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My Aha! Moment....I'm not broken and being a human is hard!

As one year comes to an end, the tradition of creating resolutions for ourselves in the next begins. How do you decide on what goal to work towards? This year, my 2019 resolution is going to come from looking back on 2018. I used the passion planner this year, a combined journal and organizer, so the highs and lows were easy to identify. The highlights include completing my coursework at school, setting clear boundaries with my time, exercising, and cutting back on some not helpful habits...

How do you teach children to be resilient? Ask a limbless veteran []

When the IRA bomb exploded, Darren Swift , an army dog handler in Belfast, had several split-second decisions to make. One of his legs had been blown off; the other, along with two fingers, was hanging by a thread. His first instinct was to shoot himself, he now readily admits, but unusually, as he was feeding his dog at the time, he was without a weapon. The second was to rip off his remaining leg to enable him to drag his body more quickly to safety. It is gory, vivid and explicit material...

Niswonger program aims to help traumatized children []

Community engagement is a wonderful thing, especially when it creates a new avenue to provide intervention and prevention methods that can reduce the impact of childhood trauma, or for that matter, prevent the trauma itself. Trauma-informed care has become a movement of sorts in the Johnson City area, and with a newly created position at Niswonger Children’s Hospital, there is potential for that system of care to impact the huge healthcare footprint now occupied by Ballad Health.

A Simple Proposal to Revive the American Dream []

During the industrial age, when high school was the gateway to the American dream, public-school systems covered the costs of earning a diploma. Today, however, as associate’s degrees have replaced high-school diplomas as the indispensable ticket into the middle class, families are forced to cover the costs of tuition and more. If the information-age economy demands a workforce with additional training, we need to begin cutting students and families the same deal: Anyone willing to work hard...

Celebrating Growth and Resilience

I have been browsing the community, and am delighted to find so many books, ministries, and the wide variety of resources that everyone has created regarding trauma recovery. I can see that my life has been an exercise in survival, and my education in ACEs was designed to teach me to teach the lessons I learned during the process of learning to build my own resilience. In my younger days, I was an "old-school" Sunday School teacher, but my recovery has taught me that I am an artsy, crafty...

Starting & Growing Resilient Communities: Series Overview

Due to demand, more slots have been added to session 1 of "Starting & Growing Resilient Communities: Online & In Real Life (IRL)" , an interactive webinar training series focused on developing existing and potential online community managers and IRL ACEs champions. If you are not a current online community manager, please know that ALL are welcome. This series is dedicated to providing insight into creating sustainable and effective online & IRL ACEs intiatives. "Starting &...

Tell Gov’t: Address Childhood Trauma in Healthy People 2030! []

Childhood trauma. Adverse childhood experiences. Toxic stress. Trauma-informed. These are NOT FOUND anywhere in the proposed objective s for Healthy People 2030. We need you to speak up for childhood trauma and adverse childhood experiences to ensure the Healthy People 2030 objectives guide our nation in addressing the leading public health concerns. [For more on this campaign, go to ]

Trauma in early childhood boosts the risk of teen obesity, study says []

Teenagers who have suffered adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) — such as physical or emotional abuse, or having a parent who is incarcerated or addicted to drugs or alcohol — are at greater risk of being overweight or obese, according to a new study . In fact, the study found that the more kinds of adverse experiences children endured, the more likely they would have excessive weight issues by middle school or high school. “This study adds to our understanding of childhood overweight and...

Is Diversity Good for the Bottom Line? []

It’s common for people to pit diversity against excellence, as if their interaction is a zero-sum game. But more and more evidence suggests that diverse teams are actually better at reaching their goals. A recently published study looked at the performance of teams in eSports—competitive videogaming broadcast to the world through Internet and television streams—to understand the impact of team diversity on outcomes. Once relegated to the fringes of the sports world, eSports is now a growing...

The Unifying Theory of Alcohol []

A few months ago, a friend came to London from New York. We met at the Unbound office in Islington and walked down to Cannon Street station to get the train home. We caught up as we walked through the city. At one point, we took a small detour so I could show him the recently revealed resting place of William Blake. During our walk, as we navigated through the cars, people drinking pints who had spilled out onto the streets, and occasional angry cyclists swerving to avoid them, he turned to...

Bullying alters brain structure, raises risk of mental health problems []

According to the National Center for Education Statistics and Bureau of Justice Statistics, between one and three students in the United States report being bullied at school. In recent years, cyberbullying has become a widespread problem. Cyberbullying is any bullying performed via cell phones, social media, or the Internet in general. [For more on this story by Chiara Townley, go to ]

De Blasio to Unveil Health Care Plan for Undocumented and Low-Income New Yorkers []

New York City will spend $100 million to provide health care for undocumented immigrants and others who cannot qualify for insurance, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced on Tuesday morning, seeking to insert a city policy into two contentious national debates. The mayor has styled himself, in his 2017 re-election campaign and during his second term, as a progressive leader on issues like health care and as a bulwark against the policies of President Trump, particularly on immigration. In making...

Do You Need Spirituality to Recover from CPTSD?

During a break in taping my new course on dating and relationships, I recorded this story about how hard it can be to change the self-defeating patterns that so often flow from Childhood PTSD. I talk about one summer when I was working hard to get through a dark time, and then a miracle took me by surprise. You can learn the writing/meditation techniques I mention as a source of daily healing, here . You can access my articles, courses and resources for people with Childhood PTSD on my blog,...

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