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Study Opportunity: The Effects of Remembered Experiences on Adult Attachment Styles

Literature suggests that specific parenting styles and practices of mother/father figures influence adulthood attachment behaviors. However, these experiences are reliant on the adult child’s perception of reality at that time. Furthermore, the literature overlooks causation of attachment; that is, experiences during one’s life can alter secure attachments in childhood to insecure attachments in adulthood. With these driving dimensions, the purpose of this study is to garner a clearer...

The Link Between Depression and Substance Abuse

When it comes to understanding drug abuse, it is important to realize that many people who regularly abuse drugs or are addicted to substances are also diagnosed with mental health disorders, and vice versa. This is a well-documented phenomenon that has been tracked since the 1980s. In order to better understand treatment methods for those who are dealing with either or both of these issues, it is important to know how these two issues interact with one another and how one can exacerbate the...

Dr. Julie Kaplow will be the special guest this Sunday on "Breaking the Silence" Radio Program

This Sunday night's special guest on "Breaking the Silence with Dr. Gregory Williams" will be Dr. Julie Kaplow. Julie Kaplow, PhD, ABPP, is a licensed clinical psychologist and board certified in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology. She holds primary appointments as Associate Professor, Head of Psychology, and Vice Chair for Behavioral Health in the Department of Pediatrics at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. She also holds the Shannon and Mark A. Wallace Endowed Chair for...

Foster Boy: 2020 Impact Partnership Opportunities []

By Foster Boy, January 1, 2020 Foster Boy is building a movement to #FixFosterCare across the nation. We will be seeking nonprofit and institutional partnerships to facilitate targeted public and private sector screenings and awareness-raising events to engage both the general public and policy makers. Partnership with Foster Boy provides high-profile branding across a range of print and digital properties. It provides strong association with a hopeful, aspirational campaign that seeks to...

The Outer Critic, Self-Parenting and the Thirteen Steps of Healing

This series of articles has focused on emotional flashbacks. We’ve discussed how they feel, what causes them, and the turmoil they bring into relationships and lives. In this article, we will cover ways to conquer the emotional roller coaster that accompanies complex post-traumatic stress disorder and emotional flashbacks.

A New Year's Thoughts

Wishing you a Happy New Year of Peace, Joy, Love, Hope & Healing. Take care, Michael. "JOY" - a song of thanks to all of those in my life - performed at the NYAPRS Conference 9/13 - “JOY”© Michael Skinner Music There’s joy in knowing what I have found There’s joy in knowing that I’m still around There’s joy in knowing that I still care Joy in knowing you’re still there Joy in knowing you’re still there I’m so glad you’re still around Thanks for...

Growing Resilient Communities — How to write an Action Plan

Attached to this post is detailed information about how to put together an action plan, sometimes known as a strategic action plan, which is different from a strategic plan. Strategic Planning: The process by which you plot out, step by step, how your initiative/organization will get to where it wants to be. Strategic Action Plan: Explains how you’re going to make your strategy a reality. It takes the purpose and goals you’ve outlined and adds the details needed to turn thoughts into...

‘We are just destroying these kids’: The foster children growing up inside detention centers [Washington Post]

Photo credit and caption: Heard leaves the courtroom at the Boone County Courthouse in Madison. He hopes to train to be a tattoo artist. (Sarah L. Voisin/The Washington Post) Dec. 30, 2019 Though he's never been convicted of a crime, Geard Mitchell spent part of his childhood in a juvenile detention center, at times sleeping on cement floors under harsh fluorescent lights left on through the night during lockdowns. He attended high school by clicking through online courses and had “no one to...

The Surviving Spirit Newsletter December 2019

Hi Folks, The latest edition of the Surviving Spirit Newsletter is posted at the website - To sign up for an e-mail copy, please write to me @ or sign up @ Website via Contact Us, Thanks! Michael. Contents List: 1] A neuroscientist's advice for combating stress this holiday season by Dr. Patrick K. Porter 2] Peer...

Plymouth County Drug Endangered Children's Initiative Team at BJA/OVC Grantees Meeting

Edward Jacoubs, MSW, Director of Grants and Sponsored Projects with the Plymouth County District Attorney’s Office and Melinda Kneeland, Director of the United Way of Greater Plymouth County’s Community Connections, Family Center and Drug Endangered Children’s Initiative were asked to present on the skill-building topic of “Successful Partnerships + Strong Collaborations = Safe and Healthy Children”

20 Caregiver Resolutions for 2020

20 Caregiver Resolutions for 2020 Let someone make you a meal at least once a week and that someone can be anyone (including a fast-food chain restaurant Keep a daily Gratitude Journal and start each day with, “ I am grateful that the World has me” Don’t fold any fitted sheets for the entire year, just roll them into a ball Once a month go to a playground with a friend, a neighbor, sibling, spouse, co-worker and ask them to push you on the swing Stay in the shower or tub 5 minutes longer...

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