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How Schools For Kids In Foster Care Act As ‘Educational Black Holes’ []

PHILADELPHIA and GREENVILLE, Pa. — Back when he still lived with his family, when school was across the street from his home in West Philadelphia, Johnathan Hamilton used to plow through reading assignments and research religious questions online. He stumbled over fractions — math was always a struggle — but started getting into philosophy as an early teen. Then, at 15, his relationship with his parents grew violent, and Hamilton went to live in a city shelter for foster youth. When a bed...

This is my lane: Philly doctor on why advocating against gun violence is part of the job

As I rushed into the intensive care unit, the description I overheard was terse and chilling: "13-year-old, no past medical history, GSW to head … neurosurgery following." I entered the child's room to find his weeping mother taping something on the wall behind his bed. The lights were low. The undulating hum of the ventilator and the low pitch of the drains protruding from her son's misshapen skull filled the room with sounds familiar to those of us who know what a "GSW" – gunshot wound –...

Webinar: Defining and Unpacking the Social Determinants of Health & Health Equity

Join the National Academy of Medicine (NAM) on November 29 as it hosts the first webinar in its Culture of Health Webinar Series. Date/Time : November 29, 2018, 4:00 – 5:00 pm EST The National Academies report Communities in Action: Pathways to Health Equity identified 9 social determinants of health and how these determinants impact our health and the health of our communities. The report also defined health equity as the state in which everyone has the opportunity to attain full health...

ACEs teach us why racism is a health equity Issue: Dr. Flojaune Cofer (Part One)

Dr. Flojaune Cofer and Ben Duncan , each from public health backgrounds that focus on health disparities, addressed ACEs in the context of health equity for their panel entitled ACEs, Race, and Health Equity: Understanding and Addressing the Role of Race and Racism in ACEs Exposure and Healing . Cofer and Duncan co-presented to a standing-room-only audience at the 2018 ACEs Conference: Action to Access co-hosted by ACEs Connection and the Center for Youth Wellness Oct.16-17 in San Francisco.

Breathe for Life

BREATHE FOR LIFE © John W Travis MD, MPH Adult humans normally breathe at the rate of one breath every six to eight seconds and inhale an average of sixteen thousand quarts of air each day. If nothing is done to restrict breathing, it will happen naturally and fully. But people continually inhibit natural breathing in many ways—poor posture, tight or binding clothes, "speed eating," exposure to noxious substances, smoking, lack of exercise, plus habitual patterns of emotional stress. When...

Wisconsin Dept of Health Services - Trauma-Informed Care News & Notes, November 12, 2018

ACEs, Adversity's Impact 'My daughter didn't want a parent,' says a foster mom of kids exposed to meth, trauma Childhood abuse, complex trauma and epigenetics The highly sensitive person in an emotionally neglectful family Grandparents: Raising their children's children, they get the job done Children with JIA have higher rate of adverse childhood experiences Where does listening fit in the medical model of disease? Bad childhood experiences increase burnout among student nurses On...

Coming soon: BUILD HEALTH CHALLENGE 2019 Call for Applications

Is your local ACEs initiative built upon multi-sector and community-driven partnerships? If it is and you’re seeking to accelerate your ACEs initiative in 2019, take a look at the BUILD Health Challenge . They describe this future funding opportunity on their website (hyperlinked above). See if your local ACEs initiative efforts align with the BUILD Health Challenge funding criteria. BUILD: Bold, Upstream, Integrated, Local, Data-driven A Call for Applications will be released in the first...

ACEs Research Corner - November 2018

Dr. Harise Stein at Stanford University edits a web site — — that focuses on the health effects of abuse, and includes research articles on ACEs. Every month, she posts the summaries of the abstracts and links to research articles that address only ACEs.

Election Night 2018: Impact On Child Welfare, Juvenile Justice and Other Youth Issues []

The votes are in! America voted in potentially record numbers yesterday for a midterm election season. As a result, control of the House of Representatives has changed, 20 states will have new governors, and myriad ballot initiatives were approved and rejected. Following are some initial notes from Youth Services Insider on how yesterday’s elections could affect youth and family policy on the federal and state levels. Congress The biggest outcome of the midterms is that the leadership of...

Cracked Up []

He's channeled presidents and other luminaries, but on Nov. 14, master impressionist Darrell Hammond will reveal his greatest role: himself. A documentary by director Michelle Esrick based on Hammond's life as a childhood trauma survivor: Cracked Up will premiere that evening at DOC NYC. One screening is already sold out; a second has been added. Hammond wrote about his struggles overcoming a terribly traumatic childhood and his resulting addiction in the New York Times best selling God if...

Racism Kills: What Community-Level Interventions Can Do About It []

In the first two installments of this series, we addressed promising approaches for buffering the impact of racism on health—learning cognitive and emotional strategies, known as self-regulation , for coping with stress and building cultural connections that buffer the impacts of toxic stress. Both of those arenas are born out of social science research showing a connection between these elements and improved health outcomes, even in the face of significant adversity. But these individual...

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