Tagged With "Child Rights"
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12 Myths of the Science of ACEs
The two biggest myths about ACEs science are: MYTH #1 — That it’s just about the 10 ACEs in the ACE Study — the CDC-Kaiser Permanente Adverse Childhood Experiences Study . It’s about sooooo much more than that. MYTH #2 — And that it’s just about ACEs…adverse childhood experiences. These two myths are intertwined. The ACE Study issued the first of its 70+ publications in 1998, and for many people it was the lightning bolt, the grand “aha” moment, the unexpected doorway into a blazing new...
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ACE Surveys (different types of)
This is just the start of this list of survey resources. If you have ACEs surveys that you think belong on this list, please provide that information in a comment. Thank you!
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ACEs Connection's Inclusion Tool makes sure nobody's left out
We developed ACEs Connection's Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Tool — called the Inclusion Tool, for short — to ensure that ACEs initiatives across the world focus on being inclusive when forming a steering committee, recruiting leaders, providing education about ACEs science, recruiting members, or providing resources and services within their communities. The more inclusive your ACEs initiative is, the more diverse it will be, giving your initiative a real shot at achieving equity and...
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Canadian Index of Wellbeing and UNICEF Canada Index of Child and Youth Wellbeing
I recently became aware of these two reports: How are Canadians REALLY doing? The 2016 Cdn Index of Well-being National Report https://uwaterloo.ca/canadian-index-wellbeing/ Where Does Canada Stand? The Canadian Index of Child and Youth Well-being (2019 Baseline Report) "One of the key ingredients in the recipe for a happy child is a happy parent. When parents do better, kids do better – and vice versa. And, as for the recipe for a happy parent, the key ingredient in that recipe is good...
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Children and Youth Living with Family Violence During the COVID-19 Crisis (https://educ.ubc.ca/SOS/)
Canadian resource to support teachers while interacting with children and youth studying at home during covid 19 to check in and be alert for family violence and child abuse and neglect.
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Growing Resilient Communities 2.1 debuts! Thanks to our community, it’s better than ever!
Over the last 10 years, the number of people (millions), organizations (tens of thousands), and communities (high hundreds) who embrace ACEs science can blow your mind. But to solve our most intractable problems, all 34,000 communities in the U.S. need to integrate practices based on ACEs science. The fastest way is to start and grow an ACEs initiative, and we’ve got the tools and guidelines for that in our new Growing Resilient Communities 2.1, which debuts today.
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Residential opioid program giving drug users chance at new life
June 27th, 2018 • CBC.CA News • Author : CBC News Reach : 871000 A one-of-a-kind program for opioid users in Ottawa is not only helping them manage their addiction by feeding it, but giving them a safe place to live while they're undergoing the treatment. The managed opioid program (MOP), launched last August, provides participants with controlled amounts of pharmaceutical-grade narcotics, replacing street drugs that could be laced with deadly substances such as fentanyl. It's tailored...
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Update on ACEs in Nova Scotia
Our Canadian community is growing, here on ACEs Connection as well as through other avenues especially Twitter. If you're a Canadian interested in advancing ACEs awareness, prevention, and recovery universally and participating in a national community of practice, reach out. We'd love to have you join us.
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UPDATED with The Human Element: Hosting a Film Screening to Start or Grow an ACEs Initiative: How-to Guide
Movie screenings of documentaries, such as Paper Tigers or Resilience are popular ways to introduce communities to ACEs science. Cissy White provides details about how to put on a screening event.
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Why Slowing Down & Reflecting On Our Lives And Values Is So Vital Right Now (YourTango.com)
The unbridled spread of COVID-19 has caused all but essential service providers to drop what we were doing and settle in at home. This forced slowdown is very uncomfortable for most. But, this forced slowdown may not necessarily be a bad thing. With many of us at home, now's a good time to let our lives catch up to us and envision a new future.
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Canadian Thought Leader Dr. Gabor Mate Shares His Wisdom
Dr. Gabor Mate is a Canadian treasure. Here are some classic messages and resources for easy reference.
Re: Canadian Thought Leader Dr. Gabor Mate Shares His Wisdom
Thank you for sharing these resources, Elizabeth!
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Preventing Child Abuse during Covid 19
A recent webinar explored the topic Protecting Children from Abuse in the midst of the Covid 19 Pandemic
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A Journey Home: A First Voice Reflection
Returning to my childhood hometown is always surreal. The memories flood my soul. Some good. Many sad. They all have meaning in the life I live.
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Unbecoming an Armadillo: Recovering from Trauma with EMDR
Unbecoming an Armadillo By: Victoria F. Burns, PhD, LSW Victoriafrances49@gmail.com Instagram: @betesandbites “When you are traumatized, you are basically in a permanent defensive mode” — Gabor Mate I’m sitting across from Meg on her charcoal grey love seat. My forearms are resting on a velvety mustard-yellow throw cushion and I’m holding crescent shaped pulsers in each hand. Meg’s my psychologist; a rare gem who specializes in chronic illness and trauma. Every two weeks, we spend an hour...
Blog Post
Impacts of COVID-19 on Canadian families and children (www150.statcan.gc.ca)
Released: 2020-07-09 The COVID -1 9 pandemic has dramatically altered the way of life for Canadian families, parents and children. Because of physical distancing and employment impacts, parents have altered their usual routines and supports, and many children and families have been isolated in their homes for months. Children, in particular, may not have left their homes or seen any friends or family members other than their parents for an extended period, since children do not typically...
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Orange Shirt Day - Wednesday, September 30, 2020
"Orange Shirt Day" is a reminder that as a nation, we continue to travel the same well-trodden path with the same injustices. The only path to a new and better way is for everyone to be aware and mindful of the experiences others have endured. This day is dedicated to understanding our Native American and Indigenous Peoples experience and to recognize the the cultural, societal, and generational trauma with a goal of healing and rising above the past.
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Free ACEs Podcasts and Resources by the CBC
A list of resources promoted by the CBC. The CBC produces podcasts for CBC radio. The program IDEAS with Nahlah Ayed aired a 3 part series about Adverse Childhood Experiences and childhood trauma entitled “All in the Family”. This is a summary of the content.
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Trauma-informed care as a rights-based “standard of care”: A critical review (https://www.sciencedirect.com)
New Canadian Research: A growing body of literature on the concept of trauma-informed care (TIC) has emerged in response to greater recognition of the prevalence of childhood trauma. Currently, no review has examined the conceptualization of TIC in various child-serving systems, specifically TIC as a standard of care, the outcomes examined relevant to care, and whether child rights are part of the TIC discourse.
Re: Canadian Thought Leader Dr. Gabor Mate Shares His Wisdom
I am such a huge Gabor Mate follower. He is an inspiration and for me up there with all of the greats! Someday I hope to tell him how significant his work has been through my own journey, and a influence of my own personal work in helping to free woman from trauma. so glad to see this mutual admiration for this great leader. Amber B
Re: Canadian Thought Leader Dr. Gabor Mate Shares His Wisdom
Great to hear Amber that you also value Dr. Gabor Mate. Denise and I are both great fans too. He's certainly changing the way we think about addiction and it would appear we are finally making some inroads into "culture change" based on recent news reports of policy proposal and change re access to safe use sites and supply.
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"The Brain's Journey to Resilience"
"The Brain Story is a story about how experiences shape our brains. As such, it is also a story about human relationships, because we depend on those around us for the experiences that build our brain architecture."-Alberta Family Wellness Initiative For those individuals who have taken the incredible Brain Story Certification through the Alberta Family Wellness initiative, AFWI has released a report on January 8,2021, titled: "EARLY LEARNINGS ABOUT USES FOR THE RESILIENCE SCALE METAPHOR IN...
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International child rights monitoring program makes New Brunswick its home
The National Post- March 3, 2021 by Erik Leijon "The University of New Brunswick (UNB) is the new international home of an important pilot project for the future of children’s health. GlobalChild is a child rights monitoring platform that will allow countries to implement the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), an important treaty that standardizes a number of factors for children and forces governments to uphold those standards so that children can grow up to become healthy,...
Re: International child rights monitoring program makes New Brunswick its home
This is so cool Denise. NB is doing so much lately re prioritizing the child including all the work you do there re ACEs. It will be exciting to see all the talk applied in the real lives of our collective children. Thanks for sharing this article. Elizabeth
Leyla Bagheri
Blog Post
Land as teacher: understanding Indigenous land-based education (eu.ccunesco.ca)
Indigenous land-based education has implications for science, culture, politics, language, environmental stewardship, land rights, reconciliation - and the future of this planet. For anyone who seeks an understanding of what Indigenous land-based education is, it may be instructive to begin by grasping what it is not. If your mind went straight to “taking the classroom outside” or “outdoor education,” bingo: that’s what it’s not . Or at least, that’s not all it is—not by far. A multi-faceted...
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Proposed class-action alleges systemic discrimination of Inuit children in care in Quebec (aptnnews.ca)
The wheels are officially in motion for a proposed class-action lawsuit involving Inuit children in the northern Quebec region of Nunavik. On Monday, a trio of law firms filed an application in Quebec Superior Court on behalf of all Inuit children who endured “decades of allegedly discriminatory and unlawful underfunding of child welfare” and other essential services in the north. If approved, the class-action would impact all Inuit children who were taken into the Quebec child welfare...
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Re-Imagining How We Support Families So All Children can Thrive within their Home or Community
In 2014, a 4-year-old daughter, granddaughter, and sister, Serenity died after being apprehended by children's services when her Mother reached out for help due to domestic violence. Join a Collective of organizations who are re-imagining how we support families so that all children can thrive within their homes or community. Register here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/a-time-for-accountability-a-community-response-to-the-serenity-report-tickets-607613858407 “Parents should be supported so...
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A Last Conversation With Robbie Robertson, About ‘Killers of the Flower Moon’ and Reconvening With Martin Scorsese: ‘It’s Just Been a Gift in Life’ (variety.com)
Image: Getty To read more of Chris Willman's article, please click here. In an interview shortly before his death, Robertson talked about his own Native heritage and said of getting to do a project that has its 'soul' in that world: 'You couldn't have made something like this up. This is so magical.' When I spoke with Robbie Robertson over the phone in the last week of July, it was at what everyone might have expected would be the beginning of a great victory lap for the musician. His work...
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Supporting Legislation to End Corporal Punishment in Canada
We currently have 2 Bills moving through Parliament. Bill S251 is being championed by Dr. Stan Kutcher in the Canadian Senate. Bill C273 is being championed in the House of Commons by MP Peter Julian. Both Bills call Canada to honour the Truth and Reconciliation Call to Action #6 to End Corporal Punishment in Canada. Many organizations and individuals have been working to have this fundamental change in our Criminal Code - to repeal section 43 which allows for the use of physical force...