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What happens when Iowa schools prioritize behavioral health []

At least three days a week, Tryvon Johnson’s school routine begins only a few hours after his night shift ends. At 7 a.m., the 18-year-old Southeast Iowa teen arrives on the Southeastern Community College campus in Burlington for his automotive class. At the end of class, he dashes home to drive his mom to her physical therapy appointment, then after taking her home, he turns around and heads back to the college to start his day as a second-year senior in high school. At the Corners Academy,...

Watch how the climate could change in these US cities by 2050 []

The National Climate Assessment , a stunning report released by 13 federal agencies and the White House this month, showed that climate change has already had devastating impacts on our health and economy, and that costs could mount to hundreds of billions of dollars by the end of the century. The report maps out what we can expect if we aggressively cut greenhouse gas emissions now, and what would happen if we do nothing. As part of our Weather 2050 project, we used the latter scenario to...

Why Direct Action Works []

The connection between voting and political change is straightforward: If you don't like President Donald Trump 's policies, you vote against him and his party. If enough people join you, better people will get into office and institute better policies. The theory of change behind direct action, though, is less clear. How does marching, or blocking a highway, or punching a Nazi, lead to change? To many critics, direct action seems like an outlet for expressing anger and frustration, rather...

Harm Reduction: What Happens When Best Practice Is At Odds With Community Acceptance? []

On this West Virginia Morning, current best practices for harm reduction programs include a couple provisions: no retractable needles should be distributed, patients should get as many needles as possible regardless of how many they bring back, and barriers to accessing needles should be as low as possible. But what happens when those recommendations are at odds with community acceptance for the practices? Kara Lofton reports. [For more on this story by WEST VIRGINIA PUBLIC BROADCASTING, go...

Brief trauma training videos now available for families & professionals

Trauma Sensitive Approaches for Home and School is a series of three brief (under 10 minutes each) training videos for use by school personnel, families, child welfare and other professionals. Developed by Formed Families Forward, a parent resource center, as part of the Virginia Tiered Systems of Supports project, the videos cover: - Understanding Trauma Awareness; - Responding to Trauma; and - Building Trauma Sensitive Schools One page fact sheets are available to accompany each video.

Preparing and Advocating for Medical Care as a Trauma Survivor

With all the health care changes and challenges in today’s society, going to the doctor or dentist is difficult enough for the average person. With a history of childhood or adolescent sexual trauma, a medical appointment can become re-traumatizing if not handled with care by the survivor and provider. Think about it, some other adult is making decisions on the survivor’s behalf, touching their body, has their hands in the survivor’s mouth rendering them unable to make their needs known or...

Nominate a Trauma-Informed Care Champion: #TICchampion

Becoming a trauma-informed organization requires clear communication about the transformation process, and support from staff at all levels of an organization. Often these efforts are spearheaded by “trauma-informed care champions”— individuals committed to raising awareness regarding the health effects of trauma and toxic stress and improving care for people who have experienced trauma. This week, the Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS) invites you to recognize people around you who...

The New Culture of Positivity

I would be interested in other people's responses please and thank you. I have noticed that somehow it has become almost a sin to not be positive all the time. People are not just encouraged to be positive which I think is a good thing, but are shamed or blamed if they are "negative" which is not a good thing. For many trauma survivors this behavior can be triggering and retraumatizing since many survivors have been taught for years to ignore their feelings, and/or that no one wants to hear...

These 10 people have 10 solutions for poverty — because they’ve lived it (

"This November, Microsoft News is putting a focus on Poverty in America with a 2-week series examining the root causes of poverty, what poverty really means to the many different kinds of people affected, and what we can do to contribute to the most meaningful solutions. We teamed up with some of our most trusted news partners to bring you custom content and highlight quality journalism that helps us understand these issues. We hope you’ll join us in supporting the organizations that are...

Note to Self: Keep your brain where it belongs

“We believe in things like science ,” a client tells me after learning that I am an ordained minister with the United Church of Christ. I have been working with his family for three years and there has never been any indication that either this man or his wife think I am anything but very smart. In fact, they have often credited our work together with saving their family life and marriage! I do not take his statement as an insult, but rather, as evidence of the depth of religion’s wounding...

New York City aims for diversity, easier enrollment as education department moves to oversee programs starting in infancy []

New York City is moving closer toward an overhaul of its early child care system that will put the education department in charge of some programs for children as young as six weeks old — a consequential shift that signals learning begins at birth. Among the changes the education department is proposing: a universal enrollment system that could ease the burden on parents looking for child care, and an explicit focus on racial and economic integration from the earliest ages. The moves are...

The Total Incompatibility of Mindfulness and Busyness []

I’m keeping myself busy.” Lots of retired people say this kind of thing, probably to reassure themselves and others that they are not at loose ends and drifting into oblivion just because they aren’t going to work every day or receiving a paycheck. One day I heard these words coming up from some deep crevice in my own mind, and before I could stop them, they went right into the telephone. “Wait a minute,” I wanted to cry out. “What am I saying, and who the hell is saying this?” I am not...

What Happens When a Factory Town Loses its Factory []

All eyes in Canada have turned to Oshawa, Ontario, following the announcement by General Motors that it will end auto manufacturing in the city after more than a century of production. In the coming days we will hear about community resilience and the inevitability of market forces. Some of those affected will be asked to share their feelings and politicians of all stripes will send their thoughts and prayers to the nearly 3,000 autoworkers who will be out of work. Then we will all move on.

On the Path to Health Equity: When Foundations and Corporations Support Trauma-Informed, Cross-Sector Networks

Ann Marie Healy used to travel around Pennsylvania talking to community members about “smart” land use planning. Through her work with 10,000 Friends of Pennsylvania, a non-profit devoted to revitalizing cities and towns, “we would meet with people to share what we had learned about how to approach planning in a more strategic manner.” In one small town, residents questioned the relevance of the pitch. “Isn’t what we’ve learned locally just as important as what experts have found works...

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