I first started following Dr. Gabor Mate's work about 5 years ago. I was training to be an addictions counsellor, and found him during my research for a project.
Unfortunately he and his perspective weren't covered in our training curriculum. I felt lucky to have come across him on my own. I knew from the first video I watched, and then from all his books I read, that he actually "got" addiction and the "root causes."
A few of my favourite Dr. Gabor Mate quotes:
Ask not why the addicition, ask why the pain?
It's easier to be spiritual than to be emotionally authentic.
Keep doing what you’re doing, in the face of all that works against you, and don’t take it personally. Don’t take it all on as a job that you’re going to have to finish, because you’re not going to finish it. But without your contribution, it’s going to be much worse. That’s the best (advice) I can tell you.
Here is some classic Gabor Mate for those looking for more after watching the conversation with Darrell Hammond, Michelle Esrick and Janes Stevens discussing the film Cracked Up.
Authenticity vs Attachment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3bynimi8HQ
Why Addiction has become the norm in our abnormal society https://www.youtube.com/watch?...amp;feature=youtu.be
How stress can cause disease: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qf92l7FPyKo
There are many excellent videos of Dr. Mate's teachings on You Tube.
Here also is his website: https://drgabormate.com/
He's a Canadian treasure we all need to listen to more and adapt our social policies to reflect his level of understanding of human development and that which impedes it and is affected by it.
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