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Trauma-Informed Practices in Schools Webinar Series: Link to part 1 included

Hi Team! I just wanted to share a link to part 1 of 3 webinars directed to educators entitled: Trauma-Informed Practices in Schools and Beyond. It is co-hosted by my company Dovetail Learning and Aperture Education . The first webinar which you can watch here called Trauma 101 : Participants learn the history and context of the science behind Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), and the biological/neurobiological effects of toxic stress on children and adults. Feel free to register for the...

‘Your Father is as Worthless as Your Mother’ []

By Vivek Sankaran, The Chronicle of Social Change, January 23, 2020. “ Your father is as worthless as your mother.” Those words – said by a caseworker to a 13-year-old child whose parents were addicted to heroin – jumped out at me as I read the case file. My heart immediately sank. I tried to imagine how I would have felt if someone had uttered those words to me as a child. And I tried to visualize the sadness on my children’s faces if they had heard those words. Devastated is the one word...

Nearly all middle school teachers are highly stressed []

By University of Missouri-Columbia, Science Daily, January 27, 2020. Hormonal changes, different schools, more teachers and changing expectations are just some of the challenges families face when a child enters middle school. Now, researchers from the University of Missouri have found that 94% of middle school teachers experience high levels of stress, which could contribute to negative outcomes for students. Researchers say that reducing the burden of teaching experienced by so many...

From suffering to triumph... learning through adversity during Lent

My approach to my own personal adversity and trauma has been deeply shaped by my spirituality. I grew up in a liturgical church, which means that we kept to something called the "Church calendar" which had seasons built into it for various readings, celebrations and observances. Every late winter brought with it the experience of "Ash Wednesday" that led into Lent, a time of self-examination, observance of disciplines and practices that framed human suffering into a larger context, a grand...

Summer Peacebuilding Institute - The Skills You need Personally and Professionally

To build a more peaceful and just world, we need to work effectively at community and local/regional levels in every country, starting with our own. SPI 2020 training courses offer the skills you need personally and professionally to make this happen. Join us for an exciting time of shared learning across national boundaries. All courses offered for training or academic credit. This year we are offering a wide variety of courses on topics including, but not limited to: Trauma awareness...

Revising how you love

This podcast wraps up the 3-part introduction to the 'Have You Faced Your Love Story' series, which I am so excited to produce. Let me know your thoughts. I very much look forward to hearing from you. Kindest regards, Aihi

Dr. Tian Dayton will be the Special Guest on "Breaking The Silence" Radio Program This Sunday

Dr. Tian Dayton, will be the special guest this Sunday night, February 2, 2020 at 8:00 pm Central Standard Time on the "Breaking the Silence with Dr. Gregory Williams" radio program. Dr. Tian Dayton is a senior fellow at The Meadows and author of fifteen books including
, The Soulful Journey of Recovery, The ACoA Trauma Syndrome:, Emotional Sobriety and Forgiving and Moving On she is a Huffington Post blogger. Dr, Dayton was on the faculty at NYU for eight years teaching psychodrama. Dr.

Indian Child Welfare Act is Leading the Way on Child Welfare Practice []

By Christine James-Brown, The Chronicle of Social Change, January 22, 2020. Child welfare is a complicated and varied system. Most people, who have not worked in the field of child protection, foster care and adoption — the child welfare system — are not familiar with the many services and practices involved. But anyone can understand that, fundamentally, child welfare practice should be governed by the question: “What is in the best interest of this child?” Right now, that question is being...

Looking on the Bright Side May Be Good for Your Health []

By Jane Brody, New York Times, January 27, 2020. My husband and I were psychological opposites. I’ve always seen the glass as half-full; to him it was half-empty. That difference, research findings suggest, is likely why I pursue good health habits with a vengeance while he was far less inclined to follow the health-promoting lifestyle I advocated. I’m no cockeyed optimist, but I’ve long believed that how I eat and exercise, as well as how I view the world, can benefit my mental and physical...

Teaching Kids Healthy Ways to Engage in Conflict Resolution []

By W. R. Cummings, PsychCentral, January 16, 2020. Conflict resolution is HARD for me. In early adulthood, I tackled conflict with enough gusto to knock down an entire friend group. As I grew and matured, however, I somehow swung toward the opposite end of the pendulum. I suddenly started to struggle with confronting people at all, even when it was really important, because I was afraid of being a bulldozer. Instead, I built a habit of shoving my frustrations and hurt feelings down into my...

Reminder: Free Webinar on How to Create Trauma Responsive Educational Institutions

Title : How to Create Trauma Responsive Institutions and Why it Matters Date : Friday, January 31, 2020, 1-2:30pmET Description : We live in a world of increasing trauma, whether created by nature (fires, floods, earthquakes) or by individuals (shootings, suicides, family dysfunction, addictions). We carry our trauma with us and many students in college, arguably one in two, has experienced trauma in their lives and will display trauma symptomology moving forward. Trauma symptomology affects...

Top Trends in State Criminal Justice Reform, 2019 []

From The Sentencing Project, January 2020 The United States is a world leader in incarceration and keeps nearly 7 million persons under criminal justice supervision. More than 2.2 million are in prison or jail, while 4.6 million are monitored in the community on probation or parole. More punitive sentencing laws and policies, not increases in crime rates, have produced this high rate of incarceration. Ending mass incarceration will require changing sentencing policies and practices, scaling...

Talking About the Other Children's Health Crisis []

By Lisa Zukoff and Traci Acklin, The Intelligencer, January 26, 2020 What do the West Virginia foster care, child welfare, public education, and court systems have in common? They are systems in crisis, because the children they serve — casualties of the drug epidemic — are in crisis. Child neglect, death of a parent or sibling, having a parent in jail, witnessing domestic violence, physical and/or sexual abuse, parent or household substance use — these are adverse childhood experiences...

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