File this under kindness matters only every single time. And for lots of people, most especially, at this time of year. Excerpt from "Dear Laurie" post written by the same Heidi written about in this piece.
I came in for a shift one night and she said, “oh” (nonchalant) “I picked up that doll you wanted.”
She bought the doll and brought it in. For me. She saw it, knew I was looking for it, and picked it up for me.
I was moved. I didn’t have a lot of people in my life. At all. All I did was work. I paid her for it, and I went home and cried. I didn’t have a babysitter except Nana. I didn’t have any days that I didn’t feel like falling asleep and not waking up. Christmas shopping was terrible because it was something I couldn’t do with my daughter and we went everywhere and did everything together.
I don’t remember if I ever showed my appreciation. I don’t remember if my gratitude was obvious, or if I looked uncomfortable and awkward because I wasn’t used to people being kind. But, this year, I was walking into Target, and there was a sign taped on the door that said “We are all out of Hatchimals right now”, or something like that. And, my first thought was “I’m so glad I’m not one of parents looking for whatever THAT is.” I thought back on how stressful that was. Alexis never asked for much. Ever. In fact, for her first 5 years, I made, painted or got on clearance and spruced up every single gift.
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