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Parenting with PACEs. PACEs science & stories. Trauma-informed change.


Group Name Change

Hi folks,   In order to streamline our efforts, the "Infant Bonding and Community Support" group will now be called "ACEs In Parenting." The "ACEs In Parenting group will focus on ACEs-, trauma-informed, and resilience-building education,...

Promising Research on Mindfulness for Kids (

Mindfulness trains our brains to respond in ways we choose instead of always in a default manner, which often is a knee-jerk reaction from the reptilian part of the brain. This is especially pertinent in situations that bring up stress or conflict. For instance, if a child has learned to use violence to react to feeling scared, mindfulness can help him or her become aware of this habitual behavior and the feelings underneath it, and ultimately rewire the reaction to a constructive and...

Equity Talks videos for parents and educators

First Steps Kent seeks to dismantle structural racism and improve the outcomes for people of color. This video series, entitled Equity Talks , provides tools to guide future educators and parents when having discussions about race and bias. By offering this to higher education, we can bring lasting change. When we are intentional and willing to be a part of difficult conversations, we can imagine a more inclusive anti-racist, and anti-bias future. The videos are conversational more than...

Resource List -- Books

Trigger Points by Joyelle Brandt and Dawn Daum *The first book written, edited, published by survivors of childhood abuse geared towards parents who are survivors. Parenting from the Inside Out by Daniel Siegel and Mary Hartzell Whole Brain Child by Daniel Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson No Drama Discipline by Daniel Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson Unconditional Parenting by Alfie Kohn Beyond Consequences, Logic, and Control: A Love-Based Approach to Helping Attachment-Challenged Children With...

Resource List -- Webinars/Online Tutorials

The art of co-regulation: a neuro-developmentally informed approach to parenting [1 hour, 20 min.] Dr. George Davis, New Mexico CYFD and Juvenile Justice Services and Robbyn Peters Bennett, VP, US Alliance to End the Hitting of Children present at the 2015 International Summit & Training on Violence, Abuse, & Trauma. Breastfeeding Helps Mothers Overcome the Legacy of Abuse and Adversity: It Makes All the Difference [1 hour, 10 min.] Kathleen Kendall-Tackett, PhD, IBCLC, FAPA...

Resource List -- Parent Training

Parent training programs that incorporate NEAR research (Neuroscience, Epigenetics, ACEs, and Resilience). This list will continue to grow and you are invited to post additional ACEs, trauma-informed, and resilience building parent training programs in the comment section below. Echo Parenting and Education Teaches nonviolent parenting classes in English and Spanish. Emphasizing compassion and connection between parent and child rather than “quick fixes” to gain compliance, the curriculum...

Resource List -- Professional Development

Professional development opportunities for parent educators/trainers/staff that incorporate NEAR research (Neuroscience, Epigenetics, ACEs, and Resilience). Echo Parenting and Education Nonviolent child raising seeks to eradicate early family violence in the common practices of spanking (60% of American toddlers are spanked), bribes, threats, name calling, shaming, manipulation, being untruthful or praise and rewards. This view moves beyond the current legal definition of child abuse and...

Resource List -- Toolkits/Guides

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Toolkit (Emerging Minds, 2020) "This toolkit contains information, advice and practical tools for individuals and professionals who work with, or care for, children who have had adverse childhood experiences (ACEs)...The resources in this toolkit are grouped according to differing professional and personal contexts in which ACEs issues may arise. The aim of these resources is to support individuals’ and professionals’ understandings of ACEs and their...

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