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Trauma-Responsive New Zealand


Baby Courts ~ A way forward for our vulnerable children and their whanau in NZ

I joined a Zoom meeting with ACES Connection covering the topic Baby Courts in Florida. Baby Court heals multigenerational trauma by bringing together the science of child development into decision making for infants and toddlers who have been removed from their homes. It also works to prevent children from moving into the child welfare system. Both Mimi Graham and Judge Lynn Tepper speaks about Baby Court Their contact details are: Judge Lynn Teppler: Mimi Graham:...

Nick Larson, leadsinger for Próxima Parada ~ Healing trauma through music

This morning I joined a ZOOM with ACES Connection. The topic was healing trauma through music. Our guest speaker was Nick Larson (Lead singer and songwriter) from the band, Próxima Parada. Nick uses music to communicate his feelings and to seek clarity. His music is a conduit of his emotions, his interpretation of his lived experience and the experiences of others as he moves through his journey of healing. Through this process, he finds clarity and understanding of his emotions and life...

NZ response to second wave of COVID ~ NZ people before the Election

Thursday 13 August 2020 On Tuesday 11 August 2020 at 9.15 pm (New Zealand time), Jacinda Adern announced that 4 people from the same family living in South Auckland had tested positive for COVID. The NZ government led by Jacinda Adern placed Auckland under Alert Level 3 from 12 noon on Wednesday 12 August 2020 and the rest of NZ on Alert Level 2. Auckland is the largest city of NZ with a population of about 1.6 million. It makes up about 33% of the NZ population. Today (Thursday) a further...

Welcome to ACE and Trauma-Informed New Zealand

Kia ora, I was born and raised in NZ and I live in Papakura which is located in South Auckland. I am a mother of four beautiful children and grandmother of three granddaughters with more to come. I am Maori (indigenous people of NZ) and whakapapa to Ngati Kahu ki Whangaroa Ngati Kahu ki Whangaroa is in the Far North of the North Island of NZ A very beautiful place with beautiful beaches including Taupo Bay, the area from where my whanau (family) come from. ACE and Trauma-informed NZ is a...

Dame Whina Cooper ~ Take care of our children

Dame Whina Cooper ONZ DBE was a Te Rārawa leader and woman of mana, who worked for many years for the rights of Māori, especially Māori women. Born on 9 December 1895 in Pangaru, Northland, NZ and died 26 March 1994. Aotearoa means land of the long white cloud. It is used by many as another name for New Zealand Watch her speak "You can never WIN anything unless you are there to do something" Her quotes include:

Dame Whina Cooper and the NZ Land March 1975

Peaceful protests can work to bring people together and to raise awareness of concerns. On 13 September 1975, approximately 5000 people marched from Te Hāpua in the North Island down to Wellington. The hīkoi (march) was led by Ngāpuhi leader, Dame Whina Cooper to protest against the loss of Māori land. The hīkoi was one of the first significant protest led by Māori it inspired the rebirth of Māori culture and paved the way for future protests by Māori for Māori. It raised public awareness of...

Passion for truth to make it a better place for ALL

I just watched Jonathan Haidt's Ted Talk . You need to listen to it all. His message is relevant today with all the unrest we face. Our Righteous Mind's were designed to: unite us into teams divide us against other teams and blind us from the truth. We need to step out of self-righteousness in order to see the truth. We need to embrace opposing sides and work together to find a middle ground. Just as I am half-caste, black and white can join together to create a new life. To reflect on: "If...

NZ Education and Workforce Committee recommends the legalisation of teachers use of force against students

In the recently released final report the Education and Workforce Committee has recommended that teachers can use "physical force" on their students. They recommended that a definition of "physical force" be inserted into clause 95 (p.5). The definition of force they have provided reads, " force in relation to a student, directed toward the body of a student so as to move, or prevent, restrict, or subdue the movement of, the student's body or any part of the student's body against the...

NZ ~ Royal Commission of Inquiry into Historical Abuse in State Care and in the Care of Faith-based Institutions

The Royal Commission of Inquiry are looking into what happened to children, young people and vulnerable adults in State and faith-based care in Aoteoroa New Zealand between the years 1950-99. They may also listen to survivor experiences before and after these dates. The inquiry is considered to be the largest in the world given its scope and terms of reference Why have an Inquiry? Many people and organisations - survivors, community leaders, iwi and Māori, the Human Rights Commission and the...

Oranga Tamariki - Ministry FOR Children are trauma-informed but NOT in the way they work

In New Zealand, we have Oranga Tamariki - Ministry FOR Children. This is what Oranga Tamariki state on their webpage: Oranga Tamariki was established on April 1, 2017. We are a Ministry dedicated to supporting any child in New Zealand whose wellbeing is at significant risk of harm now, or in the future. We also work with young people who may have offended, or are likely to offend. Our belief is that in the right environment, with the right people surrounding and nurturing them, any child...

NZ Office of the Children's Commissioner

In NZ we have the Office of the Children's Commissioner who advocates for the interests and well-being of children and young people in NZ. Currently, the Children's Commissioner is Judge Andrew Becroft They have a number of resources. Visit: The Office of the Children's Commissioner is currently monitoring Oranga Tamarki - Ministry FOR Children. On 8 June 2020, The Children's Commission also...

Presence With @ ~ ImagiNATION

This arrived in my inbox. I am subscribed to Jodi Wert's Blog. Here's a link to the most recent blog post @ Wert Knowing: imagiNATION ∞ Presence With (includes a video with subtitles / CC). Jodi shares a powerful message - Presence and Solidarity begins with self Her focus may be for Early Childhood. Her knowledge is valuable to us all. Watch this video with an open heart and open mind. The reason I like Jodi's blogs. She presents information in an accessible way. Jodi uses the power of...

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