Tagged With "The body keeps the score"
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Recovery is our journey to healing......you have to keep searching until you find
Recovery from trauma is extremely hard when you don't know what you are recovering from and why you would even want to recover. To recover you have to know what it is that has caused you harm and understand what you have done to deal with that harm. It is very hard to do it by yourself. You need the support of others. You need to find someone who resonates with you and that means you have to search for that person. After 34 years of searching, I found my princess, a counsellor. I know...
Blog Post
Before ACES there was the work of Dr Bessel van der Kolk
This book arrived on my mobile phone via my local library. As I listened to this book, many, many, many things that Bessel shared resonated with me. Warning some people will get retriggered.... I did. I cried because suddenly I found someone who understood my journey. I needed to get informed to find another path to take on my journey - This book helped to inform me It was the right path for me https://www.overdrive.com/media/1438715/the-body-keeps-the-score
Blog Post
Listen ~ the movie
ACEs in Education have weekly A Better Normal ~ Education Upended Zoom's every Thursday at 12.00 noon EST which equate to Friday at 7 am in New Zealand time for 1 hour They are invaluable. I recommend that All New Zealand members join. On Thursday 27 August 2020 in USA which is Friday 28 August 2020 in NZ A Better Normal will have special guests ~ Graham Bodie & Erahm Christopher to discuss the movie, "Listen" "I have toured the country for the past 10 years to talk to our young people.
Blog Post
The body keeps the score
Oh dear, it is 1.47 am in the morning I can't lie in my bed I can't sleep Because I am scared of the bogeyman Oh No The bogeyman under my bed Has jumped into my head And he is not a he He is a she And she looks like me Oh No I can't escape She is me! The body keeps the score One day, I will keep the score Adriana
Re: The body keeps the score
Yes, you will, Adriana. Yes, you will. I can already start to see it happen.
Blog Post
Protected Factor Framework ~ Free introductory webinar
I attended the Protected Factors Framework Introduction webinar with Elizabeth Smith from Project Whole Child. It was a very good presentation. Very interactive, great video clip and great slides There is another free webinar - closing date Wednesday 16 December USA time Places are limited I recommend that you register for this if you want to know more about what you can do to strengthen families. The Protected Factors Framework is an approach ~ a way of viewing the world When we change the...
Blog Post
Whatever I have ~ Empower me with KNOWLEDGE and TOOLS
In response to a comment to a post Misdiagnosis: Is It Bipolar Disorder or Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder , I made this comment. I believe it could HELP others I agree that the two overlaps and may co-exist hence why it is so very important to access a full history of life experiences from the person. The difficulty of course is that the person has often lost trust with people including those who want and can help. That is why TIME is so important - TIME to build a trusting...
Blog Post
Obesity ~ Find the underlying cause
This post in my inbox this morning from PACES Connection Weekly Roundup Schroeder K, Schuler BR, Kobulsky JM, Sarwer DB. The association between adverse childhood experiences and childhood obesity: A systematic review. Obes Rev. 2021 Jul;22(7):e13204. PMID: 33506595 From a research review, “Findings suggest ACEs are associated with childhood obesity. Girls may be more sensitive to obesity-related effects of ACEs than boys, sexual abuse appears to have a greater effect on childhood obesity...
Blog Post
We're Going on a Bear Hunt I'm not scared with Michael Rosen
We're Going on a Bear Hunt is an old favorite of mine. When I was a teacher I would sing this song and do the actions in our school assemblies. The children loved it. Now that I am older with all my lived experience of trauma. I can identify the strong message the story gifts to us We are all going on a bear hunt When we face adversity We can't go over it We can't go under it We can't go around it We got to go through it Then when we find the bear in the deep dark cave We can run home to our...
Blog Post
Lake Alice ~ What New Zealand did to their own
(Blog image of Paul Zentveld - Lake Alice abuse survivor) Read this NZ Stuff article by Aaron Smale I ask that you reflect on your definition of mental health Your definition of mental health will determine how you respond to people with mental health The term "mental health" does not need to change Our perceptions, our definition, our response to the term "mental health" needs to change. Once I said that we need to take away the term "mental health" and replace it with another term. I...
Re: Lake Alice ~ What New Zealand did to their own
<3 <3 <3 keep going *Jodi Wert* *Early Childhood Specialist* Website: www.jodiwert.com Phone: 919.200.3990 Email: jodi@jodiwert.com LinkedIn: Jodi Wert < https://www.linkedin.com/in/jodiwert/ > Pronouns: she/her (What's this < https://www.glsen.org/sites/de...nouns%20Resource.pdf > ?) Neuro-authentic (What's this < https://www.jodiwert.com/neuro-authentic >?) On Mon, Oct 25, 2021 at 1:38 AM PACEsConnection < communitymanager@acesconnection.com> wrote:
Re: Damning ICU report reveals systemic inequities for Māori health (teaomaori.news)
@Dana Brown Thank you so much for doing this. I have been so busy that I have not been able to keep up with the news.
Blog Post
Wahoo traction ~ NZ is reaching out to get Trauma Informed
I attended Global Resiliency Accelerator group on Tuesday 7 March 2023 at 6 am NZTime hosted by Warren Larkin and Becky Haas. I was smiling this morning ~ Great News I heard New Zealanders are reaching out to attend Trauma-informed programmes and Warren Larkin has visited New Zealand to work with others here in NZ Warren Larkin shared this report with us this morning He Oranga Ngakau ~ Maori Approaches to Trauma-Informed Care He Oranga Ngākau is a research project funded by the Health...
Re: Wahoo traction ~ NZ is reaching out to get Trauma Informed
Wonderful keep us up to date with info. Anne
Blog Post
Through death comes learning and growth
Warning: it may be triggering Below is a link to an article from the NZ Herald today It triggered me Because I have lived it Many others have too We remained silent Thanks to the NZ Herald journalist, Carolyn Meng-Yee And his wife lives on with her memories I hope that Pua's wife gets all the support she needs I thank her for having the courage and strength to share her journey with us So that we can take time to reflect and learn I am sending her all my aroha and awhi to surround her to...
Blog Post
Support our mothers to be the best that they can be
Mothers need our support and guidance to become the best mother that they can be for their children Social workers and principals/teachers in New Zealand MUST use best practices in order to keep those they work with, both children and their parents safe Currently, there are far too many social workers and principals/teachers that do not use best practices causing significant harm to our parents and their children. Sadly, many professionals using bad practices are women, many are mothers.
Blog Post
Former PACEs Connection employees Dana Brown (L) with Vincent Felitti, MD, co-author of the 1998 Adverse Childhood Experiences study, and Carey Sipp (R) in San Diego in January, 2024. The last few months have been quite challenging, but we pushed, persevered, and didn’t give up hope. The “we” is Carey Sipp and Dana Brown. We were long-time staff members of PACEs Connection determined to reinstate the website and the resources and information we provide to communities after the platform went...