alliance for Hope International, March 2020 Join us on Thursday, April 2, 2020 at 8:30 AM PST/11:30 AM EST for a webinar hosted by Alliance President Casey Gwinn and CEO Gael Strack to provide valuable information about COVID-19 and the work of Family Justice Centers and other collaboratives across the country and around the world. Victims of domestic and sexual violence need hope now more than ever. They need services to be available and accessible even if some of those services must...

Dr. Laurence Heller in Conversation with Dr. Gabor Maté on Complex Trauma and the Future of Trauma-Informed Care

TRANSFORMING TRAUMA PODCAST: Dr. Laurence Heller in Conversation with Dr. Gabor Maté on Complex Trauma and the Future of Trauma-Informed Care Transforming Trauma host Sarah Buino facilitates an extraordinary conversation between trauma visionaries Dr. Laurence Heller and Dr. Gabor Maté centered on complex trauma (C-PTSD), the effects of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) on human development, and their views on the future of trauma-informed care. At the core of both Dr. Heller’s and Dr.

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