Friday, July 14, 2023
11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. PT / 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. CT / 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. ET
“By writing our stories, we begin to extract significance, resonance, and lessons from our hardships, and by sharing those stories with others, and receiving others’ stories in return, we braid together bonds of connection across difference. We understand what is uniquely ours and what experiences and emotions unite us. We gain confidence and even safety. But the story must start with ourselves.” - Brittany R. Collins, Learning from Loss
The school year is over (for many of us). July can often be a month of in-between: in-between school years, roles, classes; this liminal space invites us to reflect and integrate, to recover.
Join us in a caring community for a session dedicated to writing and reflecting about loss, grief, and identity as educators and as whole humans. Together, we will engage in the practice of free-writing, dispelling our inner editors and utilizing the power of the pen (or keyboard) to tap into our inner monologue, probe our social and emotional experiences around grief and support (experiences of both giving and receiving), and explore the narratives we carry, the stories that inform who we are–and who we are becoming-as educators and beyond.
Intended Audience
Educators, youth organizers, student leaders, community based partners, and school administrators (Anyone looking to better understand their own loss experiences or reactions to others’ losses – and to make connections between past, present, and future self through the written word.
Go to: https://schoolcrisishealing.or...iters-workshop-2023/ to register and find out more!
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