Cornerstones of Care and Truman Medical Center Behavioral Health's Center for Trauma Informed Innovation are excited to bring you our 4th Annual Trauma Sensitive Schools Team Summit! Join us as you travel through this experiential three-day journey:
- Day 1: Introduction to Trauma, Compassion Fatigue, and Resilience Building Strategies
- Day 2: Neurodevelopment of Trauma, Perspective Shifting, and Practical Applications
- Day 3: School Culture, Trauma Sensitive Principles, and Strategic Planning
Listen to our keynote speaker, Dr. Tiffany Anderson, Superintendent of Topeka Public Schools, inspire you with her passion for and commitment to building trauma informed schools. Take care of yourself through resilience building practices. Build community with your team members and collaborate with other educators from around the region. Join the conversation about race, fear, and cultural differences. Assess your school, create a vision, and start developing your Trauma Sensitive School implementation plan.
For more information, please visit the event registration site:
Or contact:
Russell Anderson
Special Projects Coordinator
Center for Trauma Informed Innovation
Truman Medical Center Behavioral Health
Phone: 816-404-2700
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