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A Secret to Better Health Care []

Robert E. Rubin and Kenneth L. Davis, The New York Times , May 27, 2019. Health care is at the center of the national policy conversation, and with the 2020 presidential election now in full swing, that is where it will probably remain. But for all the talk about how to increase access and reduce costs, we’re missing a critical piece of the puzzle: the inverse relationship between health care costs and spending on social programs. One reason the United States spends more on health care than...

Allison Janney and Addiction Awareness

Freedom Institute of New York City honored Emmy and Oscar wining actress Allison Janney, in recognition of her contributions in raising awareness about the issues surrounding addiction and recovery. In her very moving acceptance speech, Ms. Janney opened up about the experience with addiction from her own life, that made her want to be part of CBS’s Mom. “Addiction rips through so many families and mine is no exception. In 2011, I lost my brother Hal to this disease. He was an addict and an...

A Dad Wins Fight To Increase Parental Leave For Men At JPMorgan Chase []

Yuki Noguchi, NPR , May 30, 2019. Two years ago, Derek Rotondo told his employer that he wanted to take 16 weeks of paid leave granted to primary caregivers for his newborn son. He says he was told: "Men, as biological fathers, were presumptively not the primary caregiver." He was only eligible for two weeks' leave. Rotondo, who had been investigating financial crimes for JPMorgan Chase for seven years, filed a complaint at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission alleging gender...

Fathers: Powerful Allies for Maternal and Child Health []

NICHQ . “Maternal and child health programs and professionals have become increasingly more cognizant of how fathers, specifically, affect their children’s health and development,” says NICHQ President and CEO Scott D. Berns, MD, MPH, FAAP. “Moving this conversation forward, and highlighting strategies that support father engagement and involvement, is a critical opportunity to improve children’s health outcomes in the decades to come. This is not because fathers matter more than any other...

Understanding The Need To Invest In Fathers For Family Prosperity []

Anne Mosle and Jessica Seinfeld, Ascend - The Aspen Institute , May 30, 2019. In fall 2018, Ascend at the Aspen Institute and the GOOD+ Foundation convened fathers, researchers, thought leaders, policymakers, and practitioners to explore “The Father Factor: A Critical Link in Building Family Prosperity.” The convening was born of the recognition that while the important role of fathers in society has been increasingly documented in recent research and by experts working with families, it has...

ArtForce Iowa - A Transformational Partnership

ArtForce Iowa is a 501c3 non-profit that was founded in 2012 by a group of concerned citizens, with a mission to transform youth in need through art. Working primarily with youth who have had involvement in the juvenile or family court system, or immigrant, refugee and first-generation American youth who have experienced violence and trauma, the ArtForce Iowa staff team recognized in 2017 that they were not doing everything they could for themselves or their students. That is when Executive...

Interesting podcast on yet another effect of ACEs - plastic surgery

David VanNuys of Shrinkrap Radio interviewed Mark Constantian MD. Doctor Constantian is a plastic surgeon who noticed a subset of his patients who were trying to remove shame caused by Adverse Childhood Experiences by having plastic surgery. Those patients were often dissatisfied when they woke up and their sense of shame was still there and projected blame for that onto the surgeon. This led Doctor Constantian to study ACEs and write a book about how it affects the profession of plastic...

Complex PTSD: When Healing Feels Stuck, Try Some Tough Love

For people with Childhood PTSD and CPTSD, there are a lot of treatments out there. Yet sometimes no matter what we do or how hard we try, we can hit wall. If you've been working hard at your recovery but you're not making progress, it may be time to up-level your healing with a pinch of TOUGH LOVE. In this video I explain three powerful principles that can help you move forward when you're stuck -- if you dare! You can dive in to my full online course, “Healing Childhood PTSD,” here. If your...

A community-based approach to supporting substance exposed newborns and their families

This information brief highlights a community-based approach to supporting families and newborns affected by substance use. MA EfC developed this brief to address the profound intersection between the Massachusetts opioid crisis, Federal mandates for the development of Plans of Safe Care for substance exposed newborns, and, the MA EfC focus on increasing social connectedness as a means to reduce child maltreatment.

A Resolution for Democratic Party in California to Ban Spanking

It is time to Ban Spanking... Dr. Amy Bacharach has submitted a resolution to the Democratic Committee asking that we ban spanking. Here are the details: RESOLUTION Ending Physical/Corporal Punishment of Children WHEREAS there is overwhelming evidence that spanking is harmful to children and families as it increases aggression and violence long term, impacts normal brain development, and is ineffective in teaching responsibility and...

Claire's Story: Larry opens his letter. Part 51.

By K. Hecht, A. Hosack & P. Berman Davy has friends. He looks happy. Claire is doing a good job ….without me. Larry has read his letter three times now. Claire tells him how much Davy is learning at pre-school. Davy has learned to count to 20 and can write his own name. He has a friend that he always plays checkers with at recess named Lucy. She is the little girl in the striped dress. Claire says how cute it is that Davy calls her his girlfriend because “she is his friend” and “she is a...

Developing Mindful Trauma-Informed Schools, Families and Communities

We’re pleased to announce that B.K. Bose of Niroga Institute has been selected to present at The Institute for Educational Leadership’s 2019 National Family and Community Engagement Conference in Reno, NV! This convening is a wonderful professional development and networking opportunity for state leaders, school and district leaders, administrators, educators, community-based organizations, researchers and families to come together and focus on solutions that enhance and expand engagement...

The Case of Juliana v. U.S. — Children and the Health Burdens of Climate Change []

Renee N. Salas, M.D., M.P.H., Wendy Jacobs, J.D., and Frederica Perera, Dr.P.H., Ph.D. On June 4, 2019, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals will hear oral arguments in Juliana v. United States to determine whether the case will proceed to trial in district court in Oregon. Nearly 4 years ago, 21 children and adolescents between 8 and 19 years of age, including Kelsey Juliana from Oregon, filed suit against the federal government, charging that the government’s inaction on addressing climate...

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