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Tagged With "childhood adversity"

Blog Post

In the Return to "Normalcy" in 2021

Adrian Alexander ·
Okay, so we all are hearing of the end of life as we have come to know it for the past 14 months. The social isolation, physical distancing, mask-wearing, business shutdowns, country lockdowns, and travel bans are what we in the region have endured since March 2020. The disruption of life from Covid-19 is expected to come to a close as more than one vaccine has been approved and is being used in the Caribbean. As we adults relish in the return to school of our children, our return to gainful...
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Childhood Trauma Clips on PBS

Adrian Alexander ·
Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) has been known as a source of wholesome, relevant information for decades. (Remember Sesame Street? ) Well, PBS also has videos on childhood trauma that you can access at no cost, even from the Caribbean. Some of the content is designed as a series so you can arrange to view the segments when you have the time. So get the popcorn ready and check out PBS for your free Childhood Trauma-related content. [Clips related to Childhood Trauma on PBS] If you would...
Blog Post

ACEs Connection Overview

Gail Kennedy ·
ACES CONNECTION NETWORK OVERVIEW ACEs = Adverse Childhood Experiences 2 SITES A solutions-oriented news site for the general public that covers stories on ACEs, trauma, and resilience. An action-based...
Blog Post

How will Covid-19 and Trauma Shape the Lives of Young People?

Adrian Alexander ·
The New York Times published an article today which features Dr. Nadine Burke-Harris, the Surgeon General for California, USA and podcaster Ezra Klein of The Ezra Klein Show where they discuss Covid-19 and the growing evidence that childhood adversities including things like Covid-19 impact us into adulthood. It is an interesting transcript but, if you prefer to use your ears rather than your eyes, the link below has an option to listen to the original podcast.😀 Here are some excerpts...
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How Trauma-Informed Care Can Prevent Youth Incarceration

Adrian Alexander ·
Last week we looked at 'Punishing Abuse', a report which showed that the majority of youth offenders in a research done in West Midlands, UK had a history of childhood abuse and trauma. Today's post examines this from a US state perspective, through the audio accounts of former juveniles in conflict with the law. Please take a listen to them as they discuss their childhood adversities and later criminal involvement. Also interviewed is a clinician who shares how Trauma-Informed Care can...
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Free Trauma-Informed Law Webinar

Adrian Alexander ·
Hello everyone! One of the core areas in which we need to see a transformation is in the Justice system - from the point of arrest all the way through to reentry. As we've shared previously, there is ample research from the original 1998 ACEs study through to recent times which indicates the majority of persons in conflict with the law have multiple ACEs. So if you're interested in learning how Trauma Informed principles can be used to transform Justice, please register for the free webinar...

Re: Happening Now! Hello again. The webinar we...

Adrian Alexander ·
It was quite interesting. A good background on the ACEs study and how law enforcement can do better to respond to calls with trauma in mind. It was hopeful and that makes my heart smile. In many places, police are unprepared to deal with mental health and related challenges in persons with whom they interact. If it reduces death of citizens, improves capacity in the police and other first responders, I'm on board.

Re: Happening Now! Hello again. The webinar we...

Dwana Young ·
Awe, I'm so disappointed I missed this.
Blog Post

Happening Now! Hello again. The webinar we...

Adrian Alexander ·
Happening Now! Hello again. The webinar we posted about in the calendar is on right now! Adverse Childhood Experiences: The Importance of Law Enforcement Recognition and Intervention. It's tremendous to see experienced law enforcement officers training their peers in understanding the role childhood adversity plays and how to intervene responsibly. More info is available at the Justice Clearinghouse website. Be sure to check out some of their upcoming webinars which we've posted in our...
Blog Post

Please Register for A Better Normal 26th March 2021

Adrian Alexander ·
Tomorrow is going to be amazing as there is an upcoming webinar on A Better Normal which will focus on becoming Trauma-Informed. Please attend this webinar to learn about the groundbreaking research of Positive Childhood Experiences and how this is going to transform the work PACEs Connection is doing. Learn more about the upcoming webinar by reading the post on the Home Page of PACEs Connection -...
Blog Post

A Nation in Trauma [A article]

Adrian Alexander ·
Mr. Benjamin asked, "Does the cycle of death, trauma, outrage, and dismissal deal with the root causes of the violence which affects each person in T&T?" "...the nation is full of people whose traumatic childhood experiences have set them on a path that would lead them down violent roads with a fatal end. He said unless T&T puts preventative measures in place to handle childhood trauma, the cycle will continue and T&T will remain a nation in trauma."
Blog Post

Changing Our Response to Childhood Adversity.

Adrian Alexander ·
"For generations, we have trained practitioners to consider childhood suffering only through the institutional lens of child protection. Through research on the prevalence of ACEs in our most vulnerable children, it has become clear this approach is not enough." This is the introduction to an online event, "Changing Our Response to Childhood Adversity", to be hosted by The Learning Institute ( of the UK on 30th June 2021 where they will unveil their...
Blog Post

Are ACEs Overplayed?

Adrian Alexander ·
Hello everyone! It's Friday again. To send you into the weekend, we want to ask you to put your thinking caps on. In reading the literature, it is clear that there is no unanimity with respect to the role that the Adverse Childhood Experiences study should have in guiding public health. One nation in which there has been much thought given to the issue is Scotland. In 2019 two advocates squared off to share their respective points of view as to the value of the ACEs research and how best it...
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Secret Service Study on Children Who Kill Finds Link to ACEs.

Adrian Alexander ·
Hello Community. It's Friday again! To kick off the weekend, we want to examine some research from the USA conducted by the Secret Service that has found a link to Adverse Childhood Experiences in youth who plotted or executed mass murders or shootings at school. According to the study, most of the perpetrators were "motivated by grievances against them, usually peers and bullying. Many were suicidal or had depression." Eight had a desire for fame or notoriety. "More than half had been...
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Wondering Wednesday - Could California's Roadmap to Resilience Help the Caribbean?

Adrian Alexander ·
Hello everyone and welcome to another Wondering Wednesday. This is where we examine what is working or has been introduced in other parts of the world and explore the value of adapting those ideas and concepts to the Caribbean. Today we are examining some of the components of a report published in December 2020 by the State of California in the USA. Titled "Roadmap for Resilience: The California Surgeon General’s Report on Adverse Childhood Experiences, Toxic Stress, and Health", it is...
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Wellness Wednesday - Weighty Matters

Adrian Alexander ·
Happy Wellness Wednesday, everyone! For some people who have experienced childhood adversity, coping with the horrors of what happened to them can take them into using food for comfort. As such, some develop certain lifestyles and gain an unhealthy amount of weight such that their health is comprised. This was evident from the original Kaiser Permanente study in 1998. It is also revealed in a recent study involving 1,647 adults aged 27-33 . “A history of any childhood maltreatment was...

Re: Wellness Wednesday - Weighty Matters

Mark Nicoll ·
Thanks for posting this.

Re: Wellness Wednesday - Weighty Matters

Adrian Alexander ·
You are welcome, Mark.
Blog Post

How can student progress in public schools be improved?

Adrian Alexander ·
Good Monday morning everyone. It is a public holiday here in Trinidad and Tobago for the Arrival Day observance on Sunday but this article just cannot wait. Kudos to our ACEs Caribbean Community member, Mark Nicoll, whose article on ACEs and their impact on children's education was published last week in the Cayman Islands newspaper, Cayman Current. At the time, Mark was commenting on the Education Data Report 2020 that highlighted the poor performance of public schools as compared with...
Blog Post

Oprah & Dr. Bruce Perry book on Childhood trauma: What Happened to You?

Mark Nicoll ·
What Happened to You? Oprah Winfrey and renowned brain development and trauma expert, Dr. Bruce Perry, discuss the impact of trauma and adverse experiences and how healing must begin with a shift to asking, 'what happened to you?' rather than 'what’s wrong with you?' Through wide-ranging, and often deeply personal conversation, Oprah Winfrey and Dr. Perry explore how what happens to us in early childhood – both good and bad - influences the people we become. They challenge us to shift from...
Blog Post

Webinar on Trauma and Prostitution

Adrian Alexander ·
Hi everyone. There's an upcoming free webinar on Sunday 6th June 2021 (9am to 10:30am EST) on Trauma and Prostitution. Some of the questions it will answer include: "Does prostitution have a negative impact on mental health? What about physical health? What is the role of dissociation? Is trauma in a woman’s childhood connected with her entry into prostitution? " To register please visit the link below.
Blog Post

Reflections on Trauma-Informed Policing

Adrian Alexander ·
Hi everyone, Happy Friday.😀 If any of you has a law enforcement background, this post is for you! Recently, we had the pleasure to virtually connect with Graham Goulden from Scotland. Graham is an experienced and committed leadership and violence prevention trainer. For thirty years he was a Scottish police officer and Chief Investigator specialising in criminal investigation, drug investigation, training and crime prevention. For the last eight years of policing career he was a Chief...
Blog Post

Barbados Research into Childhood Malnutrition and Maltreatment.

Adrian Alexander ·
Happy Friday everybody! As you know, with that comes some weekend reading for you. Today, we are sharing a report from research conducted in Barbados that links childhood malnutrition and maltreatment to personality disorders which persist into adulthood. It is the work of Rebecca S. Hock and her colleagues using data from the 47 year longitudinal Barbados Nutrition Study. Published in Psychiatry Research (Volume 269, November 2018, Pages 301-308), the work, " Childhood malnutrition and...
Blog Post

Wellness Wednesday - The steps that can help adults heal from childhood trauma

Adrian Alexander ·
Hi everyone! This Wellness Wednesday we are looking at an article written by Shanta R. Dube, Associate Professor, School of Public Health, Georgia State University. In writing in 2107, she focused on the fact that ACEs can be a cycle that is hard to break if we only deal with it from the perspective of the child. "Prevention is the mantra of modern medicine and public health. Benjamin Franklin said it himself: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Unfortunately, childhood...

ACEs & The Boy Child

Adrian Alexander ·
ACEs & The Boy Child
Blog Post

Upcoming Livestream on Father's Day - ACEs & The Father Wound

Adrian Alexander ·
Many men and women around the world are nursing a Father Wound and it is negatively impacting their health, eroding their self-confidence and crippling their ability to form healthy relationships, among other things. For such persons, the word "father" does not represent the definitions outlined in the title image. Rather, it brings to mind memories of hurt and pain, or thoughts of abandonment and neglect, or simply a void. So, on Father's Day, at 2pm Eastern Standard Time we want to address...
Blog Post

Happy Father's Day!

Adrian Alexander ·
Its the 3rd Sunday of June and its Father's Day! Happy Father's Day to all "dads"! Around the world, fathers and father figures (hopefully) are being celebrated for their hard work, love, care and support given to the family, especially throughout the past year of the global ACE known as Covid19. On that topic, we wish to extend very special greetings to all NEW fathers whose babies have been born into this new normal. So if you did not read our previous post, we were trying to spare the...
Blog Post

Reminder - Livestream on Father's Day - "ACEs & The Father Wound"

Adrian Alexander ·
Hi everyone, it's the Father's Day weekend! If your dad is in your life and you love him, try to do something different for him this year. Socks and ties are so 20th Century. You can take him to "Lunch and a Movie" - or Livestream, on us! Yup, you can share with your father the link to our YouTube channel and you and he can tune in for our riveting discussion on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and The Father Wound. Date - Sunday 20th June 2021 Time - 2:00 p.m. EST Where - On YouTube of...
Blog Post

Gwyneth Paltrow x Nadine Burke Harris: How Does Childhood Trauma Impact Health Outcomes? []

From Goop, June 16, 2020 “You can’t grow up Black in America and not feel outraged by the terrible health disparities that are still going on every day,” says Nadine Burke Harris, MD , the first surgeon general of California. GP got on a video call with Harris, who is an expert on adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). Her book, The Deepest Well , explores the connection between adversity, trauma, and toxic stress in childhood and health outcomes later in life. Much of her work focuses on...
Blog Post

It's time to heal childhood trauma!

Phil Schmauss ·
A consensus of scientific research demonstrates that cumulative adversity, especially when experienced during childhood development, is a root cause to some of the most harmful, persistent, and expensive health challenges facing our nation. But there is hope. We can take action now to change and save lives. The impacts of ACEs, trauma, and toxic stress are treatable. Start by watching the short educational video below. For more information please visit:
Blog Post

Good Bye Elsa!

Adrian Alexander ·
Hi everyone, We hope the past weekend was a fun one for the folks in the USA celebrating the Fourth of July. In the Caribbean, it was a mixed affair as the season's first Hurricane, named Elsa, tore through the region, doing considerable damage to Barbados - often untouched by these systems - and causing flooding in several other territories. As these small island states continue to grapple with fluctuating Covid-19 infection rates, disrupted economies due to border closures, internal...
Blog Post

Psychologists Advocate for Improved Treatment for Developmental Trauma

Adrian Alexander ·
Hi everybody. This article contains some good news! According to an article on the website of the American Psychological Association (APA), a growing body of research is leading many psychologists to call for the inclusion of complex childhood trauma in various classification systems. "To better serve children who faced poverty, homelessness, and severe neglect throughout his childhood, a growing group of psychologists and psychiatrists is studying complex trauma—which can refer to exposure...
Blog Post

How Have Children and Families Fared During Covid?

Adrian Alexander ·
Hi everyone, It's Friday or as some say, Fri-yay! Today we want to share some additional research info with you and it is based on US data for the past year. Essentially, the desire was to understand how children and families have been coping since the onset of Covid-19. Recently, KidsData released the latest data from the "Family Experiences During the COVID-19 Pandemic" questionnaire. These data are the second wave of findings from the multi-wave questionnaire. As the COVID-19 pandemic...
Blog Post

Connecting the Dots between Overdose Prevention and Adverse Childhood Experiences

Adrian Alexander ·
Hi everybody. As you may know there have been many persons who have sought to dull the pain of childhood trauma through the use of narcotics, some becoming addicted in the process. In an effort to explore solutions to this dilemma, we are happy to share with you an upcoming webinar on ACEs and Addiction. "Adverse Childhood Experiences, or ACEs, are shown to increase the risk of chronic health conditions including substance use disorder. These ACES, frequently experienced as “trauma” in early...
Blog Post

Upcoming Presentation on the Causes/Impacts of ACEs in the Caribbean

Juleus Ghunta ·
On Friday, August 27, 2021, at noon, I will be the guest speaker at Port of Spain Adult Library’s monthly International Men's Day Trinidad and Tobago (IMDTT) discussion. The title of my talk is The Causes and Impacts of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) in the Caribbean. ACEs pose huge challenges across the globe. Unfortunately, not much has been done in the Caribbean to uncover the links between ACEs and many of the developmental challenges we face. My presentation will highlight some of...
Blog Post

Six Months and Counting!

Adrian Alexander ·
Happy birthday to us! Happy birthday to us! Well, sort of. This week marks just over 6 months since ACEs Caribbean Community (ACEs) was formed here on the PACEs Connection platform. Actually, the platform name change from ACEs Connection occurred during our first month here. In that time, we have been pleased to see a coming together of like-minded individuals from within and outside of CARICOM (the Caribbean Community), all with a passion for helping people thrive after childhood adversity.

Re: Six Months and Counting!

Alison Cebulla ·
Thanks so much for celebrating your success with this summary! ACEs Caribbean Community is an inspiration! I noticed that CA Surgeon General Nadine Burke Harris is following your account on Instagram—that's so cool!
Blog Post

NJ ACEs Collaborative ACEs Screening Position Release - 10/14/2021

Dwana Young ·
Trenton – New Jersey’s ACEs Collaborative today announced that screening for Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) by care providers should be used as a means to provide assistance and referrals to children and families, not as a diagnostic or treatment tool. In a position paper released today, the Collaborative – a coalition of state-based foundations, the New Jersey Department of Children and Families, and its Office of Resilience – advised that ACE screening results are an opportunity for...
Blog Post

How We Heal from Adverse Childhood Experiences

Dr. Glenn Schiraldi ·
It’s not time, but an integrated recovery plan that heals.
Blog Post

Trauma-Informed Criminal Justice with Special Guest, Becky Haas, Pioneer in Developing Trauma-Informed Judicial Initiatives

Porter Jennings-McGarity ·
Please join us for our new series entitled: Trauma-Informed Criminal Justice. This monthly virtual Zoom series will feature conversations facilitated by Dr. Porter Jennings-McGarity, PhD/LCSW, PACEs Connection’s criminal justice consultant, with special guests to discuss the need for trauma-informed criminal justice system reform. Using a PACEs-science lens, this series will examine the relationship between trauma and the criminal justice system, what needs changing, and strategies being...
Blog Post

ACEs in the Caribbean

Adrian Alexander ·
Hello everyone, I'm excited about this post as it serves to highlight the special edition of PREE magazine that explores P/ACEs in the Caribbean (and elsewhere). One of the authors and editors is our very own, Juleus Ghunta, a community manager here at ACEs Caribbean! Other members of our ACEs Caribbean Community and persons with whom we have collaborated also contribute to the special edition, including Drs. Richard Honigan and Stephanie Guthman, and Jerome Teelucksingh, PhD. Please visit...
Blog Post

Adverse Childhood Experiences, the Brain, and Exercise: How exercise strengthens the brain wounded by toxic childhood stress

Dr. Glenn Schiraldi ·
Even small amounts of exercise can quickly and dramatically improve mood, brain health, brain function, and the ability to cope with stress, while preparing the brain to rewire the hidden wounds from childhood.

Re: Adverse Childhood Experiences, the Brain, and Exercise: How exercise strengthens the brain wounded by toxic childhood stress

Marie I Geffrard ·
Sorry no longer working? On Thu, Jan 20, 2022, 18:56 PACEsConnection <> wrote:
Blog Post

PACEs Research Corner — April 2022

Jane Stevens ·
[Editor's note: Dr. Harise Stein at Stanford University edits a web site — — that focuses on the effects of abuse, and includes research articles on PACEs. Every month, she posts the summaries of the abstracts and links to research articles that address only ACEs, PCEs and PACEs. Thank you, Harise!! — Jane Stevens] Child Abuse Vermeulen S, Alink LRA, van Berkel SR. Child Maltreatment During School and Childcare Closure Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Child Maltreat. 2022 Feb...
Blog Post

Neuroplasticity, Imagery, and Adverse Childhood Experiences

Dr. Glenn Schiraldi ·
The disturbing neural imprints from adverse childhood experiences need not be a life sentence. Imagery is an extremely helpful tool to modify the circuitry of the brain, utilizing the principle of neuroplasticity. Imagery strengthens and stabilizes the brain, while laying down alternative neural pathways.
Blog Post

New Podcast Episode! Get to know the Leaders of the Caribbean ACEs Movement

Alison Cebulla ·
Latchkey Urchins are kids who grew up unsupervised or without attentive emotional care. Latchkey Urchins & Friends Podcast delves into trauma and childhood emotional neglect topics weekly through survivor and expert interviews. We bring a touch of humor to these normally heavy topics—laughing about life's never-ending struggles, even as we quest to create a future free from violence. In this week's episode, cohosts Anne and Alison (me!) interview @Adrian Alexander and @Juleus Ghunta ,...
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Emotional Intelligence and Healing Hidden Wounds

Dr. Glenn Schiraldi ·
What is emotional intelligence? How does it help us cope in the present and heal the hidden wounds from childhood that continue to disturb us?
Blog Post

Underground Shame from Adverse Childhood Experiences: Understanding Prepares the Heart to Heal

Dr. Glenn Schiraldi ·
New understanding of the brain provides hope for breaking the painful grip of shame that’s imprinted in childhood and continues to affect adults. Rewiring shame calls for more than the traditional left brain approaches.
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Rewiring Shame from Adverse Childhood Experiences (Glenn R. Schiraldi, Ph.D. Psychology Today)

Adrian Alexander ·
Hi everyone! We hope you are having a great Wellness Wednesday. Today we would like to share an article from Glenn R. Schiraldi, Ph.D. which was published in Psychology Today. It relates to how we can rewire shame from childhood that persists into adulthood. Excerpt - "Even after disturbing memories from childhood have been reworked, lingering remnants of shame can disrupt one’s peace and sense of wholeness in adulthood." Dr. Schiraldi proposes practical ways to rework shame from caregivers...
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