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Tagged With "Mockingbird Family Model"

Blog Post

ACE Member Discount 18th Annual Families and Fathers National Conference Limited

James Rodriguez ·
I am sharing a 20% discount and that U.S. OCSE as well as trauma experts are actively participating with a special series on March 1st at the 18th Annual Families & Fathers National Conference, "Never Giving Up - Breakthrough 2017", will be hosted by Fathers & Families Coalition of America from February 27 - March 3, 2017 in Los Angeles, CA. Early Bird Registration is now open with full event, two-day or one-day options for individuals to customize their training. The focus of this...
Blog Post

ACEs Connection Info

Alicia St. Andrews ·
ACEs Connection Welcome Tour What you get What you can do ACEs Connection How-Tos Directory How-To post a blog How-To add a picture How-To change your email settings And more ACEs Connection Roadmap to Resilience Toolkit Directory Assets mapping Logic model MOUs And more ACEs Connection Network Overview and ACEs, trauma-informed, and resilience-building Collective impact community of practice And more ACEs 101 FAQ ACEs, toxic stress, and epigenetics...
Blog Post

ACEs Research Corner — November 2019

Harise Stein ·
[Editor's note: Dr. Harise Stein at Stanford University edits a web site -- -- that focuses on the health effects of abuse, and includes research articles on ACEs. Every month, she's posting the summaries of the abstracts and links to research articles that address only ACEs. Thank you, Harise!! -- Jane Stevens] Jackson DB, Chilton M, Johnson KR, Vaughn MG. Adverse Childhood Experiences and Household Food Insecurity. Am J Prev Med. 2019 Nov;57(5):667-674. PMID: 31522923...
Blog Post

ACEs Science and Racism

Morgan Vien ·
This is a collection of resources regarding structural racism and trauma. This list aims to give a broad overview and is not all-inclusive. We welcome suggestions; if you have any, please comment below! The titles below and the PDFs in attachments are in alphabetical order. BSC Full Report Trauma Resilient Informed City Baltimore: This is the full report of the work, data, lessons, and direct quotes from several teams of people from various backgrounds in the Baltimore community as they...
Blog Post

Addressing Trauma and Building Resiliency as Comprehensive Disaster Planning and Response

Holly White-Wolfe ·
The attached memo is intended to make observations about communities affected by disaster-related trauma, and to offer recommendations for trauma-informed recovery. Community examples provide case studies or models for other communities grappling with similar issues. Suggested resources and tools provide communities with support for accelerated action. Memo authors represent active cross sector networks that contribute to resilient community infrastructure development, awareness building,...
Blog Post

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study: Beyond Screening in Pediatrics

Claudia Gold ·
The evidence is clear. When bad things happen to us as young children, we are at significantly increased risk for not only mental health problems, but also a wide range of physical health problems including asthma, heart disease, and even early death. These "bad things" all involve disruptions in caregiving relationships. A national movement directed at screening for ACEs in pediatric practices has emerged from this work. My suggestion that the implication of the Adverse Childhood...
Blog Post

Adverse childhood experiences in the news: Successes and opportunities in coverage of childhood trauma (

Christine Cissy White ·
Please find excerpts from a piece published in Issue 24 of the Berkeley Media Studies Group about where and how ACEs are covered in the news. It was published a few months ago but I missed it and am thankful it was shared with me last week. and Click here to read full-length version and for a downloadable pdf.
Blog Post

An Introduction to NMT (Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics)

Emily Read Daniels ·
Do you feel like the “traditional ways” of helping traumatized children just aren’t working? You’re not alone and you no longer need to be frustrated. Recent discoveries in brain science has opened doors to new understanding and therefore, new approaches to helping traumatized children. HERE this NOW is thrilled to offer a 2-day affordable training workshop to introduce Dr. Bruce Perry's approach to assessing and treating trauma. An Introduction to NMT (Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics)...
Blog Post

Anxious Attachments in Relationships

Jason Lee ·
As an Asian male in his forties and a single dad to a teenage son, I've always felt it hasn't been easy to meet women that I can connect with. In addition, my track record of being in relationships has been far from stellar. As a childhood abuse survivor, I unknowingly took the pain I endured into my relationships. With zero self-awareness, I was insecure and needy, which resulted in a lot of angry outbursts and emotional abuse towards my partners.
Blog Post

Anxious Parenting

Christine Cissy White ·
When my daughter was younger I was anxious. I didn't have full-blown anxiety attacks, as some do. I had an almost constant anxiety motoring within me. It was mixed with dread. Sometimes, it lasted days. Other times weeks. It would come and go. It always returned. When it did, it was hard to read, concentrate or focus. It was hard to eat or sleep or work. It was hard to parent. How I felt in my body scared me and I wanted to be someone else. Anxious time moved slowly. An hour felt like a...
Blog Post

Be the Spark: Igniting trauma-informed change within our communities

Christine Cissy White ·
Authors note: This piece is co-authored by @Lara Kain and @Christine Cissy White. Though we had never worked together or met, we were asked to co-present on creating t rauma-informed changes in communities by the Attachment Trauma Network for the first national (now annual) Creating Trauma-Sensitive Schools Summit in Washington, DC. This article is an expanded essay version of that presentation). Be the Spark Oprah Winfrey helped mainstream discussion about...
Blog Post

Beyond Trauma: Building Resilience to ACEs (brochure)

Christine Cissy White ·
Wish you had a fairly easy and short way to share all about ACEs? Wish it was in-depth enough to share with teachers, doctors, nurses and therapists but not so long or jargony it puts family and friends to sleep? Here's the perfect thing to share when you've been all up in the faces with ACEs and want to back up your words before, during or after. This brochure is comprehensive but not so long that it remains in the "I'll get to it later," pile. Please feel free to print, forward, download...
Blog Post

Can Trained, Paid Peer Support Help New York City Keep Foster Parents? []

By Megan Conn, The Chronicle of Social Change, December 2, 2019 When Roxanne Williams became a foster parent four years ago, she started in the deep end of the parenting pool. New York City child welfare workers brought her a boy with limited English on a Friday afternoon and left after confirming her home was safe, leaving Williams to muddle through their first days together on her own. “It was rough – you weren’t getting the calls back [from her foster care agency] as fast as you wanted...
Blog Post

Cancer as a survivor

Christine Cissy White ·
Many people use the phrase CPTSD to stand for PTSD from complex trauma. To me, C-PTSD means cancer and PTSD. I have cancer and I’m a trauma survivor. I’m a survivor with cancer but not yet a cancer survivor. Will I be a survivor squared?
Blog Post

CDC's 'Connecting the Dots' Tool

Gail Kennedy ·
Great new Resource from CDC shared with me from Dr. Kevin Sherin, Health Officer & Director of Florida Department of Health in Orange County, Florida. Welcome to the Connections Selector! This tool makes it easier for you to connect the dots and explore the relationships between multiple types of violence and the risk and protective factors they share at each level of the social-ecological model (SEM). A clear understanding of these connections can help you plan strategies to prevent...
Blog Post

CenteringParenting Recognized as Innovative Pediatric Intervention in New Report from The Center for the Study of Social Policy []

By Vandana Devgan, Centering Healthcare Institute, November 15, 2019 Centering Healthcare Institute (CHI) is honored to share that its pediatric group care model CenteringParenting®, has been recognized by The Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP) as an innovative pediatric intervention in its latest study. "Fostering Social and Emotional Health: Common Threads to Transform Everyday Practice and System" , released as part of the Pediatrics Supporting Parents (PSP) initiative, shares...
Blog Post

Cherokee Point Parent Leaders Inspire at Restorative Practice / Restorative Justice Summit in San Diego!

Audrey Hokoda ·
Cherokee Point Parent Leaders presented at the Restorative Practice / Restorative Justice Summit hosted by the Human Relations Commission and Commission on Gang Prevention and Intervention in San Diego last Friday. Sharing their work over the past 5 years in two break-out sessions, they moved audiences with their compelling stories demonstrating how a trauma-informed community school can lead to transformative change for their children and families. Please see the attachment for more...
Blog Post

Childhood violence and the Whac-A-Mole effect

Jane Stevens ·
Whac-A-Mole players ( by Laura ) _______________________________________________ Many people and organizations focus on preventing violence with the belief that if our society can stop violence against children, then most childhood trauma will be eradicated. However, research that has emerged over the last 20 years clearly shows that focusing primarily on violence prevention – physical and sexual abuse, in particular – doesn’t eliminate the trauma that children experience, and won’t even...
Blog Post

Children & Families COVID19 Resilience Brief 6: Problem Solving

Problem Solving is extremely important in the resilience process. It can help move us beyond our fear brain and begin working toward healing from trauma. In the resilience narratives I have collected (e.g. Madsen Thompson, 2010) people from very young children in foster care group homes and hospitals to parents living in poverty have told me that taking time to think about a problem helps them through really hard times. Feel free to distribute these as you see fit, but please do not alter...
Blog Post

Come Chat with Dr. Claudia M. Gold: An ACE-Informed Pediatrician

Christine Cissy White ·
Date: July 11th Time: 10 AM PST / 1 PM EST Location: Parenting with ACEs Group , Online Flyer: Attached below. Please share. Dr. Claudia M. Gold has practiced general and behavioral pediatrics for 25 years and specializes in early childhood mental health. She is on the faculty of the University of Massachusetts, Boston Infant-Parent Mental Health program, William James College, and the Austen Riggs Center where she is a Human Development consultant. Dr. Gold is author of the following...
Blog Post

CRI is hiring an Associate Director!

Tara Mah ·
Community Resilience Initiative is seeking an innovative and passionate individual to join our organization as an Associate Director (AD). The AD reports to the Executive Director and to the Board of Directors. Job Overview The role of the Associate Director is to sustain the resilience-based, trauma-responsive capacity building work at the local, regional, state and national stage for which CRI is recognized. Success in this position will be evidenced by recognition of its exceptional...
Blog Post

CRI's Search for National Resilience Champions

Kathryn Padberg ·
CRI is the nation’s first Resilience community network and a national leader in the effort to create and support inclusive, equitable and healthy communities who understand, model and promote the common language of safety, connection and love. Contextual community resilience is our emphasis and helping to share that message is our passion. Why did CRI create a national resiliency award? Malcolm Gladwell defined a tipping point as ‘the moment of critical mass, the threshold, the boiling...
Blog Post

Dorothy and Steven Halley will this week's Special Guests on "Breaking the Silence" Radio Show

Dr. Gregory Williams ·
This Sunday evening's "Breaking the Silence with Dr. Gregory Williams" special guests will be Dorothy and Steven Halley from 8:00 to 9:00 PM CST. Their over 25 years of professional life together will be discussed including the River of Cruelty model explaining how cruelty is passed from person to person and generation to generation. This model helps expand the Adverse Childhood Experiences conversation. Many other topics including their work with domestic violence and helping bring...
Blog Post

Dr. Claudia Gold: Empathy & Listening as ACE-Informed Practice

Christine Cissy White ·
"You are absolutely not doomed from having ACEs."
Blog Post

Dr. Ross Greene, Educating Kids Who Have Been Traumatized

Christine Cissy White ·
The Educating Traumatized Children Summit had Ross Greene, Ph.D. as the keynote. He was interviewed by Julie Beem of the Attachment Trauma Network (ATN). Dr. Greene is the author of The Explosive Child and Lost at School, Lost & Found and Raising Human Beings . He's the originator of the Collaborative and Pro-Active Solutions (CPS) model . I’d heard his name from some of the teachers in my life, but I’d never heard him speak. I’ve summarized, paraphrased and quoted a few of the things he...
Blog Post

"Drive Thru Preschool"

Daniel Goya ·
During this time of social distancing and the legitimate scare of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to develop a sense of "normalcy" for our little ones (keiki). We can do this by keeping them on a schedule, making sure that we are listening to their concerns and meet their unmet needs. Due to COVID-19 preschools in Hawai'i have shut its doors to instruction, however this preschool has continued to operate by meeting the needs of the homeless and at-risk homeless families they serve.

Re: How Does Trauma Affect a Person’s Interaction with Their Child? ( & Commentary

Gail Kennedy ·
Thanks for posting Cissy. I would also add that this is an "us vs. them" persective. We are professionals that may educate and support parents but some of us are also parents and trauma survivors and the more we can see ourselves in the "we", the better we all will be. To Rick's point we can all support each other here in this community to try and model this for others.

Re: How Does Trauma Affect a Person’s Interaction with Their Child? ( & Commentary

Christine Cissy White ·
Gail: The us/them thing, I think, is part of what we need to bridge and change. It does seem to be happening in lots of places but not so much yet when it comes to mental health. It's too bad since so many of us are "us" and "them" when it comes to parents/kids and patients/providers. I try to point out these things without falling into shaming others for shaming because that's not what I want to do. Lots of room for me to grow as well. I'm so glad we can keep conversations going and growing...

Re: A community-based approach to supporting substance exposed newborns and their families

Alex Risley Schroeder ·
Moms, and families, are in charge of the pregnancy plan, and the larger development of a team of support in this model. Have you experienced something like this? What worked? What could have been different? Was talk of ACES explicit, or implicit? Alex Massachusetts Essentials for Childhood

Re: A community-based approach to supporting substance exposed newborns and their families

Christine Cissy White ·
Alex: I think talk of ACEs can be explicit but works best when it comes from parent to parent. I'm not for screening of people & ACEs but think helping people understand generational impact of trauma can be done well by sharing info about ACEs and encouraging people to share info. with family and friends and partners. It's such strong context and, as important as showing how prevalent ACEs can be. It's also validating for showing that some people have few, or none, and that can dispel...

Re: Advice from a Parent Advocate: Communicating With Your Caseworker (

Thanks Cissy for your thoughts. An advocate for the Family Support Partner model, I'm hopeful that more and more systems, cross-sector in a socio-ecological model will hire them within their respective agencies. There are such a plethora of existing practices (promotoras, youth support partners, cultural brokers, credible messengers, violence interrupters, etc.) whom are the bridge between the service providers and who they serve. Wouldn't it be fantastic if every agency would hire these...

Re: Advice from a Parent Advocate: Communicating With Your Caseworker (

Christine Cissy White ·
Dana: I think it's the only way for success and I'm honestly not sure why it isn't done more often. The bridge part you speak about is crucial and when it goes beyond token representation or gathering opinions, but involving people with lived experience in at the strategy, strategic and implementation levels, it's not just a kind or compassionate thing it improves systems because the expertise of lived experience has huge value. It's a contribution. It seems there's a shift and this is...

Re: Family Media Plan helps parents set boundaries for kids []

Jackie Hamilton ·
This is why at PBS Kids Ready To Learn Service we have been touting wise media habits since the late 1960's! I myself model at story times, and teach adult workshops in 20 places every month based on the View, Read, and Do Learning Triangle. Using this triangle helps demonstrate to adults who care for children how to limit the time spent in front of screens and to extend the learning of what is seen during educational, age-appropriate, and non-violent quality screen time by viewing short...

Re: Parenting Triggered Healing form ACEs

Jane Stevens ·
Thank you for sharing your story, Fahad. You've been very courageous in your decisions, and your children lead healthier lives for those decisions. Many other people who have cut ties to their abusive families have expressed similar anguish about doing so, but are leading much happier, stress-free lives. Yesterday, I had the fortune to hear Elaine Miller-Karas at the Trauma Resource Institute . She has been doing great work with individuals who have suffered all types of trauma, from ACEs to...

Re: Self Care Isn’t Enough When You Parent Complex Kids (

Cissy, So, so true! We have masses of suffering individuals, families, neighborhoods, communities. Often wondering over the years, and frequently asking, why are services not provided directly in the neighborhoods in which their deliverables are outcomes? Why are schools and churches not the viable sources and solutions - as vibrant in late afternoon, early evening - as they are during the weekdays and Sunday mornings? Why isn't the model of community capacity building and well-being based...
Blog Post

Meet The Black Ballerina and Entrepreneur Helping People Heal From Their Trauma []

By Lydia Blanco, Black Enterprise, May 15, 2020 Tyde-Courtney Edwards, founding director of Ballet After Dark , is a classically trained black ballerina , art model, and survivor of sexual assault who is on a mission to help others heal from their trauma through the art of ballet. Now, during the pandemic, she is helping people unwind and reset their focus on healing virtually as her studio is closed. Edwards began her journey at the Baltimore School for the Arts and has over 20 years of...
Blog Post

New Study Estimates the Astonishing Cost of Neglected Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders in US Mothers (MGH Center for Women's Mental Heatlh)

Karen Clemmer ·
By Heather Anne Harmon, MPH, May 13, 2020, Women's Mental Health. A recently published article in the American Journal of Public Health has attributed a substantial financial cost to untreated perinatal mood and anxiety disorders among mothers. The study, conducted by researchers with the think tank and public policy firm Mathematica, found that the cost of untreated perinatal mood and anxiety disorders (PMADs) for the 2017 birth cohort totalled $14 billion USD, with an average cost of...
Blog Post

New YouTube Playlist with All of ACEs Connection's Elaine Miller-Karas Videos

Alison Cebulla ·
It has been an honor to collaborate with the wonderful and wise Elaine Miller-Karas on 5 online events since I started working at ACEs Connection a year ago. The recordings of these events are our most popular videos on YouTube, with a combined total of over a thousand views. I have now compiled them into a single playlist on our YouTube Channel. >>Click here to visit the playlist<< The videos include: 1. Building Resilient Communities - August 8, 2019 2. The Human Impact of...
Blog Post

HOPE Webinar Summary: Frontline Stories of Inspiration, Concern, and Self-Care []

Chloe Yang ·
By Chloe Yang, 5/26/20, Last Monday, Dr. Robert Sege was invited by the Maine Resilience Building Network (MRBN) to speak about HOPE and Positive Childhood Experiences during an interactive webinar. Usually an in-person meeting, the gathering attracted nearly 300 virtual participants. Our Zoom screens were tiled with pages and pages of faces, front-line workers across Maine who continue to serve families during this time. Among the audience were teachers, social...
Blog Post

Community as Medicine: Generating Resilience (and Funding!) via Clinic-Community Integration 2.0

Elizabeth Markle ·
Healthcare professionals are exhausted. And it doesn’t have to be this way. I’m a psychologist by training, and I study Intentional Community. Quite literally, community shaped by design, rather than by default or by drift. My experience is that in the fields of mental health and primary care, providers are asked, and heroically trying, to meet unmeetable needs – to single-handedly generate and deliver enough care, resources, support, and (yes) even love – to meet the needs of our patients...
Blog Post

The Traumatic Impact of Racism on Young People and How to Talk About It [Dr. Kenneth Ginsburg]

Kelsey Visser ·
Dr. Kenneth Ginsburg (Keynote speaker from the recent Creating a Resilient Community Conference) shared the excerpt from his book Reaching Teens titled The Traumatic Impact of Racism on Young People and How to Talk About It. This is a valuable resource for anyone interacting with youth and we are providing the excerpt as an attachment here for you to read and share. Also, Dr. Ginsburg will be coming back to our community (virtually) and you’ll be invited to his workshop. Look out for the...
Blog Post

Transforming Trauma Podcast: Post-Traumatic Growth in Communities of Color and NARM in the Classroom

Brad Kammer ·
Transforming Trauma Episode 015: Post-Traumatic Growth in Communities of Color and NARM in the Classroom with Giancarlo Simpson Transforming Trauma host Sarah Buino and guest Giancarlo A. Simpson, MS, reconnect in the wake of George Floyd’s death and the nationwide protests against racial violence and systemic oppression, providing real-time context to their previously-recorded conversation about NARM’s ability to address complex trauma and support post-traumatic growth in communities of...
Blog Post

Transforming Trauma Podcast: Strange Situation - A Journey into Understanding Attachment, Motherhood and Developmental Trauma

Brad Kammer ·
Transforming Trauma Episode 016: Strange Situation: A Journey into Understanding Attachment, Motherhood and Developmental Trauma with Bethany Saltman In this episode of Transforming Trauma, author Bethany Saltman shares the lessons she learned while writing Strange Situation: A Mother’s Journey Into The Science Of Attachment . Bethany and host Sarah Buino explore the different roles that curiosity, delight, anxiety, shame, and acceptance play when looking at parent-child attachment, and...
Blog Post

A Better Normal Community Discussion: Rebecca Lewis-Pankratz on Community, Poverty & Parenting with ACEs: Friday, July 17th at 3p.m. EST

Christine Cissy White ·
Please join us this Friday, July 17th as we speak with @Rebecca Lewis-Pankratz for our next A Better Normal discussion at 3p.m. EST. This conversation, hosted by @Cissy White (ACEs Connection Staff) and moderated by @Alison Cebulla (ACEs Connection Staff) will be about building community, ending poverty, and and parenting with ACEs. Rebecca will share her personal story as well as her work with families, schools, and communities. Click here to register. About Rebecca's Lewis-Pankratz (in her...
Blog Post

Safety, Health, and Back-to-School Plans in a Pandemic with School Nurse, Robin Cogan: A Better Normal Discussion on August 4th, 12 p.m. PST (3p.m. EST)

Christine Cissy White ·
Please join ACEs Connection member and school nurse, writer, and public speaker, Robin Cogan, MEd, RN, NCSN for a discussion about the pandemic as it relates to family planning around back-to-school (or not) plans. The conversation with be hosted by Parenting with ACEs Community Manager, @Cissy White (ACEs Connection Staff) and facilitated by @Alison Cebulla (ACEs Connection Staff) , the Northeast Region Community Facilitator. Many of us are still not sure if our schools will open this fall...
Blog Post

Do Affirmations Work for Children? Building Brainpower for Resiliency

Beth Tyson ·
When an affirmation works, we gather real-life examples our brain can use as evidence that success IS possible, which changes the way we think. In my work with children, I find that this tool can work magic at home and in school! When we challenge our thoughts with evidence that a positive result is possible, it can stop negative thinking in its tracks.
Blog Post

This City Stopped Sending Police to Every 911 Call []

By Christie Thompson, The Marshall Project, July 24, 2020 On a rainy June day, the manager of a Motel 6 outside Olympia decided one guest had to leave. The woman had been smoking indoors and had an unauthorized visitor. She appeared to be on drugs and was acting erratically. Normally, that manager might call 911, which would bring police officers to the scene. If the guest refused to leave, the cops might handcuff and arrest her for trespassing. They could find an open warrant on her record...
Blog Post

Calming the body before calming the mind: Sensory strategies for children affected by trauma []

By Clare Ryan and Berry Streets, The Sector, June 23, 2020 Children who have experienced trauma may find it more difficult to regulate their emotions and behaviours than other children. Understanding the impact trauma can have on brain development can help inform practical responses to these children’s needs. This short article describes how practitioners can use strategies that help calm children’s bodies in order to help calm their minds and emotions – specifically, the...
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Back-to-School in a Pandemic? Questions, Concerns, and Discussion with School Nurse, Robin Cogan

Christine Cissy White ·
Robin is a brilliant, passionate, and vocal school nurse with almost two decades of experience as a New Jersey school nurse in the Camden City School District. She is the Legislative Co-Chair for the New Jersey State School Nurses Association and she joined us last week for A Better Normal community discussion about back-to-school (or not) plans families are facing this school year. Robin serves as faculty in the School Nurse Certificate Program at Rutgers University-Camden School of Nursing...
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Day Care, Grandparent, Pod Or Nanny? How To Manage The Risks Of Pandemic Child Care []

By Katherine Harmon Courage, National Public Radio, August 21, 2020 Pre-pandemic, about half of U.S. families reported having trouble finding care for a young child. That number jumped to nearly two-thirds this spring as day cares closed and other caretakers, such as grandparents and nannies, were told to stay home. And with many schools operating remotely, in a hybrid model or abruptly changing course this fall, many more parents, including those with kids in elementary school and beyond ,...
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