I went to the fireworks the other night. I was thinking about how fireworks can be hard for veterans and how it's good people know and respect that. Relationships are my fireworks. Relationships are where it's hard for me to stay present without being sent in to sensory overload.
ACEs and interpersonal violence can be so messy and complex. It's hard to find language and even when we have words there aren't always ways to prevent all triggers. Relationships offer the space and place for the most healing. And also, relationships can be the most terrifying places of all. There's no way to trigger proof life. As my daughter ages she learns from what she watches and sees in me and how I relate with others as well as how relate to and with her.
Below is an excerpt from my personal blog. It's about a time my partner and I both got our buttons pushed. It's about what PTSD in love can mean. It's about finding more patience, tools and perspective since neither one of us can change our history. It's not always as quick as I'd like and sometimes I'm sad that my daughter doesn't have a mother who knew more from the start. But, I'm learning to have more compassion for myself, my partner and the process.
I'm learning to love learning about love - as messy and wonderful as it can be.
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