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FACES of ACEs - Lifelong Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences Conference - Bloomington, Indiana

Bloomington, Indiana

FACES of ACEs - Lifelong Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences Conference - Bloomington, Indiana

The FACES of ACEs – Lifelong Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences Conference will be held on Friday, April 12, 2019. This conference is a collaborative project between several Monroe & Lawrence County Systems of Care partners.

This conference will provide the opportunity for multidisciplinary professionals from around Indiana to share their practices and experiences. On day one of the conference, they will share examples of trauma informed practices as well as ways to enhance personal and community resilience with professionals, community leaders, and emergency service personnel. The goal will be to discuss resources as well as increase collaboration and accountability among agencies whose services and decisions affect children’s mental health and addictions.

KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Ingrid Cockhren. Ingrid is the Midwest Community Facilitator for ACEs Connection team.

The original Adverse Childhood Experiences study was conducted in California in 1995 by Felitti and Anda. Their research has been duplicated across multiple times with different socio-economic and racial groups. ACEs are defined as emotional, physical, or sexual abuse; witnessing maternal domestic violence; or living with a household member who has a substance use disorder, is mentally ill or suicidal, or was ever incarcerated during the first 18 years of a child’s life.

Numerous scientific ACE studies found a graded relationship between them and over 40 health outcomes. ACEs are linked to increased disease states (such as COPD, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, depression) and risk behaviors associated with many leading causes of death, such as sexually transmitted diseases, substance use, alcoholism, substance use, and suicide. It is shown to correlate with healthcare utilization, graduation rates, and productivity in school and employment. In fact individuals with as ACE score of 4 or more are 12.2 times as likely to attempt suicide.

A 2016 National Survey of Children’s Health survey suggests that 43.6% of the youth population in the U.S. and 47.3% of Hoosier youth have experienced at least one ACE. ACEs affect all socio-economic and racial groups. This trend holds true as ACE scores increase as well. According to IUPUI Center for Health Policy, “ACES warrant attention and intervention from policymakers, social workers, and healthcare because of the diverse social, health, and economic impacts.”

Systems of Care and their partners acknowledge the need for increased trauma informed practices and collaboration between multidisciplinary professionals. It is important that professionals and community members learn about the lifelong impact of ACEs on long-term mental and physical health as well as employment outcomes. The conference will encourage the formation of common community language around resilience and ACEs.

The goal will be to educate, provide hope, help create a common language, and increase trauma informed practices in Monroe and the surrounding counties. By opening the community dialogue and encourage accountability and growth we can help agencies better serve our community. Understanding the impact of ACEs is integral in decreasing stigma and exploring techniques to help our community and its individuals heal, gain acceptance, learn coping skills, and build resilience and hope.

Cost $20 per person, CEUs will be offered. Tickets available on Eventbrite.

For more information, visit the Faces of ACEs Facebook page:


Workshop #1: 
- Creating a Trauma-Responsive Environment: A Look at One Court through the Lense of a Trauam Audit with Nancy Springer, Director of Allen County CASA and Nichole Schulert, Administrator for Judge Pratt's Court
- Achieving Positive School Discipline through a Culturally-Responsive, Trauma-Informed Approach with JauNae Hanger, JD with Children's Policy and Law Initiative of Indiana and Dr. Gwendolyn Kelly, educational consultant
- Therapeutic Treatment for Trauma Panel with Jacki Jordan, Elisa Duncan, Delyn Kazan, Kara Baertsch and Stephanie Turpin
- Brain Injury: An Invisible Complication in ACEs with Jean Capler, MSW, LCSW, CBIS of The Rehabilitation Hospital of Inaian Resource Facilitation

Workshop #2:
- ACE Scoring and Referrals on Obstetric Patients During the First Trimester Panel with Kathy Church, BSN, PMP current director of Clinical Operations at HealthLINC, Emily Bock, LBSW of Monroe County Healthy Families, Beverly Stevens, LPN of SIP Women's Health on McIntire and Abbi Powell, LMHC, LCAC of Cild and Family Services Centerstone
- Early Childhood Adversity and Dr. Perry's Neurosequential Model in Education with Dr. Sandy Washburn of Indiana University
- 2019 State of the Child with Corey Sims and Yolanda Brown of the Indiana Youth Institute
- It's Not Only Clients - Recognizing and Responding to Adversity in the Workforce with Dr. John Keesler of Indiana University

Workshop #3:
- Assuming ACEs with Chelsa Murrell of IU Health Bloomington
- How Computer Adaptive Tests Can Quickly Assess Behavioral Health Problems with Dr. Brian D-Onofrio of Indiana University
- Helping Families Overcome Trauma: bringing the protective factors to life in your everyday actions! with Paris Scott, Director of Region 18 and Mandi Barger, Director of Region 10 at Ireland Home Based Services
Workshop #4:
- Self Care and Music with Daisy Schoen and Kymberlee Blackford of Middle Way House
- ACEs Among Children in Foster Care with Cody Hauperty of Centerstone's Foster Care Select
- Monroe County Community School Corporation's Social and Emotional Learning Initiative with Becky Rose, MSC, LCSW and Amy Mormick, MS of Monroe County Community School Corporation

Please email for any questions or concerns about ordering tickets.


Monroe Convention Center, 302 S College Ave, Bloomington, Indiana 47403

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