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Trauma-Responsive New Zealand

Tagged With "Recording children's learning"

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Child Youth and Wellbeing Strategy NZ

Adriana van Altvorst ·
The New Zealand Child Youth and Wellbeing Strategy For further information, you can visit Our Prime Minister, Jacinta Adern is currently the Minister for Child Poverty Reduction. The following is an excerpt of the Forward to the Child Youth and Wellbeing Strategy Our vision for the Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy is a bold one - that New Zealand be the best place in...
Blog Post

NZ Office of the Children's Commissioner

Adriana van Altvorst ·
In NZ we have the Office of the Children's Commissioner who advocates for the interests and well-being of children and young people in NZ. Currently, the Children's Commissioner is Judge Andrew Becroft They have a number of resources. Visit: The Office of the Children's Commissioner is currently monitoring Oranga Tamarki - Ministry FOR Children. On 8 June 2020, The Children's Commission also...
Blog Post

Oranga Tamariki - Ministry FOR Children are trauma-informed but NOT in the way they work

Adriana van Altvorst ·
In New Zealand, we have Oranga Tamariki - Ministry FOR Children. This is what Oranga Tamariki state on their webpage: Oranga Tamariki was established on April 1, 2017. We are a Ministry dedicated to supporting any child in New Zealand whose wellbeing is at significant risk of harm now, or in the future. We also work with young people who may have offended, or are likely to offend. Our belief is that in the right environment, with the right people surrounding and nurturing them, any child...
Blog Post

NZ ~ Royal Commission of Inquiry into Historical Abuse in State Care and in the Care of Faith-based Institutions

Adriana van Altvorst ·
The Royal Commission of Inquiry are looking into what happened to children, young people and vulnerable adults in State and faith-based care in Aoteoroa New Zealand between the years 1950-99. They may also listen to survivor experiences before and after these dates. The inquiry is considered to be the largest in the world given its scope and terms of reference Why have an Inquiry? Many people and organisations - survivors, community leaders, iwi and Māori, the Human Rights Commission and the...
Blog Post

Presence With @ ~ ImagiNATION

Adriana van Altvorst ·
This arrived in my inbox. I am subscribed to Jodi Wert's Blog. Here's a link to the most recent blog post @ Wert Knowing: imagiNATION ∞ Presence With (includes a video with subtitles / CC). Jodi shares a powerful message - Presence and Solidarity begins with self Her focus may be for Early Childhood. Her knowledge is valuable to us all. Watch this video with an open heart and open mind. The reason I like Jodi's blogs. She presents information in an accessible way. Jodi uses the power of...
Blog Post

NZ Education and Workforce Committee recommends the legalisation of teachers use of force against students

Adriana van Altvorst ·
In the recently released final report the Education and Workforce Committee has recommended that teachers can use "physical force" on their students. They recommended that a definition of "physical force" be inserted into clause 95 (p.5). The definition of force they have provided reads, " force in relation to a student, directed toward the body of a student so as to move, or prevent, restrict, or subdue the movement of, the student's body or any part of the student's body against the...
Blog Post

Dame Whina Cooper ~ Take care of our children

Adriana van Altvorst ·
Dame Whina Cooper ONZ DBE was a Te Rārawa leader and woman of mana, who worked for many years for the rights of Māori, especially Māori women. Born on 9 December 1895 in Pangaru, Northland, NZ and died 26 March 1994. Aotearoa means land of the long white cloud. It is used by many as another name for New Zealand Watch her speak "You can never WIN anything unless you are there to do something" Her quotes include:
Blog Post

Welcome to ACE and Trauma-Informed New Zealand

Adriana van Altvorst ·
Kia ora, I was born and raised in NZ and I live in Papakura which is located in South Auckland. I am a mother of four beautiful children and grandmother of three granddaughters with more to come. I am Maori (indigenous people of NZ) and whakapapa to Ngati Kahu ki Whangaroa Ngati Kahu ki Whangaroa is in the Far North of the North Island of NZ A very beautiful place with beautiful beaches including Taupo Bay, the area from where my whanau (family) come from. ACE and Trauma-informed NZ is a...
Blog Post

Baby Courts ~ A way forward for our vulnerable children and their whanau in NZ

Adriana van Altvorst ·
I joined a Zoom meeting with ACES Connection covering the topic Baby Courts in Florida. Baby Court heals multigenerational trauma by bringing together the science of child development into decision making for infants and toddlers who have been removed from their homes. It also works to prevent children from moving into the child welfare system. Both Mimi Graham and Judge Lynn Tepper speaks about Baby Court Their contact details are: Judge Lynn Teppler: Mimi Graham:...
Blog Post

Our child protection services and authorities to listen and to act to protect our children

Adriana van Altvorst ·
This is a message from our child protection agencies including Oranga Tamariki in NZ Let us not forget Gabriel Fernandez He was one of many children, let down, by not only his parents but from police and other authorities tasked to protect him It's Not Enough to Mean Well “This is not about the intentions of those who developed the system we have. It is about listening to the people it harms.” #OrangaTamariki #Childprotectionservices #Childwellbeing
Blog Post

Trauma-informed judicial system in NZ and across the world

Adriana van Altvorst ·
Kindness in court: a novel approach by Victoria Greening Link this to my previous post regarding Baby Courts is evidence that there is a change in the mindset of those in the judicial sector. Is that happening in NZ? Is it happening fast enough? Act early, Act fast Our children depend on it
Blog Post

Asthma, eczema, allergies, boils ~ It may be more than you think

Adriana van Altvorst ·
When under stress, I suffer from boils, eczema, rashes, allergies and eczema Many people dismissed my symptoms They considered me a "hypochondriac" Look at the infographic Now I understand why it is so important for me to learn how to be calm If you are a parent of a child who has boils, eczema, asthma and allergies Take action and teach your child how to calm themselves Create an environment where the child feels safe And build a relationship with that child so they know they are loved,...
Blog Post

Luma Mufleh's Ted Talk: Don't feel sorry for refugees ~ believe in them

Adriana van Altvorst ·
I recommend this for you to see this Ted Talk: Don't feel sorry for refugees ~ believe in them Luma shares her life journey in a powerful way. She shares valuable comments "Don't ever think that people are beneath you or that you have nothing to learn from others." "I thought it would get better. That no one could force me from me to leave. Thay no one could take my home from me. We left because we had to, not because we wanted to There was no choice" "The issue shouldn't be stopping...

Re: "Open Wounds" panel discussion with Phil Allen hosted by Trauma Resilience Institute

Adriana van Altvorst ·
Our SILENCE has acted to conquer and divide us and perpetuated racism. Our SECRETS have prevented us from facing our trauma. When we don't name it, we don't face it. Many of us have been deceived into believing racism is not an issue. We have faced years of intergenerational racism across the world. It has caused trauma. It has not been resolved Unresolved trauma has created deep-seated anger. We have wounds. When those wounds have been ignored and disregarded they fester to become.... OPEN...
Blog Post

They "think" they know what it is like ~ They don't

Adriana van Altvorst ·
Anita Baker, Mayor of Porirua, NZ made the statement when discussing child poverty in NZ : They "think" they know what it is like. They don't In NZ, we have many vulnerable people who are marginalised because of who they are and who they are not. Their culture, their beliefs, their ability, their disability, the colour of their skin, the country they come from, their identity. Kevin McLeod uses the term "otherness". I see "otherness" happening right here in NZ, our paradise in the pacific.
Blog Post

"Open Wounds" and panel discussion

Adriana van Altvorst ·
Our SILENCE has acted to conquer and divide us and perpetuated racism. Our SECRETS have prevented us from facing our trauma. When we don't name it, we don't face it. Many of us have been deceived into believing racism is not an issue. We have faced years of intergenerational racism across the world. It has caused trauma. It has not been resolved Unresolved trauma has created deep-seated anger. We have wounds. When those wounds have been ignored and disregarded they fester to become.... OPEN...
Blog Post

We learn from the stories from those who have gone before us

Adriana van Altvorst ·
Who we were is not who we are now Incarcerated youth need more guidance and support to uncover their inner selves So that they understand who they are and why they do what they have done Then they need guidance and support to learn how to forgive themselves for doing what they believed they had to do to survive. They need to learn how to care and love themselves So that they can care and love others. Books can expose us to the thinking and life journeys of others Books can show us how we can...
Blog Post

The Regulated Teacher ~ Emily Read Daniels

Adriana van Altvorst ·
This would help NZ teachers An important resource for all NZ teachers with the increase in teacher stress and increase in challenging behaviour. Self-regulation has to be learned When the teacher knows how to self- regulate they then have the capacity to teach and model to our children how to self-regulate The Regulated Classroom: "Bottom-Up" Trauma-Informed Teaching was developed by Emily Read Daniels after her 20 years of helping staff and students learn to cope and self-regulate. The...
Blog Post

We frame the way we "see" the world ~ it reflects who we are

Adriana van Altvorst ·
When I was very young I sat with my grandma She was bed-ridden So she always asked me to tell her what I could see in detail For HER She would ask me questions She changed The way I saw EVERYTHING I now know why I can see the finer details and that I frame what I see to reflect All that I AM I saw this blog from Jodi Wert on her blog, Wert Knowing And it reminded me of my Grandma We frame the way we "see" the world I like the way you frame the world of children's learning Thank you, @Jodi Wert
Blog Post

Protected Factor Framework ~ Free introductory webinar

Adriana van Altvorst ·
I attended the Protected Factors Framework Introduction webinar with Elizabeth Smith from Project Whole Child. It was a very good presentation. Very interactive, great video clip and great slides There is another free webinar - closing date Wednesday 16 December USA time Places are limited I recommend that you register for this if you want to know more about what you can do to strengthen families. The Protected Factors Framework is an approach ~ a way of viewing the world When we change the...
Blog Post

New Zealand's first comprehensive assessment of the prevalence of ACES in the NZ population

Adriana van Altvorst ·
This is NZ's first comprehensive assessment of the prevalence of ACES in the NZ population It shows what many of us have known for years, especially those of us who have been raising our concerns, that NZ has a problem The problem is that our children are facing Adverse Childhood Experiences in NZ especially those who are are Young From low socio-economic backgrounds are Maori It also shows that exposure to Adverse Childhood Experiences are significantly associated with exposure to Intimate...

Susan Smith

Susan Smith
Blog Post

New Zealand Human Rights violations known to the United Nations

Adriana van Altvorst ·
I have PTSD. It is an invisible disability. It took me years to accept that I had mental health issues and it took longer for me to accept that I was a person with a disability. I have faced layers of trauma from what others have done to me. Those "others" included those who had a responsibility to protect me. They were not just people I loved but people who held positions of power and they were paid and employed by the NZ government to protect me. They did not They effectively used their...

Re: New for You ~ PACES Connection Reacts to the HOPE Summit

Adriana van Altvorst ·
I attended the HOPE was truly amazing. Visit this website for more information: To all New Zealand followers you can join most of the workshops, summits, Zooms......we learn from others To help with the time zones I have downloaded an app to convert times sits on my toolbar and helps out so much I have attended many online events.....the more you do it the easier it gets. It is a great way to meet up with others Hope to see more New...
Blog Post

Moving Upstream: Confronting Racism to Open Up Children’s Potential

Adriana van Altvorst ·
The scientific evidence is clear and growing: racism imposes unique and substantial stressors on the daily lives of families raising young children of color. Understanding how these stressors affect child health and development provides a compelling framework for new ideas about how communities, policies, programs, and funding streams might confront and dismantle these inequities and build a stronger future for us all. This new brief discusses how racism creates conditions that harm the...
Blog Post

Listen up NZ government - You need to STOP harming us with urgency

Adriana van Altvorst ·
NZ Study - School Readiness, Adversities in Childhood Experience and Access to Government Services A Scoping Study on Potential Protective Factors December 2020 This report is based on the NZ context. It is interesting because Oranga Tamariki, Ministry for Children and the Ministry of Social Development (aka MSD) were involved. This means that both Oranga Tamariki and MSD know about the experiences of our people beyond anecdotal observations. They have in fact done the research. They have...
Blog Post

Silence divides us. Speaking up unifies us

Adriana van Altvorst ·
Silence divides us Speaking up unites us By speaking up By telling our stories We are seen and heard By listening we discover we are not alone The media has a responsibility to report the truth To give people the opportunity to speak up So that the public is informed Sadly, many of our major media providers in NZ do not report many stories of child abuse and harm to our children and harm done to parents who protect their children and to advocates fighting to address the harm done to our...


Blog Post

Helping stop childhood harm a priority for Harkness Fellowship award recipient []

Karen Clemmer ·
By Carly Gooch, Stuff, July 12, 2021 Studying how to curb childhood harm in Aotearoa will be at the top of Jane Kinsey’s agenda when she heads to the US on a prestigious fellowship award. Nelson Marlborough Health’s general manager of mental health, addictions and disability support services Jane Kinsey has been awarded the Harkness Fellowship, allowing her to take a sabbatical from her role for a year to research adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) at the University of California, Los...
Blog Post

I am learning to Self-Regulate ~ I am learning to STOP

Adriana van Altvorst ·
I have PTSD. It sounds scary and many people judge me and sometimes fear me It does not help when I get dysregulated because I get loud, aggressive, and send out words of my truth like daggers. My truth, my message no matter how insightful and valuable is LOST in translation as I watch the walls go up over the ears of the recipients ~ the very ones that I want to LISTEN to me. Delivery of the message counts, people, more than it should. Human nature dictates that it does. The anger that I...

Ben Birks Ang

Blog Post

Social and Emotional Supports for Educators During and After the Pandemic

Adriana van Altvorst · released an article 'Social and Emotional Supports for Teachers During and After the Pandemic' giving a ton of great information on the stress that educators deal with regularly. The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning defines SEL as the process where youth and adults learn skills to manage emotions, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible decisions. "Research by Pennsylvania State University found that teachers who...
Blog Post

5 ways of helping ease the stress from 2020 in children

Adriana van Altvorst · released an article giving five ways of helping ease the stress from 2020 in children. Be responsive - By engaging in conversation with children, it helps to stimulate their brain. This is especially important for the first 3 years of a child's life. Share information - "Being transparent with kids, at an appropriate level for their age, can help lessen anxiety kids may feel" Help children share their feelings - Children tend to show their feelings which can lead to...
Blog Post

Emodiversity gives me HOPE

Adriana van Altvorst ·
I discovered this article that gives me HOPE. The article is of interest because it raises the term "Emodiversity. The definition of Emodiversity from the article is: How does this fit in with Trauma The article states: This gives me HOPE because it tells me that all the emotions I have experienced through my life journey of adversity and trauma, has been beneficial to my health because it means I have a "more balanced and nuanced appraisal of daily life" The final paragraph of the article...
Blog Post

What is the Freeze Response from Dr. Aimie, Trauma Healing Accelerated

Adriana van Altvorst ·
This arrived in my Gmail inbox from Dr. Aimie ~ Trauma Healing Accelerated. I am sharing as it may resonate with someone out there What is The Freeze Response? The pattern of stress and then collapse. High energy and then exhausted. Anxiety followed by heaviness and feeling down. If you identify with this up and down pattern, you may likely be experiencing a chronic freeze response. This is a very common pattern of the biology of the nervous system! The freeze response is one of the states...
Blog Post

Maternal Voice reduces pain in premature babies

Adriana van Altvorst ·
Notice and read this article: Maternal Voice Reduces Pain in Premature Babies Featured Neurology Neuroscience Open Neuroscience Articles Pain August 27, 2021 This is especially for all employees of Oranga Tamariki (Child protection services in NZ), NZ Family Court judges, and NZ Lawyers for Children Get informed with scientific evidence Work harder at getting trauma-responsive Babies need to be kept with their mothers at birth, from birth and onwards If you want the best for our children...
Blog Post

Why we should befriend Adversity by Mark A. Campbell

Adriana van Altvorst ·
This is a good article to read: Why we should befriend Adversity Snippet: We all go through difficult situations, period. There is no magic formula for dealing with these times, but there are ways we can learn to manage them. Through the process of struggling, we acquire knowledge and skills that allow us to function at a higher level. We gain an understanding of our strengths, as well as those areas of life which need improvement. It allows us to connect with our values, which leads to...
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Mia Mingus ~ Leaving Evidence

Adriana van Altvorst ·
@Umi Asaka kindly shared this short sound clip (3:29min) with me. As I read it I thought came floating gently into my head Interview between Mia Mingus and Alice Wong 23 August 2014 This is a short audio clip from an interview of Mia Mingus, activist, and writer, conducted by Alice Wong, Project Coordinator of the Disability Visibility Project at StoryCorps San Francisco on August 23, 2014. Text transcript: Alice: In your blog, Leaving Evidence, this passage really resonated with me. You...
Blog Post

We're Going on a Bear Hunt I'm not scared with Michael Rosen

Adriana van Altvorst ·
We're Going on a Bear Hunt is an old favorite of mine. When I was a teacher I would sing this song and do the actions in our school assemblies. The children loved it. Now that I am older with all my lived experience of trauma. I can identify the strong message the story gifts to us We are all going on a bear hunt When we face adversity We can't go over it We can't go under it We can't go around it We got to go through it Then when we find the bear in the deep dark cave We can run home to our...

Re: Underlying issues with solutions for NZ child protection services

Jodi Wert ·
YES!! *Jodi Wert* *Early Childhood Specialist* Website: Phone: 919.200.3990 Email: LinkedIn: Jodi Wert < > Pronouns: she/her (What's this < > ?) Neuro-authentic (What's this < >?) On Sat, Oct 23, 2021 at 6:06 PM PACEsConnection <> wrote:
Blog Post

The Lake ~ Uncovering the Truth Lake Alice New Zealand

Adriana van Altvorst ·
Many thanks to Stuff and Popsock Media , investigative journalist AARON SMALE for all the hard work you have done in order to get THE LAKE series released. Lake Alice was a psychiatric hospital between Whanganui and Palmerston North in New Zealand. Lake Alice is effectively isolated as it can be found in the middle of farmland. Nowhere to run. Noone to see. Noone to hear. Lake Alice was a place for both adults and children with "psychiatric problems" including children with bad behaviour. It...
Blog Post

The Road to Recovery from Miss Kendra

Adriana van Altvorst ·
This arrived in my inbox this morning. Many thanks to Miss Kendra This applies to us here in NZ The Road to Recovery is Not Linear Schools are in the process of recovery from the pandemic. Recoveries are rarely linear, and this one, in particular, will challenge everyone. When we think of goals and objectives they are often achieved in a linear fashion: you start from point A and go to point B. You prepare the class, you teach, the students learn, and objectives are met. You start with the...
Blog Post

NZ Family Violence Prevention Strategy

Adriana van Altvorst ·
ACC is investing $44.9 million over four years to establish a fit-for-purpose sexual violence primary prevention system, Minister for ACC Carmel Sepuloni announced 3 October 2021. “Almost a quarter of adults in New Zealand have experienced sexual violence in their lifetime, and around one in six people are affected by sexual violence before the age of 18,” Carmel Sepuloni said. “These high rates cannot continue. We need to put in place systems that protect our whānau and our future...
Blog Post

More support for learners with highest needs in New Zealand October 2021

Adriana van Altvorst ·
This announcement was made by Associate Education Minister, Jan Tinetti on 22 October 2021 Students most in need of extra help in the classroom are the focus of a new review that gets under way today, Associate Education Minister Jan Tinetti says. About 50,000-80,000 children and young people are expected to benefit from a Ministry of Education review into Highest Need Learners that will help to ensure all young people are receiving the education they deserve. “All our tamariki should be...
Blog Post

Growth through trauma

Adriana van Altvorst ·
There is growth through trauma. Hard as it is, there IS growth through trauma. Very often, we do not see it at the time. It is not until we reflect on what happened and find possible reasons why we faced a flashback or responded so badly to a trigger. I have been forcing myself to attend the Royal Commission Inquiry into Abuse in Care hearings because I wanted to discover WHY professionals working in our State institutions would cause harm to children and youth. I wanted to discover WHY they...

Rudi Go

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