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Creating the Container for Us: How to Hold Space for Ourselves & Each Other After Student Death


Creating the Container for Us: How to Hold Space for Ourselves & Each Other After Student Death

How might we build our skills and visions for how we will come together as staff after student loss?

How might we make sense of school-based loss and how that informs who we are as administrators, educators, clinicians, and youth advocates?

When students die, we understandably and necessarily mobilize to support our surviving students, their peers, and the connected community. We tend to assume, however, that the staff doing that mobilization are ok, and/or we forget to create space to make sense of what just happened  (let alone for what happened months ago, or even years ago).

The task of creating and holding space for the adult staff in a school, system, division, or organization after student death is one that we as administrators, staff, and school leadership rarely get support in.

Join SCRR and The Dinner Party Labs for a special seminar on how to facilitate space-holding for educators after a student dies, & the role of collective rituals in processing. Let’s support the supporters and care for the caregivers.

September 14th, 202310:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. PT/ 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. CT/ 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. ET

During the seminar, participants will learn how to organize a gathering, and the ins and outs of holding space: from how to structure a gathering, to how to care for yourself and others, to what to do when things go awry. You’ll also have a chance to experience a space for educator communal care firsthand, and to share and reflect on your own experiences of loss and life after.

Find out more and register here:

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