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The Wisdom of the Heart

I finished my last post with: Just over a year ago, I learned about a reliable, intensively researched and simple biometric that measured the health of the brain, nervous system and all the other systems (digestion, immune, cardiovascular, respiratory) that were negatively impacted by trauma. Research also showed that this biometric effectively measures improvements or declines in social, emotional, and physical health. ( Click here for full post ) In the history of medicine and psychology,...

Podcast with Donna Jackson Nakazawa about her new book: The Angel and The Assassin: A radical new understanding of the way our brain works.

Donna Jackson Nakazawa is interviewed for Healing Our Ghosts about her new book. She provides a radical new way of thinking about the brain and its interaction with the rest of the body. Donna provides essential and paradigm-shifting information for anyone who has suffered from depression, Alzheimer’s, or auto-immune diseases.

Search Kicked off to Find Leader for New Jersey ACEs Initiative

Expert to Lead Statewide Coordinated Response to Protect New Jersey’s Children from Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) TRENTON, NEW JERSEY, UNITED STATES, January 17, 2020 / / -- The New Jersey Funders ACEs Collaborative, in coordination with the New Jersey Department of Children and Families (DCF) and Office of the Governor, announced a national search for an expert on ACEs to lead the development and implementation of a comprehensive statewide strategy to prevent,...

Oklahoma First Lady Stops in Duncan, Focuses on Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences Through Tour and Film Screening []

By Charlene Belew, The Duncan Banner, January 17, 2020 “The child may not remember but the body remembers.” That was the key saying behind the “Resilience: The Biology of Stress and the Science of Hope” film screening Thursday, Jan. 16 when First Lady Sarah Stitt brought the Hope Rising Tour to Duncan in an effort to educate and help prevent Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) plaguing youth in the state. “Resilience” focuses on the concept of ACEs, which is now understood to be a leading...

Unloved Daughters: Can You Get Over the Loss of Family Ties? []

By Peg Streep, PsychCentral, January 8, 2020 Over the last month or two, this question has come up with increased frequency, doubtless because of the holiday season. Some readers wrote to say that, as they aged, they particularly missed being able to share memories of the past with their siblings, while others highlighted the irony of their regrets, as “Donna” did: “I keep thinking that it’d be good to talk to my brothers and sisters about the past and then I have to force myself to stop...

Why Does America Hate Its Children? []

By Paul Krugman, The New York Times, January 16, 2020 The other day a correspondent asked me a good question: What important issue aren’t we talking about? My answer, after some reflection, is the state of America’s children. Now, it’s not entirely fair to say that we’re ignoring the plight of our children. Elizabeth Warren, characteristically, has laid out a comprehensive, fully financed plan for universal child care. Bernie Sanders, also characteristically, says he’s for it but hasn’t...

Mental Health and Addiction Care are Poorly Covered by Insurance Networks []

By Patrick Kennedy, STAT, December 10, 2019 More than 70,000 Americans died of overdoses in 2017, yet insurers spent only 1% of their total health care dollars on treatment for substance use disorders — a decrease from two years earlier. This alarming statistic is just one of many in a new report released by Milliman, an independent actuarial firm. The report confirms that insurers have failed to adequately cover lifesaving care even as U.S. life expectancy declined over the past three...

Some Final Thoughts on Family Estrangement

In this series, in December, we have examined together what family estrangement is, some of its causes, and how we can learn to enjoy our lives despite being separated from our family of origin. In this article, we are going to focus on some concluding thoughts on family estrangement. We are also going to focus on the resources of the CPTSD Foundation that anyone can take advantage of to help overcome the pain that comes with family estrangement. A Brief Recap of the definition of Family...

Faith in the Future When ACEs are History

“WHAT ABOUT FAITH-based communities—where are they in your plan?” is a question we have gotten when we describe our ACEs prevention initiative in New Mexico called 100% Community. And, it’s one we are pleased to answer. We are often as ked what role religious organizations have in our work. It is estimated that there are approximately 350,000 religious congregations in the United States, representing a wide range of beliefs. With approximately 350,000,000 people in the country, that’s about...

Have you faced your love story?

I'm hearing my own soul here and sharing it with you. I did this 30 years ago & made a career of it. Guess I'm on a 30-year cycle.... This weekly podcast is a personalized approach to ending the intergenerational transmission of ACEs in families. The first 3 narrate the introduction to the book-in-progress on which the series is based. The remaining ones are free-form. Facing your love story is the hardest work you will ever do, and nothing else is more worth it. Thank you for being here.

ASD as a Risk Factor for Disrupted Attachment

When people hear ACES, or, adverse childhood experiences, it is likely that their mind goes to the more obvious types of adverse experiences such as physical abuse, sexual abuse, loss of a parent, or being removed from the home. But what about the less obvious adverse experiences? Those that are small, yet have a cumulative impact on a child’s sense of safety and security. Those that interfere with the essential bonding between child and caregiver. Those that risk or contribute to disrupted...

Understanding the Long-Term Effects of Childhood Trauma []

By Beth Ann Mayer, Yahoo Lifestyle, January 16, 2020 Uchenna Umeh knew she needed to file for divorce in 2009. The relationship was not working, and she did not want her three children, then ages 9, 7, and 2, to grow up in that environment. As a pediatrician, she also knew divorce can cause childhood trauma, so she put all three in therapy. Two of her three boys struggled at first but overcame the trauma as they moved into adulthood. Her middle child didn't show outward signs of trauma until...

'It's OK not to be OK': Café Offers Mental Health Help, Supports Suicide Prevention []

By Erin Ivory, WGN9, January 15, 2020 While the coffee is good, "Sip of Hope" serves up much more than a cup of joe on the Northwest Side. Through a partnership with Dark Matter Coffee, the café donates 100% of its proceeds to mental health education and suicide prevention. "It doesn't matter who you are or where you come from... five out of five people have good days and bad days," owner Johnny Boucher said. "It's OK not to be OK." [ Please click here to read more .]

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