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Helping Teenagers Feel 'Connected' to School Yields Benefits 20 Years Later []

By Sarah Sparks, Education Week, June 24, 2019. Adolescents can be challenging for educators to keep engaged—but putting in the effort to make them feel connected to school can pay off well into adulthood. In a study published this morning in the journal Pediatrics, researchers at the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tracked more than 14,000 middle and high school students over 20 years. They found that students who felt connected to their school and family as adolescents...

Developing Super Powers: Using Resilience Strategies to Cope with Negative Experiences. Introducing CRI's Newest Book!

“I believe that everyone, especially a child, deserves to know how their brains are shaped by environment, to then understand their capacity for building proactive protective factors. We all deserve to be super heroes as we do the best we can to consciously live life well. ” - Teri Barila The superheroes we learn about in comics, movies, and TV shows swoop in to save the world with their incredible powers, to shield people from harm. But in our world, no matter how much we wish to protect...

Food insufficiency, impulsivity, drinking, and childhood trauma related to IPV perpetration []

By James Ives, News-Medical, June 24, 2019. Intimate partner violence (IPV) – commonly known as domestic violence, and long associated with drinking – is a significant public health problem. Examination of patients treated at urban Emergency Departments(EDs) shows that choice of drinking venues, such as bars or restaurants, and amount consumed there, appear to have little influence on IPV risk. These results and others were shared at the 42 nd annual scientific meeting of the Research...

Climate change: Communities hold the key to disaster preparedness []

By Nicollette Louissaint, The Hill, June 25, 2019. As climate change causes increasingly frequent and disastrous events, we must be more prepared than ever to face a crisis. A recent poll found that most of us are taking note, with 54 percent of Americans thinking a major disaster could impact them or their families in the next five years. This increased awareness is a good thing. However, more than half of Americans do not have an emergency plan in place — emphasizing the gap between our...

California wants to find out if you — or your kids — have experienced trauma []

By Zaidee Stavely, EdSource, June 25, 2019. Has your child ever lived with a parent or caregiver who had mental health issues, such as depression? Witnessed a parent or caregiver being screamed at, insulted or humiliated by another adult? Been separated from their parent or caregiver due to foster care or immigration? Those are some of the questions on a survey that California pediatricians will use to screen millions of children for traumatic experiences beginning Jan. 1, 2020. Many more of...

Plan to phase out pepper spray this year at L.A.'s juvenile halls hits a potential snag []

By Maya Lau, Los Angeles Times, June 25, 2019. When Los Angeles County leaders voted unanimously in February to ban the use of pepper spray in its juvenile detention facilities, officials were tasked with phasing out the chemical agent by the end of the year. But on Tuesday, the head of the county’s Probation Department — which runs juvenile detention facilities — told the Board of Supervisors that her agency will need more time. Chief Probation Officer Terri McDonald projected that it will...

Teen pregnancy prevention program for Native American youth expands to Minnesota []

By Center for American Indian Health - Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, June 4, 2019. Nationally, teen pregnancy rates have declined by 67% since peaking in 1991. Yet significant disparities remain. Native American teens have the highest teen birth rate of any U.S. group and 4 in 10 Native American women begin childbearing in adolescence. Working closely with tribal partners, the Center for American Indian Health (Center) developed Respecting the Circle of Life, a...

Thrive Washington: 3rd Edition of NEAR@Home Toolkit Released

Thrive Washington is pleased to announce that the 3 rd edition of the NEAR@Home toolkit is now available and offers home visitors more guidance on how to safely, respectfully and effectively address Adverse Childhood Experiences with the families they serve. This new edition reflects what was learned when the toolkit was incorporated into a Facilitated Learning Process with 225 home visitors and 54 supervisors in the four states of federal Region X: Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. It's...

Creating a Podcast: The Must-Have Checklist

As producer and host of The Healing Place Podcast , I have been asked quite a bit, "So, how do I start a podcast?" I thought I'd share my podcast journey with the world via my blog as I'm sure there are many others who are intrigued by the idea of sharing their magnificent content dreams with the universe. A Catchy Name In the summer of 2017, a therapist friend of mine asked me if I'd be interested in creating a podcast with her. Well, yeah! How much fun would THAT be? We sat down next to a...

Claire's Story: Larry worries about Claire's safety. Part 64

By A. Hosack , P. Berman , & K. Hecht The book says share your worries and concerns with your loved one. This sharing business freaks me out. Larry was nervous and unsure of himself. The book talked about in a good relationship, each person tried to understand the needs and wants of the other person. Claire was clearly trying to put being a good mother first. He needed to understand when she was doing that and not assume it meant she was ignoring him. I might lose my edge, not be the...

3 Minute Meditation for ACEs to Calm Power at the Beach

#Stress #ACE Study #Psychology & EXCITING VIDEO ATTACHED. Why you should never underestimate yourself in 3 minutes: drbrianalman FREE SESSION attached to help you Celebrate Your Wellness & how to focus on what’s right about your life. PLEASE WRITE ME BACK WITH YOUR EXPERIENCES & we will help others together.

Happiness Is an Activity []

By Nigel Barber Ph.D., Psychology Today, June 25, 2019. Staying still can be miserable. It can feel like a punishment not only because a person is deprived of contact with family and friends, but because they miss many favored activities. Why don't the rich and retired just sleep in the shade like lions? There are many basic biological reasons for being highly active. The most basic ones are to find enough food and to avoid becoming food for a predator. Predator Versus Prey: Humans Are Both...

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