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Collaborative Members and Partners Featured in Preventative Medicine Journal

The Collaborative is excited to feature the new article, " Adverse childhood experiences and the onset of chronic disease in young adulthood ," from Preventative Medicine . The piece, co-authored by member Stan Sonu, highlights the link between ACEs and chronic disease in young people. Sonu, along with co-authors Sharon Post and Joe Feinglass, analyzed the responses of the more than 86,000 respondents to the 2011-2012 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) to observe patterns of...

The Relentless School Nurse: Generation Lockdown

Please take a few minutes to watch the video before reading this blog post: [youtube] I am asking my school nurse colleagues to share their experiences with active shooter drills. Have you felt the sense of fear that I have? Can you feel the heightened sense of anxiety, even though we know it is a drill? Does your administration alert you that a drill will be happening? How have your students and staff responded? I am curious if...

Want to end ACEs? Ask a young student how.

Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are a huge threat to our students, diminishing their capacity to learn and succeed. In all thirty-three counties of New Mexico, an epidemic of trauma exists, spreading like a virus as it is passed down generation after generation. We know from the research that our students suffer when they endure ACEs in the form of abuse, neglect, hunger, and living with parents who misuse substances, are violent, and have untreated mental health challenges. We know in...

Claire’s Story: Claire has shattered. Part 42.

By K. Hecht, P. Berman , & A. Hosack Davy is being so stubborn. He is not listening. He is ignoring me when I say he has to clean up! It was a beautiful day and Claire had taken Davy to the park to play. Everything had gone well for two hours but now they needed to leave. Claire had to go shopping, make dinner, put Davy to bed, and start working on her job resume for her class tomorrow. Claire said clearly, “Davy, if you do not put your toys back in our wagon, I will not give you ice...

Practicing the pause: addressing tensions in widening the Window of Tolerance

Learning to be less reactive to environmental and/or psychological trauma triggers is supported by practicing the pause within a reparative relationship, which ideally acts as both a container and a scaffold. What this means is that emotional distress is seen, held and understood by supporting partner as a preface to being able to find safety within our own skin...

Free Live Webinar | Nurturing Mindful Families

Packed schedules, increasing responsibilities, and reliance on technological devices can affect how connected and supported we feel in our families. Together families can: Improve our ability to be fully present with one another Enhance the way we listen and communicate with each other Deepen our empathy for one another and decrease reactivity Expand our strategies for problem-solving and conflict resolution Wednesday May 1 Register Here 9:00-10:00 am (PDT) or 12:00-1:00 pm (PDT)

A Trauma-Informed Approach to Supporting Families Impacted by Addiction

RFQ ANNOUNCEMENT: Celebrating Families! California Expansion Project Update: Due to the expanding ACEs response in California, and subsequent interest in Celebrating Families! we are extending the due date for proposals to May 24 th. Invitation to Expand Celebrating Families!™ Statewide The California State Office of Child Abuse Prevention (OCAP) recognizing the effectiveness of Celebrating Families! (CF!), has awarded Prevention Partnership International (PPI) a $100,000, 2-year challenge...

Recap- Virginia Summit On Childhood Trauma And Resilience 4/25/19

On Thursday April 25, 2019 Voices hosted over 950 attendees at the Virginia Summit on Childhood Trauma and Resilience . The goal of the Summit was to connect child-serving professionals and advocates across the Commonwealth to best practices to prevent, and better address, the impacts of childhood adversity. California’s first Surgeon General and well-known ACEs expert, Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, provided the keynote address. Both Governor Northam and First Lady Pamela Northam addressed the...

The Surviving Spirit Newsletter April 2019

Healing the Heart Through the Creative Arts, Education & Advocacy Hope, Healing & Help for Trauma, Abuse & Mental Health “ Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars”. Kahlil Gibran The Surviving Spirit Newsletter April 2019 Hi Folks, April is a month for recognizing Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention, National Child Abuse Prevention & National Minority Health. With that in mind, I would like to share a video clip...

Wyoming gets it!

I'll be presenting a Keynote and workshop breakout at this incredible Children's Summit in Wyoming on June 12th and 13th! The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study research is perhaps the most important research ever. I am so honored to be among an amazing group of speakers. If every school, police department, social services org, judges, -- truthfully, EVERYONE would get trained in this research and become ACE-aware; Trauma-Informed; and Resilience-Driven, our world would be more...

Power and Opportunity in the States []

States have long been laboratories for innovations that influence the health and well-being of their residents. This role has only expanded with the greater flexibility being given to the states, especially as gridlock in Washington, D.C. inspires more local action. The bevvy of new governors and state legislators who took office early this year also widens the door to creativity. Medicaid is perhaps the most familiar example of state leadership on health. With costs and decisions shared by...

W.H.O. Says Limited or No Screen Time for Children Under 5 []

In a new set of guidelines, the World Health Organization said that infants under 1 year old should not be exposed to electronic screens and that children between the ages of 2 and 4 should not have more than one hour of “sedentary screen time” each day. Limiting, and in some cases eliminating, screen time for children under the age of 5 will result in healthier adults, the organization, a United Nations health agency, announced on Wednesday . But taking away iPads and other electronic...

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