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The Healing Place Podcast - Jaz Ampaw-Far: Everyday Hero

What an absolute joy it was to chat "across the pond" with the beautiful, hilarious, and inspirational Jaz Ampaw-Farr. From her TEDx talk to her international motivational presentations, she is empowering others along their healing journeys. Thank you, Jaz for helping leave this world a better place - from your Tampax donation in the school bathroom to your work in prisons to your ability to make us laugh - your enthusiasm is contagious.

Here’s Why It’s So Hard To Change Your Mindset

In our professional lives we constantly talk about mindset. Positive mindset, worth mindset, goal-oriented mindset, focused mindset. This list is long. We all have mantras, affirmations, activities and favorite quotations we use to shift our state of mind. Of course, a positive mindset is a good thing. But ever wonder why we struggle with mindset in the first place? Why is it a constant battle for you to stay efficient, focused and effective? Safety First What if our primary mindset started...

Are We Making Headlines or Headway? []

I was thrilled when Ms. Magazine published my article about #MeToo. Here’s an excerpt: Try this: Think of your deepest, darkest secret. The one you can’t imagine telling anyone. We all have at least one. Imagine that if you tell this secret, something terrible is going to happen. People you love deeply, upon hearing your secret, will leave you. That is why we survivors [of childhood sexual abuse] fear telling our stories.There’s a long list of other reasons. They’re all steeped in fear, too.

‘Investing in Community’ With Charles Hugh Smith []

P laying for Team Human today, the economy’s equivalent of an outsider artist, Of Two Minds blogger and author of Money and Work Unchained, Charles Hugh Smith. Charles will be talking to us about the market, universal basic income, and distributed prosperity. You can learn more about Charles at his website and blog, Of Two Minds . [For more on this story by Douglas Rushkoff, go to ]

Alleviating effects of childhood trauma: focus of public hearing and rally at Capitol (Harrisburg, PA)[]

" What we need is social workers and psychologists and psychiatrists in schools to help those kids, " said Rep. Mike Sturla , Policy Committee Chair, (D-Lancaster). Those kids are ones who have dealt with adverse childhood experiences. " Death in a family, a parent that's incarcerated, illness, people being separated, " said Rep. Sturla . [For more on this story by Michella Drapac, go to...

Teen Self-Confidence Influenced by Families + Schools []

Emerging research suggests both families and schools play a vital role in improving an adolescents’ confidence even in the midst of turbulent parental relationships. In a new study, Pennsylvania State University researchers examined how a variety of factors affected adolescents’ self-efficacy. Self-efficacy describes a person’s confidence or belief that they have ability to succeed in specific situations or accomplish a task. In this case, investigators studied a teen’s confidence in having...

“I Like to Move It, Move It!” – How Dance and Rhythm Can Reduce the Impact of ACEs (

As it is, more and more researchers studying the healing power of rhythmic movement on people who’ve experienced trauma from Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), such as abuse, neglect, or parental mental illness or substance abuse issues. Among these researchers is Dr. Bruce Perry, a psychiatrist and senior fellow at the Child Trauma Academy in Houston who advocates dance, drumming, walking and other rhythm-based movements to help kids with trauma. In a book about trauma and the power of...

The Vital Art of Making Space []

M agic happens when we engage with our inner worlds from a place of curiosity rather than fear. All those horrible human tangles of anxiety, doubt, resentment and pain can unravel when pen meets paper in the spirit of enquiry. What’s more, when we choose to share this kind of writing with the world, it helps others free themselves from their own emotional traps. Carefully chosen words can ease pain, and they do so for both writer and consumer. You’re reading this article on Medium, so...

TEACHER VOICE: Breaking the school-to-prison pipeline with ‘windows and mirrors’ for black boys []

The connection I’m building with my students starts every day with a box of Cocoa Puffs. Name-brand cereal may not sound all that special, but it’s something most of my students can’t afford. It’s something I remember longing for when I was a kid. Even though our school serves breakfast in the classroom to all students, I bring a group of boys from our K-4 school together for a special breakfast to fuel their day with a dose of self-esteem. We eat and we talk, and they get to start their day...

States Push For Caregiver Tax Credits []

Gloria Brown didn’t get a good night’s sleep. Her husband, Arthur Brown, 79, has Alzheimer’s disease and had spent most of the night pacing their bedroom, opening and closing drawers, and putting on and taking off his jacket. So Gloria, 73, asked a friend to take Arthur out for a few hours one recent afternoon so she could grab a much-needed nap. She was lucky that day because she didn’t need to call upon the home health aide who comes to their house twice a week. The price of paying for...

Five Ways to Talk with Your Kids So They Feel Loved []

“I don’t recognize you.” This was the first thought I had when my daughter was born. She didn’t look like me (at first), and I soon learned that she didn’t act like me, either. I was a quiet and content baby, or so I’d been told; my daughter was anything but. On our first night home, she cried for hours while my husband and I tried everything we could to calm her, from rocking to singing to feeding to changing her. Eventually she did soothe, but my daughter was letting us know, loudly and...

Two Parkland Suicides Highlight the Lasting Impact of Trauma. Here's How Parents and Teachers Can Help Teens Who Are Struggling []

A pair of recent suicide deaths in Parkland, Fla., serve as a stark reminder of the lingering effects of trauma — and underscore the importance of providing long-term support to those who are living with its consequences. Just days after 19-year-old Sydney Aiello, who survived the mass shooting at Parkland’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School last year, died by suicide , police confirmed that an unnamed current student at the high school had also died by “apparent suicide .” Police did not...

A Framework for Child Health Services: Promoting optimal health, development, and well-being for all children []

CHDI and Connecticut Children’s Office for Community Child Health outlined a joint vision for improving child and population health in A Framework for Child Health Services: Promoting optimal health, development, and well-being for all children . This 2019 Framework builds on the original Framework for Child Health Services published in 2009. It highlights progress on implementing recommendations from the original Framework and puts forth new recommendations for integrating child health...

Can the legacy of trauma be passed down the generations? []

In 1864, nearing the end of the US Civil War, conditions in the Confederate prisoner of war camps were at their worst. There was such overcrowding in some camps that the prisoners, Union Army soldiers from the north, each had the square footage of a grave. Prisoner death rates soared. For those who survived, the harrowing experiences marked many of them for life. They returned to society with impaired health, worse job prospects and shorter life expectancy . But the impact of these hardships...

New Health Resiliency Stress Questionnaire debuts for pediatricians, family practice, internal medicine...but anyone can use it

There's a new ACEs-resiliency survey in town! It came out of a conversation between two physicians having a conversation on a bus. Here's the story about how it was developed, and how to use it. Pilots were done in a pediatric clinic, internal medicine, addiction treatment center, group therapy, and psychiatric practice. It's now being used in two community clinics.

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