What are ACEs? The term Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) comes from the landmark 1998 study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Kaiser Permanente. We will watch a short video about this study. I also attribute a great deal of my education and work with ACES through Dr. Nadine Harris Burke, forerunner in the field of ACEs. It was her Ted Talk and continued research and presentations that motivated me to do my own ACE’s work, healing and I become passionate and committed to treat clients and provide ACEs training ACEs for the past four years. We experience Dr. Nadine Harris Burke’s ACEs Ted Talk. I will describe 10 categories of adversities in three domains experienced by age 18 years: abuse, neglect, and/or household dysfunction. (1) A child or adolescent who experiences ACEs without the buffering protections of trusted, nurturing caregivers and safe, stable environments can develop a toxic stress response, which can impact brain development, hormone and immune systems, and genetic regulatory systems. ACEs are strongly associated, in a dose-response fashion, with some of the most common and serious health conditions facing our society today, including at least 9 of the 10 leading causes of death in the United States. (2) (3) Identifying a history of trauma in children and adults and responding with trauma-informed care which can improve the health and well-being of individuals and families and lower long-term health issues and increased health costs.
Learn how to screen for pediatric and adult ACEs. An ACE screening evaluates children and adults for ACEs experienced by age 18 to identify Abuse: physical, emotional, and sexual abuse; Neglect: physical and emotional neglect; Household dysfunction: parental incarceration, mental illness, substance use, parental separation or divorce, and intimate partner violence and other.
I will briefly review the Science of ACEs and Toxic Stress; Principles of Trauma Informed care to include Brain Health, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Health and benefits by integrating Somatic Experiencing, Brain Spotting, Family Strategies and the power of Creative Narratives.
In closing I want to discuss what we can do to continue to address and action we can take to lessen the continued impacts of COVID-19 on our world and our health care systems, it is also important to minimize the secondary health effects of the recent pandemics. The overwhelming stress, anxiety and uncertainty regarding COVID-19 and other major incidents to include death, loss, racism, protests, compounded by the economic fear and distress due to lost wages, employment and financial assets; mass school closures; and necessary physical distancing measures has resulted in an increase of stress-related health conditions.
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