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Practical Ideas for Improving Equity and Inclusion at Nonprofits (

The nonprofit sector’s focus on advancing social welfare means that we are responsible not only for implementing effective management practices, but also for holding ourselves accountable to the communities we serve. We know that board diversity improves performance and inclusive teams make better decisions . We know the value of including our communities and program participants in decision-making. Yet while references to equity, inclusion, and diversity (DEI) are seemingly everywhere, as a...

Finding healing after trauma: Elizabeth Smart (courtesy of Goalcast)

One of the most common questions I get from the trauma-affected children I serve is, "Why did God allow [insert really awful, tragic experience] to happen to me?" I imagine it's a question that most pastors, ministers, chaplains, and those Christians who share their faith with others face. It's fundamentally a relational question, not a theological one... and that's important to remember. The question is seeking the reason why a God who is Love could allow something that is experienced as...

An Evidence-Based Curriculum - You Can Trust!

"…the findings provide empirical evidence for the efficacy of ACE Overcomers in improving emotion regulation skills, psychological resilience and well-being, quality of life, illness days, and somatic symptoms…" Evaluation of the ACE Overcomers Program A Technical Report Prepared by: Linda D. Cameron, Ph.D., Paul Carroll, B. A., & William Kyle Hamilton,B.A. University of California, Merced September 20, 2016 Discover prevention and intervention tools that help defeat ACEs... Visit ACE...

Many 'Recovery Houses' Won't Let Residents Use Medicine To Quit Opioids []

Cristina Rivell has been struggling with an opioid addiction since she was a teenager — going in and out of rehab for five years. The most recent time, her doctor prescribed her a low dose of buprenorphine (often known by its brand name, Suboxone), a drug that helps curb cravings for stronger opioids and prevents the symptoms of withdrawal. As the devastating effects of the opioid crisis continue, a growing body of research supports the efficacy and safety of this sort of medication-assisted...

Don’t Overlook Equity Issues in City Climate-Action Plans []

The Global Climate Action summit in San Francisco began on Wednesday. This year’s goal: “Take Ambition to the Next Level.” What is that next level? As part of the We Are Still In , Mayors Climate Alliance , and other city climate-action efforts, many U.S cities are creating their first ever climate-action plans; others are rewriting theirs to meet more ambitious goals. The next level is ensuring that these multi-year plans integrate equity considerations or risk perpetuating an unjust life...

Coming Together to Create the Child Welfare System We All Want []

Our nation’s future vitality depends upon all children having the opportunity to grow into healthy, successful, socially and civically engaged adults. Essential to that process is ensuring that children have access to stable, nurturing relationships and the resources needed to support their development. The Family First Prevention Services Act , which was signed into law as part of the Bipartisan Budget Act on February 9, 2018, is an important step toward realizing this goal. For child...

Adult Obesity in the United States []

Updated September 2018: According to the most recent Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) data, adult obesity rates now exceed 35% in seven states, 30% in 29 states and 25% in 48 states. West Virginia has the highest adult obesity rate at 38.1% and Colorado has the lowest at 22.6%. The adult obesity rate increased in Iowa, Massachusetts, Ohio, Oklahoma, Rhode Island and South Carolina between 2016 and 2017, and remained stable in the rest of states. [For more go to ...

How a famous hospital turned around its low rate of screening moms for depression []

With two maternal mental health bills on the California governor’s desk and one already signed , a Los Angeles hospital’s work to screen new mothers for depression could soon become a statewide model. Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles worked hard to bring up its low rate of screening postpartum women for depression. If signed, one of the new bills would require obstetric teams to do the same. The hospital’s screening success is largely due to the dogged persistence of clinical psychologist Eynav...

Homeless, But Part of Society in Montreal []

When city officials decided to revamp the notoriously drug-ridden Place Émilie-Gamelin in the center of downtown Montreal, they didn’t push out the many homeless people and addicts who live in the park. Instead, they made the park a focal point for the city's efforts to socially integrate for the homeless. Along with housing and job assistance for the homeless, Montreal has encouraged a philosophy of what city officials call “social inclusion” to bring the homeless into the broader society—a...

Pain response in babies' brains controlled in 'similar way to adults' []

Researchers from the Department of Paediatrics and Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging at the University of Oxford, UK, have identified the neural network that helps control babies' brain activity in response to pain in a similar way to adults. Their findings build on their previous study from 2015, which revealed that newborns experience pain like adults. Both papers are published in the journal eLife. "In our previous work, we used an imaging technique called functional Magnetic...

America Wakes Up From Its Dream of Free College []

Classrooms full of crying students. That’s how the scene is often described. In November 2005, at Kalamazoo Central High School in Michigan, every classroom was full of teary-eyed students—jubilant, but teary-eyed. They had good reason to be happy. The vice principal had just announced over the P.A. system that anonymous benefactors would be paying the students’ college tuition—all of the students across the entire school district, from kindergarten to high school, in perpetuity. Starting in...

Restorative Justice and Teshuva Following Sexual Misconduct (

As Jewish women and professionals who study, teach about, and are survivors of sexual violence we have been listening to the conversations about teshuva following public disclosures about sexual harassment in the Jewish world. Some believe that it is neither the time nor place for this discussion while others, including survivors, want to discuss it but feel silenced. Since this month of Elul demands reflection on the impact of our actions, we would like to offer insights from the...

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