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CDC: Homicide Rates At Least 10 Times Higher For Young Adult Blacks Than Whites [] Interview with: Dr. Kameron Sheats PhD Licensed Psychologist; Behavioral Scientist Centers for Disease Control and Prevention What is the background for this study? Response: This study updates literature on racial disparities in violence between black and white youth using data capturing different severity levels in violent outcomes such as homicide versus assault. This study also seeks to increase the understanding of the impact of these disparities...

The Incalculable Cost of Mass Incarceration []

Every year states spend about $50 billion to lock up over 1.3 million people , or about $35,000 per prisoner per year. Although individual state averages obviously vary, statistics like these suggest that even small cuts in prison populations could yield significant fiscal returns, and big cuts something massive. The Brennan Center, for example, recently argued that releasing 576,000 low-risk inmates could save $20 billion per year (which is just $35,000 times 576,000—a calculation others...

Child mental health: Camhs 'not fit for purpose' []

Children with mental health problems are not receiving treatment until they are in crisis and sometimes suicidal, doctors have told the BBC. A letter leaked to Panorama reveals at least one area's child and adolescent mental health service (Camhs) to be rationing care. Leading psychiatrist Jon Goldin described the service as "not fit for purpose". [For more on this story, go to ]

Oklahoma trying to overcome top rank for emotional, physical childhood trauma []

Oklahoma children are more likely to experience toxic, adverse conditions at home than children in other states, but there is hope for a better future, Senate lawmakers were told Thursday. State health officials said recent studies show Oklahoma ranks as the worst in the nation when it comes to the number of adverse childhood experiences. Such experiences include neglect and abuse, drug use in the home, exposure to domestic violence, living with someone who is mentally ill, having an...

State Violence Is at the Root of Health Inequities []

The root causes of health disparities lie in policies and practices that distribute power and resources such as housing, education, employment and health services inequitably. For example, law enforcement agencies—including police and Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE) officers—disproportionately target, surveil and perpetrate state violence against communities of color . Ample research shows that the unjust government practices associated with the enforcement of immigration policies ,...

I Rewatched Anita Hill’s Testimony. So Much Has Changed. So Much Hasn’t. []

Now, it might seem, is the golden age of female agency—a newly empowered era for women, or something approaching it, a time when cheeky porn stars taunt presidents on Twitter, fed-up movie actresses tell what producers did to them in hotel rooms and restaurant basements, and serial abusers suffer, at long last, some consequences for their acts. Somewhere, as I write this, a once-obscure psychologist named Christine Blasey Ford is asserting her right to tell her story in her own time in her...

The Case for Investing in Children has Never Been Stronger []

By the end of fiscal year 2018, the federal government will have spent approximately $331.2 billion (about 8 percent of total spending) on children, according to a report released Thursday by First Focus, a bipartisan group that advocates for children and families. The report—which the organization compiles annually and which calculates total spending on children across multiple different programs, departments, and categories—finds that spending on children in fiscal year 2018 increased by...

2018 Building Strong Brains Tennessee ACEs Summit

The 2018 Building Strong Brains Tennessee ACEs Summit took place last week in Nashville, TN. The theme of this year’s summit was “Celebrating Successes and Imagining Possibilities” and there is plenty to celebrate. Tennessee is one of the most innovative states when it comes to ACEs awareness. Tennessee understands that childhood trauma is the root cause of its poor health outcomes, high rates of addiction and other ailments. And Tennessee is doing something about it. Tennessee’s leadership...

Change the Worldview, Change the World (

Forty years after Thomas Berry’s “The New Story,” new generations are seizing on the power of narrative. In Berry’s view, a central cause of the West’s ecological hostility was its separation from nature—a separation that was at once spiritual, religious, psychological, emotional, intellectual, and philosophical. The root of the eco-destruction was an anthropocentric (human-centered) Western worldview that saw an existential gulf, a “radical discontinuity,” between the human and natural...

An invitation from filmmaker Ana Joanes

Dear AcesConnection community: Below is a note of invitation to trauma informed providers in the Bay Area from Ana Joanes, the creator of the documentary, Wrestling Ghosts. This is a film about a young mother healing from childhood trauma as she raises her young sons: it is heartwarming, inspiring, and serves to break the isolation around the struggles so many of us face when we parent with ACEs...

The Dalai Lama on a Human Approach to World Peace (

Bringing Back the Humanity Anger plays no small role in current conflicts such as those in the Middle East, Southeast Asia, the North-South problem, and so forth. These conflicts arise from a failure to understand one another’s humanness. The answer is not the development and use of greater military force, nor an arms race. Nor is it purely political or purely technological. Basically it is spiritual, in the sense that what is required is a sensitive understanding of our common human...

Understanding Trauma-Informed Care: What Does It Look Like ?

Trauma-Informed care represents a major shift in paradigm and practice. It has been defined as a system that realizes the widespread impact of trauma and adverse events, and seeks to actively resist re-traumatization of our clients by changing procedures and practices. Despite the recent calls for trauma-informed care across service sectors, providers continue to ask "What does it look like?" In my recent book, Through a Trauma Lens: Transforming Health and Behavioral Health Systems, I share...

What is PTSD?

If you have experienced a single traumatic event, multiple or prolonged trauma, or exposure to toxic stress, and are experiencing these or other frightening symptoms, please reach out for guidance - talk to your doctor, a therapist, anxiety coach, or expert in the field of trauma recovery and resilience. Healing is possible and you are so very worthy of that gift!

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