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Trauma-Responsive New Zealand


Before ACES there was the work of Dr Bessel van der Kolk

This book arrived on my mobile phone via my local library. As I listened to this book, many, many, many things that Bessel shared resonated with me. Warning some people will get retriggered.... I did. I cried because suddenly I found someone who understood my journey. I needed to get informed to find another path to take on my journey - This book helped to inform me It was the right path for me

Child Youth and Wellbeing Strategy NZ

The New Zealand Child Youth and Wellbeing Strategy For further information, you can visit Our Prime Minister, Jacinta Adern is currently the Minister for Child Poverty Reduction. The following is an excerpt of the Forward to the Child Youth and Wellbeing Strategy Our vision for the Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy is a bold one - that New Zealand be the best place in...

Through the mud we rise

I I stumbled across this Ted X talk by Michelle Esrick. For me, it was so profound that it reverberated through my soul. It resonated with me. This was my journey too. Sometimes we stumble upon treasures when we are searching for our truth This video clip inspired me to stand up and speak out for trauma-informed practice across all of our great nation, New Zealand. Michelle Esrick is the producer of Cracked Up - The story of Darrell Hammond I will be creating a post about that because...

Recovery is our journey to have to keep searching until you find

Recovery from trauma is extremely hard when you don't know what you are recovering from and why you would even want to recover. To recover you have to know what it is that has caused you harm and understand what you have done to deal with that harm. It is very hard to do it by yourself. You need the support of others. You need to find someone who resonates with you and that means you have to search for that person. After 34 years of searching, I found my princess, a counsellor. I know...

In the beginning....

I faced an extremely traumatic event in 2017. It made me review my life. From midnight to 6 am in the morning, I saw my whole life before me and all the trauma. Layers upon layers of trauma beginning from childhood My brain connected all my life experiences with what I had learned to recreate insight into who I was. And then I knew that I had been defined and confined to a life as a victim to the years of trauma I had faced and did not resolve. My facade crumbled as I ripped my mask from my...

Waiata (Māori song) to start our journey

This waiata (Māori song) is called "Anei rā te whānau" ( Here is the family) We can find strength when we stand together as one in solidarity Anei rā te whānau O te whare oranga E tu tahi tātou Kia kaha rā Chorus Ka nui te aroha Mō nga mamae nui e, aue Ma te whakapono tatou E whiwhi oranga Kaua e mataku He rangatira koe Hapaitia te mauri Me te wairua Here is the family of the healing house; we will stand as one so that we become strong. Chorus There is great sympathy for the intense pain...

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