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Trauma-xxx: Getting Called All the Names in the Book…and More!

I’m hearing it all… Trauma-Aware. Trauma-Sensitive. Trauma-Responsive. Trauma-Informed. Trauma-Empowered. Trauma-Invested. …and the latest I’ve recently heard, Trauma-Attuned Environments. Then there is the biggest conversation of all of them that has but one word, Resilience . I’ve recently learned that this single word has multiple viewpoints, definitions, hopes, and even triggers for a large number of people. I am just one person and I occupy a relatively small parcel of the world, but...

For Many Navajos, Getting Hooked Up To The Power Grid Can Be Life-Changing []

Laurel Morales, NPR, May 29, 2019. Neda Billie has been waiting to turn on lights in her home for 15 years. "We've been living off those propane lanterns," she says. "Now we don't have to have flashlights everywhere. All the kids have a flashlight so when they get up in the middle of the night like to use the restroom they have a flashlight to go to [the outhouse]." Billie, her husband and their five kids live in a tiny, one-room hogan, a traditional Navajo home. Their three sheep graze on...

No Background Check, Drug Test or Credit Check. You’re Hired! []

Tina Rosenberg, NY Times , May 29, 2019. If you want a job at Greyston Bakery in Yonkers, N.Y., just north of the Bronx, it’s yours. There’s no background check, drug test, credit check or call to references. Greyston won’t even interview you. You just go into the bakery and put your name and contact information on a list. When a job comes open and your name is next, you start work as a paid apprentice. Greyston was founded in 1982 by Bernie Glassman, a Buddhist Zen master from Brooklyn. He...

Your News Source Has An Opinion. This Is The Way It Leans []

Ivo, Daily Infographic , May 31, 2019. Each and every day there are hundreds of media outlets fighting for your attention. Some are here to inform you, while others just want you to hear their opinion. So where do you go for the most honest news? Ever since the 2016 US presidential election, the term “ fake news ” has been thrown around from all sides. Opposing sides slinging mud at each other create a feeling of distrust and paranoia within the public. Readers are almost forced to pick a...

Claire's Story: Larry writes a letter. Part 53.

By P. Berman & K. Hecht & A. Hosack, I don’t know what to say. I want her to know I am trying. I am not begging her to stay with me! Another few weeks went by without a letter. Larry was struggling but had made it through the first few chapters of the book; he had never been able to read well. The library assistant Manuel had become like a friend to him. He sat next to him and helped him read through the book. Manuel must have been great at school because he knew the definitions of a...

A U.S. Army Tweet Asking 'How Has Serving Impacted You?' Got An Agonizing Response (

The U.S. Army issued a tweet ahead of Memorial Day weekend with a question for service members and veterans: "How has serving impacted you?" Among the thousands of responses: harrowing tales of trauma, depression and sexual assault. Soon after the U.S. Army tweeted its question, thousands of responses began flooding in. Many people tweeted about the positive impact military service had on their lives, but others posted stories of post-traumatic stress disorder, illness and suicide brought on...

Claire's Story: Larry begins to read. Part 52.

By A. Hosack, P. Berman & K. Hecht Claire would have married m e if I had asked. I wanted her but not marriage! Will I lose her? Larry was thinking hard as he walked towards the library. He had prided himself on always taking charge- being a real man. He had never let Claire take charge. He had only really listened to her talking when they were laying together after sex. She had always said she loved him. He had never said he loved her. He just said she was his and that had always...

Resilience, Resilience, Resilience

Are we ignoring the elephant in the room? Aren't parents who engage in parenting behaviors and practices generally recognized as supporting their children's healthy development the most important source of resilience? And if this is the case shouldn't we be figuring out how to make better parents? Probably the most resilient person I'm aware of is Elizabeth Smart. Kidnapped at 14 and raped daily for months this young woman has recovered and seemingly thrives. Why? She comes from a Mormon...

Reaching the Tipping Point: 2019 BPT Big Idea Session by Jane Stevens

CRI is excited to welcome back Jane Stevens, Founder and Publisher of our very own ACEs Connection, to the 2019 Beyond Paper Tigers Conference in Pasco, Washington. Jane will be hosting a BIG IDEA session titled, "Reaching the Tipping Point." Reaching the national — and your local — tipping point. How can we do that in the next five years? And what happens when we do? We REALLY need to reach a tipping point —ASAP! —in educating people about ACEs science, engaging organizations in the ACEs...

The Shocking Impact Of A 2ºC Global Warming []

Ivo, May 29, 2019. For people that live in colder climates, a slight increase in temperatures may be welcomed. Most will prefer going to the beach instead of shoveling their driveway. Unfortunately, even a small increase in temperatures can be very damaging to life on Earth. When talking about global warming, the slightest change in temperature can bring about catastrophic changes. This is why the difference between a 1.5ºC and a 2ºC is like night and day. One of the most precious resources...

'Sorry I'm Late, I Didn't Want To Come': How Introverts Can Triumph Over Social Anxiety []

Alexa Lee, Pacific Standard , May 30, 2019. Jessica Pan was sitting alone in a sauna, fully clothed, when she realized that depression and loneliness had been destabilizing her entire life. With only a day left in her gym's weight-loss competition, she had stepped into the sauna in a last-ditch effort to shed some water weight and thereby end her year-long streak of "[feeling] like a loser." After stewing in the heat and yelling at a spa assistant, Pan realized in a panic that her...

Environmental adversity linked to earlier puberty, brain maturation []

Raquel E. Gur, MD, PhD , Tyler M. Moore, PhD, Adon F. G. Rosen, BS et al, Healio , May 29, 2019. Low socioeconomic status and the experience of traumatic stressful events seemed to be linked with brain structure and function parameters as well as behavior, according to study findings published in JAMA Psychiatry. Both of these environmental factors were also linked to accelerated puberty and brain maturation, findings revealed. “Associations of environmental stress with psychopathology,...

Whole People Series & Study Guide (

There's a fantastic five-part series, Whole People , done by PBS, " spotlighting the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) through personal and community stories. It explores the long-term costs to personal well-being and our society. While much work needs to be done, there are many innovative developments to prevent and treat ACES. We all play a role in becoming a whole people." It's amazing. The five topics covered are as follows: Childhood Trauma Healing Communities A New...

What if we treated every patient as though they had lived through a trauma? []

Julia Haskins, AAMC News , May 24, 2019. The man in the clinic exam room looked crestfallen: he had experienced homelessness and struggled with schizophrenia and other chronic health issues throughout his life, recalls Sadie Elisseou, MD. Elisseou could have completed the man’s exam without taking his sensitive history into account. Instead, she used a trauma-informed approach, explaining every step of the exam process and moving slowly throughout. In response, her patient felt comfortable...

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