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In Reversal, Counties and States Help Inmates Keep Medicaid []

By Max Blau, Pew Stateline, January 8, 2020 More local and state officials are working to ensure that low-income residents stay on Medicaid when they go to jail. Federal law bars Medicaid recipients from accessing their full federal health benefits while incarcerated. But officials from both parties have pushed for two key changes to ensure little or no disruption of health benefits for pretrial detainees who have not been convicted of a crime and make up most of the 612,000 people held in...

'It Takes a Village': Program at Boys & Girls Club in Hillsboro Changing 8-Year-Old's Life []

By Fox 12 Staff, Fox 12 Oregon, January 7, 2020 A program at the Boys & Girls Club of the Portland Metropolitan Area is helping to change lives. Most afternoons at the Inukai Family Boys & Girls Club in Hillsboro, you’ll find a playful 8-year-old named Matthew Yslas-Burk. “Me like to play pool with staff,” Yslas-Burk said. “Look how good I am at just practicing.” [ Please click here to read more .]

The Side-Effect of Trauma We Rarely Address: Loneliness []

By Juli Fraga, Rewire, January 8, 2020 “What’s the sad thing you never talk about?” comedian and artist Michael Kruz Kayne asked his Twitter followers on Nov. 19. Referencing his personal heartache, Kayne tweeted about the death of his baby, Daniel, who passed away 10 years ago. “I never talk about it with anyone other than my wife. It’s taken me ten years to realize that I want to talk about it all the time,” Kayne posted to Twitter. [ Please click here to read more .]

Trauma Informed Educators Network Podcast

If you are not familiar with the Trauma Informed Educators Network Podcast I hope you check it out. I'm speaking to a diverse group of trauma-informed practitioners from around the globe to share their knowledge, ideas, and experiences to support those in the work. Episode 7 was released today! I had an amazing time chatting with Dr. Bruce Perry who discussed the Neurosequential Model amongst many other things! You can now access the podcast from many different platforms! (SoundCloud,...

ACEs Prevention in the Land of Enchantment

As our Anna, Age Eight Institute reaches its sixth month of operation in New Mexico, I wanted to share a bit about our work to end ACEs, trauma and social adversity. Through relationship-building, community mobilization and communication, we have been able to do four things: ENGAGE: Convince leaders and the public that we are living within an epidemic of adverse childhood experiences, leading to family and community trauma. INNOVATE: Explain to all stakeholders that changes to systems of...

Writing a Grant Related to Trauma-Informed Care? Include State-of-the-Art Program Evaluation Using the ARTIC Scale

More and more, public and private funders are developing grant lines to fund trauma-informed care (TIC). Requests for proposals (RFPs) are popping up all over the place. This is an exciting time in the field with opportunities to innovation and creativity. Of course, any strong grant application includes program evaluation where you lay out how you plan to rigorously evaluate the intervention you are proposing. Funders want to ensure that the TIC intervention they are supporting is informed...

Lady Gaga Discusses Psychotic Break During Interview with Oprah []

By Renee Fabian, The Mighty, January 8, 2020 Lady Gaga sat down with Oprah on Saturday for a wide-ranging and candid discussion about her experiences with mental health and chronic pain, including having a psychotic break. During the conversation, which took place as part of Oprah’s 2020 Vision: Your Life in Focus Tour in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Lady Gaga described what her psychotic break felt like. “My whole body started tingling and I started screaming. I was in a hospital. It’s very...

How the Body Keeps the Score: Intensive Trauma Treatment Course []

By Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, PESI, January 7, 2020 Trauma is horrendous. It overwhelms its victims and often the people who try to treat it. It reshapes one’s sense of self, bodily experience and brain organization — leaving people stuck in terror, isolation, and shame. My life’s work has been to find the most effective pathways to healing trauma. It’s why I founded the Trauma Center, have been part of groundbreaking research, and wrote the #1 New York Times bestselling book The Body Keeps...

Five Who Spread Hope in 2019 []

By Tina Rosenberg, The New York Times, December 17, 2019 O.K., so Time magazine has Greta Thunberg. But many other individuals also changed the world for the better in 2019. Here, for a second year, is a list of five whose contributions Fixes wrote about. Scott O’Neill fights tropical disease. “People who understand dengue and live in transmission areas are horrified and scared.” There’s a new weapon in the fight against mosquito-borne diseases. Before 1970, only nine countries had...

The Relentless School Nurse: Thank You, American Nurse, for Welcoming The Relentless School Nurse!

2020 is starting out in a most unexpected, but an exciting way for The Relentless School Nurse. American Nurse , the official journal of the ANA has a special feature called "My Nurse Influencers," and I have been chosen as one of the monthly contributors. To say I am honored, thrilled, humbled, and a bit stunned is a huge understatement. The fact that school nurses are being recognized as the specialty practice we all know that we have been for more than 110 years, fills me with a sense of...

5 Things to Know as California Starts Screening Children for Toxic Stress []

By Barbara Feder Ostrov, California Healthline, January 7, 2020 Starting this year, routine pediatric visits for millions of California children could involve questions about touchy family topics, such as divorce, unstable housing or a parent who struggles with alcoholism. California now will pay doctors to screen patients for traumatic events known as adverse childhood experiences, or ACEs, if the patient is covered by Medi-Cal — the state’s version of Medicaid for low-income families. The...

Opioid Addiction Subject of This Sunday's "Breaking the Silence" Radio Program

Peter Maldonado of Newman, California will be the special guest on "Breaking the Silence with Dr. Gregory Williams" this Sunday evening from 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm Central Standard Time. Peter is a Substance Abuse Counselor and Recovery Specialist in Modesto, California where he counsels patients who struggle with opioid use disorder in the Golden Valley Health Center Medication Assisted Treatment Clinic. He will be discussing his life's journey from being sentenced to 18 years to Life in prison...

California takes the lead in screening for ACEs

In the face of the many crtics and detractors, we salute California who will start screening for ACEs. This will serve the children and general population, as well as advance research and good statistics. #MoveHeartsWinMindsGrowSupport “The fact of screening is also an intervention,” Long said. “Being able to sit in a room with a pediatrician is not going to make those hard experiences go away, but it creates a freedom to talk about some things that are solvable. That’s therapeutic in and of...

Weinstein Accuser Criticizes Defense Lawyer for ‘Disgusting Way’ of Treating Sexual Assault Survivors (

Cissy's note: Another great interview with @Louise Godbold keeping the conversation centered on survivors, the ACEs study, healing, and change. She talks about how "trauma begets trauma.," in a way that gives a wider context and remains hopeful. I'm so grateful for Louise and her tireless work and insights, even when it means making herself vulnerable and allowing us to get beyond headlines to understand, at every step the experiences of survivors who come forward as well as organizations...

California Can Lead the Nation in Science-Based Juvenile Justice Solutions []

By Stephanie James, Napa Valley Register, January 2, 2020 California’s juvenile justice system has evolved as we have learned more about brain development, the effects of adverse childhood experiences and social, emotional, and mental health needs of our young people. While ensuring community safety, we have moved away from the old norms of an overly punitive system to one that follows research and science to fulfill the statutorily stated mission of juvenile justice: rehabilitation. I have...

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