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CalEITC 101: Expanded State Tax Credit Puts Cash into the Pockets of California’s Transition-Age Youth

John Burton Advocates for Youth (JBAY) invites you to partner with us in 2020 to support youth in care with filing taxes and claiming the expanded CalEITC. This webinar will include the California Franchise Tax Board and discuss strategies to help transition-age youth access the CalEITC. Description: In the 2019-2020 budget, the California Earned Income Tax Credit (CalEITC), a cash-back tax credit that puts money back into the pockets of California’s working families and individuals, was...

Showing UP for Sophia: Dear John,

Watching Marriage Story on New Year’s Eve was the ending I needed to witness in order to understand our own. Like Charlie and Nicole, we have history, we share a child, and we both want our child to be raised in an environment where she can thrive. While our similarities don’t stop there, the difference in how their ending started inspired me to follow suit. A mediator encouraged them to write a note of positivity to remember why they got married (together) in the first place. Here is mine:...

Feds to Let States Tap Opioid Funds for Meth, Cocaine Surge []

By Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar, Associated Press, January 21, 2020 Alarmed by a deadly new twist in the nation’s drug addiction crisis, the government will allow states to use federal money earmarked for the opioid epidemic to help growing numbers of people struggling with meth and cocaine. The little-noticed change is buried in a massive spending bill passed by Congress late last year. Pressed by constituents and state officials, lawmakers of both parties and the Trump administration agreed to...

15 Signs of Weak Boundaries and 4 Hints to Help Identify If They’re Being Violated []

By Carmen Sakurai, PsychCentral, January 15, 2020 What Are Personal Boundaries? Boundaries are the mental, emotional, and physical limits to how others can treat you, behave around you, and what they can expect from you. Not only do boundaries defend us from being violated by others, they help us to clearly distinguish who we are and what we need from other people and their needs. Boundaries are vital for our healthy self-respect and self-worth. Enforcing healthy boundaries allows us to...

America's Hardest Places to Grow Up []

By Erica Pandey, Axios, January 22, 2020 Nearly 10 million American kids live in low-opportunity neighborhoods, with limited access to good schools, parks and healthy food. Why it matters: Simply being born in these pockets put these kids at a stark disadvantage. The neighborhoods in which children grow up shape many aspects of their adult lives, including how long they'll likely live, how healthy they'll be, and how much money they'll make. The big picture: In a new report , researchers at...

Study Reveals the Mental Illness With the Strongest Link to Childhood Trauma []

By Juliette Virzi, The Mighty, November 20, 2019 Adverse childhood experiences (ACE) have long been correlated with mental health struggles like addiction, depression and anxiety in adulthood. But a new analysis, conducted by researchers at the University of Manchester, found that borderline personality disorder (BPD) was actually the mental illness most strongly associated with childhood trauma. BPD is a mental illness characterized by nine classic symptoms, some of which include unstable...

Op-Ed: California's Forgotten Slave History []

By Sarah Barringer and Kevin Waite, Los Angeles Times, January 19, 2020 Separated by just 60 miles along the I-10, Los Angeles and San Bernardino feel worlds apart. The former boasts some of the richest urban developments and residential pockets in the nation. The latter — a “broken city,” as this newspaper put it in 2015 — struggled through five years of bankruptcy and municipal dysfunction. But their roles in this California tale of two cities were once reversed. Before the Civil War, San...

Trauma-Informed Care News and Notes for January 2020

ACEs, Adversity's Impact Grief vs. traumatic grief California launches "ACEs Aware" initiative to address the public health crisis of toxic stress from childhood trauma After Bryce Gowdy's suicide, lets elevate the conversation about poverty's effects on youth Association of adverse experiences and exposure to violence in childhood and adolescence with inflammatory burden in young people Hard choices: How moving on and off reservations can increase the risk of homelessness for American...

The Combined 2017-2018 National Survey of Children’s Health Downloadable Data Sets and Codebooks Are Now Available through the Data Resource Center for Child and Adolescent Health []

From Data Resource Center for Child & Adolescent Health, January 2020 The Data Resource Center (DRC), under a cooperative agreement with the Health Resources and Services Administration’s (HRSA) Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB), is excited to announce the release of the combined 2017-2018 National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH) data sets and codebooks through ! The combined 2017-2018 NSCH is the second multi-year data set since the redesign of the NSCH in...

When Grandma Celebrates Sobriety

I walked away from my elderly mother in that moment. And did not speak to her for the next three months. And it hurt my soul to do so. I cried. I shook off Catholic guilt. Yet I stayed firm. And as each day passed, I became more determined in my resolve to give her the space she needed to save herself. It was time for her to clean up her own mess and face those long-avoided demons of her own childhood.

Trauma-Informed Approaches in Clinic and Community Settings []

By Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers, January 2020 The significance of trauma has become an increasingly accepted tenet of complex care. While there is general agreement on the core principles of trauma-informed care and that trauma can negatively impact an individual’s health and well-being, there are many ways to apply a trauma-informed approach in different settings. Presenters Katy Davis from the University of California San Francisco Women’s HIV Program and Michelle Adyniec from...

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