If you're already on-board with the concept of strategies and interventions to help speed regulation and return to resourced states...great! Let's move into a more practiced and experiential application for addressing the somatic and limbic systems of managing impactful events and situations.
This is your invitation for my Intermediate Emotional First-Aid class, Jan. 18th, 9-130 pm EST. We'll apply what we know to date, add to our resources with a deeper conversation and application practice, on real-world issues. Creating a 'resource force' to serve your community, neighborhood, school or group is my mission! Learn how to self-apply and serve your peers with rapid balancing, returning all to a regulated and resourced state. The material and techniques are suitable for all and simple enough for children, in keeping with my hand-book on compassionate in-the-moment care, Compassion In Action, with Deborah Miller, PhD. (Amazon link is below.)
Putting what we know into use is the most important thing we can do to weather whatever Life throws our way, and prepare others to do the same. Confidently knowing how to address your natural, sympathetic reactions and quickly move into a para-sympathetic response state brings rapid balance, safety and fosters our natural resilience building.
As I offer many pro-bono opportunities to veteran and Native American groups, one way I offset these activities is with paid workshops like this one and the Intermediate level that follows on Jan. 18th. However, if finances are of concern, I'm gifting you permission to join us using the low-cost ticket item marked for Guild members. More details on the class and the tickets here: https://jondiwhitis.com/classe...sses-special-events/
Hoping to see you there, and pass on these great strategies for creating a much BETTER, New Normal, for all. - Jondi Whitis, MTOT, NYC
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