Tagged With "U.S. Territories"
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Directory of ACEs Connection How-Tos
JOIN How-To: Join ACEs Connection How-To: Join ACEs Connection Groups INVITE How-To: Invite Others to Join ACEs Connection How-To: Invite Others to Join an ACEs Connection Group SIGN IN & UPDATE PROFILE How-To: Sign In to ACEs Connection How-To: Update Your Profile and Contact Info How-To: Add or Change a Profile Picture EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS How-To: Customize Your Email Notifications for ACEs Connection Main Site How-To: Customize Your Email Notifications for ACEs...
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Tips for Parents: Helping Children Coping with Media Coverage of Racial Trauma
We post this resource in honor of African American parents and caregivers who, in the face of unremitting racial injustice and trauma, show courage and strength as they seek to create to safe and nurturing homes and communities for their children. We lift our voices in solidarity with African American communities across the country. https://youtu.be/0Qtn2ZFx6ZM Media coverage of community racial trauma and civil unrest can cause children to experience fear, worry, sadness, confusion, and...
Blog Post
Read the Report: A View from the Field: Awareness, Activities and Approaches for Addressing ACEs (AAA for ACEs)
Cecil J. Picard Center for Child Development & Lifelong Learning, March 2020 The landmark Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) study, co-sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and the Kaiser Permanente Managed Care Consortium in San Diego, CA (Felitti et al., 1998) demonstrated that cumulative adversity in childhood is associated with significant long-term consequences for adult health and well-being. The “ACE Study” findings have been replicated in numerous studies and the research...
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PACEs Connection presents the "Historical Trauma in America" series
PACEs Connection's Race & Equity Workgroup will be examining historical trauma in the United States of America and its impact on American society in a series of virtual discussions. This series will highlight each unique region within the United States and outline how unresolved historical trauma has impacted every aspect of American life and directly shapes the socio-political landscape of today as well as the overall well-being of Americans. Discussions will make connections between...
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My positive childhood experiences tree
This is the third of three stunning illustrations showing how PACEs (positive and adverse childhood experiences) affected the family of Cendie Stanford, graphic artist and founder of the nonprofit ACEs Matter. This one looks at her positive childhood experiences. The day before her 16th birthday, Cendie Stanford’s older brother was shot and killed by a young man who, just two years earlier, had been her boyfriend. “I was heartbroken that two people I loved were out of my life forever,” says...
Blog Post
Call to Action & Toolkit: Urge Congress to Support Trauma-Informed Legislation
It’s time to take action and make our voices heard to build healthy, resilient communities! The Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice (CTIPP) is organizing trauma-informed advocates, activists, and stakeholders to urge their U.S. Senators and Representatives to support two bipartisan, bicameral bills that would significantly help prevent, address, and mitigate the negative impacts of trauma through community-based/led initiatives.