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The Importance of Connecting with Your Inner Child

When I first started therapy, every time I heard the words "inner child" I wanted to puke. First of all, the only memories I have from my childhood aren't really memories. They are home videos. I have no idea how I felt as a child, and I certainly didn't care to do so. I wanted to put all of that in the past. After all, could my so-called "inner child" really play that big of a role in my life today? Well, as it turns out, she does. Sometimes, my inner child takes over, and I become an...

Building A Trauma Informed System of Care Toolkit

We are delighted to make available the Building Strong Brains of Tennessee funded, Building A Trauma Informed System of Care toolkit. This toolkit is based upon the work of the Northeast Tennessee ACEs Connection group and it's many partners since 2015. In time, Building Strong Brains of Tennessee will also have printed copies available. In preparing this toolkit, Dr. Andi Clements and I tried to share in a very transparent fashion the steps we've taken, mistakes we've made and inspiring...

Does Abuse Lead to Incarceration For Girls? Usually Yes []

By Janelle Hawes and Jerry Flores, Juvenile Justice Information Exchange, September 10, 2019 Recently a trial judge in Washington state’s King County Superior Court discussed his three years presiding in juvenile court. Roger Rogoff described this time as “the most emotionally-charged, inspiring and terrifying of my 25-year legal career,” citing the complicated and conflicting nature of the juvenile justice system as well as the tension, apprehension and nuances of decision-making in this...

The Courtroom of the Future Looks A Lot Like This Navajo Tradition []

By Monica Humphries, Nationswell, September 10, 2019 The Red Hook Peacemaking program approaches justice in a new way: By sitting an offender next to their victim to resolve conflict and rebuild community. Marissa Williams has seen the power of storytelling firsthand. In her everyday life, she’s constantly telling stories about growing up in Brooklyn, New York, in the hopes that she might earn a laugh or share a positive memory. But some stories are more painful to tell: When Williams was in...

'Cracked Up': Film Review []

By Frank Scheck, The Hollywood Reporter, September 11, 2019 Michelle Esrick's documentary chronicles comedian Darrell Hammond's efforts to overcome the lingering emotional effects of childhood trauma. As he proved during his 14-year-stint on Saturday Night Live, Darrell Hammond is adept at playing any kind of character. And as the new documentary Cracked Up illustrates all too vividly and movingly, the one character he was truly uncomfortable embodying was himself. Michelle Esrick's film...

'Simply Unacceptable': Executives Demand Senate Action on Gun Violence []

By Andrew Ross Sorkin, The New York Times, September 12, 2019 In a direct and urgent call to address gun violence in America, the chief executives of some of the nation’s best-known companies sent a letter to Senate leaders on Thursday, urging an expansion of background checks to all firearms sales and stronger “red flag” laws. “Doing nothing about America’s gun violence crisis is simply unacceptable and it is time to stand with the American public on gun safety,” the heads of nearly 150...

TIC: News and Notes for the Week of September 9, 2019

ACEs, Adversity's Impact Kids from disadvantaged neighborhoods more likely to be obese as adults Understanding connection between poverty, childhood trauma and heart disease Parenting stress may affect mother's and child's ability to tune into each other Association between adverse childhood experiences and diseases in older adults: A comparative cross-sectional study in Japan and Finland Generational study looks for biological links between adverse childhood experiences and self-harm Food...

Cinema and Chat @ NY Presbyterian Hospital - a free screening of the film “Resilience: The Biology of Stress and the Science of Hope.”

New York Presbyterian Hospital's Family PEACE Trauma Treatment Center, in collaboration with the New York State Pediatric Advocacy Coalition, is hosting Cinema and Chat- a free screening of the film “Resilience: The Biology of Stress and the Science of Hope.” The event will be held on Sept 24, 2019 from 6p-8:45p at the Alumni Auditorium and will include refreshments, networking and a panel following the movie (itinerary below). Those interested in attending can RSVP via Eventbrite at...

2019 E-Summit from LGBT HealthLinkEarly Registration is here!

2019 E-Summit: October 1-31, 2019 Our E-Summit is an online conference held as a series of webinars during the month of October. This annual project began in 2015 as an LGBT health initiative by LGBT HealthLink, a program of CenterLink. This year our LGBTQ+ health sessions are even more robust and inclusive. We have invited presenters who will successfully represent the diversity of our membership and partners to share successes and challenges, and lessons learned. Read below for our...

EmBRACE the Journey

SUE IRWIN MA (Education), PGCE, BSc (Physics – Hons) Sue Irwin is a very experienced consultant, with over 24 years in education and learning. As a national lead in England, UK, on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and founder of EmBRACE, Sue effectively leads other professionals to reflect and develop their practice, provide change management through an ACE Lens and build trauma-informed cultures.

Who Cares: A National Count of Foster Homes and Families []

By The Chronicle of Social Change, September 11, 2019 There are more than 400,000 children and youth living on foster care today. The questions the Who Cares project endeavors to answer are: Who are the people caring for them, and in what types of settings? Most foster youth live with relatives, in the home of foster parents, or in group homes or residential facilities. But as foster care numbers have crept up in the past six years, and there has been a push towards phasing out group homes,...

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