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Six Months and Counting!


Happy birthday to us! Happy birthday to us!

Well, sort of.

This week marks just over 6 months since ACEs Caribbean Community (ACEs) was formed here on the PACEs Connection platform. Actually, the platform name change from ACEs Connection occurred during our first month here.

In that time, we have been pleased to see a coming together of like-minded individuals from within and outside of CARICOM (the Caribbean Community), all with a passion for helping people thrive after childhood adversity. While some have been more active than others on the PACEs Connection platform, all serve in this field in some way, whether online or IRL (in real life).

From a literal handful of members, primarily from the Southern Caribbean, ACEs Caribbean Community has expanded to over 50 members hailing from most of the CARICOM nations and at least one interested person from as far away as Asia!

Yoo-hoo! We tropical people stick together!

Some of our members are pediatricians, psychologists or other clinicians, some are survivors and thrivers of ACEs, and a few are relative newbies to the field. We come from different ethnic backgrounds, cultures and professions. Our geography spans thousands of kilometres and crosses time zones. However, our desire to see a healed and transformed Caribbean and - by extension - world, unites us.

Over the past 6 months, we have also made friends in the global P/ACES community through connecting on Twitter and Instagram, with an occasional LinkedIn post here and there. That's a not so subtle hint to follow our social media channels (see the right side panel for links).

We also hosted a couple Livestreams that can be found on our YouTube channel (there's that hint again). Among them are observances of World Day of the Boy Child in May and Father's Day - and the Father Wound - in June. Despite technical glitches, we were able to share very insightful content to viewers who tuned in from across the globe.

Through networking with our respective connections, we have also been able to introduce persons in various helping professions and a few civil society organisations to P/ACEs.

We've found that a surprising number of people are unaware of the tremendous work that has been and is being done in this area of science. Nor do they always appreciate how social ills and injustices they are focused on changing are related to P/ACEs. So it is always a joy to see that "Aha" expression that comes across people's faces the moment it sinks in the role that P/ACEs can have in our lives and the long-lasting impacts of unresolved trauma.

If you're new to what we do, scroll through our blog and read some of our posts that show the links among healthcare, mental health, family life, juvenile justice, hurricanes, climate change, education, Trans Atlantic slavery and modern slavery.

Whew, that was a mouthful!

While you're doing that, don't forget to Join our Community so you can receive updates on all our content.

As we look towards the future, we are planning to expand ACEs Caribbean Community through the creation of dedicated resources, the delivery of more P/ACEs presentations to government and community stakeholders, and more interactive engagement across social media.

We also eagerly anticipate the publication of the second picture book from our Community Manager, Juleus Ghunta. Continue to watch this space as the big reveal will take place before the end of 2021!

Thank you to all those who have joined us on this remarkable journey to inform and transform the CARICOM region and the world.

And thanks to PACEs Connection for helping us get our start and for creating a platform that makes it possible to connect with like-minded individuals and to access valuable resources to grow as individuals and as a movement.

The staff of PACEs Connection who helped us at the inception remain at our sides, availing themselves to answer and resolve all and any queries. They are quite amazing and bring their own passion to the table.

As they take a collective, well-deserved time out to rest, reflect and rejuvenate, we wish them and their families wellness, wholeness and peace.

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