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Medicaid Covers a Million Fewer Children. Baby Elijah Was One of Them. []

By Abby Goodnough and Margot Sanger-Katz, The New York Times, October 23, 2019 The baby’s lips were turning blue from lack of oxygen in the blood when his mother, Kristin Johnson, rushed him to an emergency room here last month. Only after he was admitted to intensive care with a respiratory virus did Ms. Johnson learn that he had been dropped from Medicaid coverage. The 9-month-old, Elijah, had joined a growing number of children around the country with no health insurance, a trend that new...

Opinion: Why 'Sesame Street' is Smarter About Foster Care Than Your Local Child Welfare Agency []

By Naomi Schaefer Riley, Los Angeles Times, October 17, 2019 When “Sesame Street” adds a character and a story line to its fabled neighborhood, people notice. In May, the show’s creators introduced Karli, a Muppet in foster care, and this month they revealed the reason for her situation: Her mom struggles with substance abuse. In supplemental “Sesame Street in the Community” videos available online, Elmo’s dad explains to him that “Karli’s mother has a disease called addiction. Addiction...

Scientists Taught Rats to Drive Little Rat-Sized Cars. It Could Advance Human Mental Health Treatment []

By Scottie Andrew, CNN, October 23, 2019 Hormones found in their feces showed improved emotional resilience In sifting through their fecal matter, Lambert found both groups of rats trained to drive secreted higher levels of corticosterone and DHEA, hormones that control stress responses. Corticosterone is a hormone animals could secrete in high-stakes scenarios like running from a wild animal or defending themselves from predators, but it can also be expressed in lower-risk tasks like doing...

Addressing ACEs as a Social Transformation Initiative

Until we are willing to acknowledge that we collectively have not fulfilled the needs of developing humans throughout our evolution, and therefore as adults we are not operating at our optimal capacity as human organisms, we will continue to perpetuate the social conditions that hinder optimal development, all the while pretending that we adults are unaffected and traumatic childhoods are normal.

California Legislative Update – Fall 2019

Five of the bills that the California Campaign to Counter Childhood Adversity (4CA) was tracking this legislative session were signed or incorporated into law! They are: Assembly Bill 741 (Kalra), which requires the Department of Health Care Services to provide trainings for personnel who administer trauma screenings in a pediatric or primary care providing setting for children in Medi-Cal. The substance of this bill was included in the Governor’s May Revise budget, and funded at $50 million...

Claire's Story. Mrs. Carson's letter in published. Part 103.

By P. Berman, K. Hecht & A. Hosack, I can’t believe it! Look what she did for me! I can’t… Claire was holding the Saturday morning newspaper and feeling in shock. She had planned to just lay on the sofa and relax watching TV- it wasn’t easy to find time to just hang out and not try to accomplish a chore or a job. Davy was outside playing with Mr. Carson; Claire had time just for herself. She had sipped a little milk from her glass, put it down on the coffee table, and accidentally...

Claire's Story. There's a dog in the mud room! Part 102.

By A. Hosack, P. Berman, & K. Hecht O h No ! I forgot the dog!! Claire had fallen asleep after writing in her diary. She woke up two hours later, suddenly with a vision of a small dog in the mud room all alone. Claire ran out of her room raced down the stairs and rushed into the kitchen. She quickly opened the cabinet looking for the right size bowl, grab one and filled it with water and rushed into the mudroom. The slam of the kitchen door grabbed everyone else’s attention. The little...

Claire's Story. Claire finally makes it home. Part 101.

By K. Hecht, A. Hosack, & P. Berman Home. I’ve made it home. My Davy is waiting for me. What will everyone think about the dog? Claire left the little dog in the mudroom outside of the kitchen and then came in the kitchen door. Mrs. Carson turned to look at her, startled that she was coming in the side door instead of the front door and an hour late. Dinner had been delayed for her arrival and Davy had asked Mr. and Mrs. Carson, about 20 times where she was and why she was late. I worry...

CPTSD: Do You Isolate Because It's Hard to Hold Boundaries?

Have you ever been at home, and you hear the doorbell, and you’re pretty sure it’s somebody selling something or giving out literature, and instead of answering the door, you HIDE? Like on the floor? Whispering so they won’t “know” you’re there? This is a form of isolating because we don’t trust ourselves to have boundaries . Isolation is a totally common symptom of Childhood PTSD, and for those of us who grew up with abuse or neglect, a lack of boundaries is a big reason why we get...

Governor Cuomo’s Cancer Research Initiative Disappointing. No ACES included.

I attended the presentation of Governor Cuomo's Cancer Research Initiative at the Buffalo Science Museum October 22, 2019. Brad Hutton Deputy Health Commissioner State of NY presented. Erie County Health Commissioners in attendance. It had all the data on the 4 major cancers in the East Side of Buffalo, NY. I'm all excited. Prepared with 2 dozen ACE handouts. Sat quietly for the 45 minute power...

Toxic Stress: Issue Brief on Family Separation and Child Detention []

By Jack P. Shonkoff, Immigration Initiative at Harvard, October 2019 Background The separation of children from their parents and their prolonged detention for an indefinite period of time raise profound concerns that transcend partisan politics and demand immediate resolution. Forcibly separating children from their parents is like setting a house on fire. Preventing rapid reunification is like blocking the first responders from doing their job. And subjecting children to prolonged...

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