Tagged With "Bright Side"
Blog Post
Whatever I have ~ Empower me with KNOWLEDGE and TOOLS
In response to a comment to a post Misdiagnosis: Is It Bipolar Disorder or Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder , I made this comment. I believe it could HELP others I agree that the two overlaps and may co-exist hence why it is so very important to access a full history of life experiences from the person. The difficulty of course is that the person has often lost trust with people including those who want and can help. That is why TIME is so important - TIME to build a trusting...
Blog Post
Emodiversity gives me HOPE
I discovered this article that gives me HOPE. The article is of interest because it raises the term "Emodiversity. The definition of Emodiversity from the article is: How does this fit in with Trauma The article states: This gives me HOPE because it tells me that all the emotions I have experienced through my life journey of adversity and trauma, has been beneficial to my health because it means I have a "more balanced and nuanced appraisal of daily life" The final paragraph of the article...
Blog Post
‘Racism is rampant’: Alien Weaponry, the metal band standing up for Māori culture (theguardian.com)
‘We either fight for the language to be revived or it’s gonna die’ … Alien Weaponry (L-R): Tūranga Morgan-Edmonds, Lewis de Jong, Henry de Jong. Photograph: Piotr Kwasnik Author: Matt Mills article, please click here. New Zealand was a war zone in the mid-1800s. On one side were the British and the colonial government, craving a stranglehold on more of the country’s land. On the other were the indigenous Māori people, fighting to preserve tino rangatiratanga : their sovereignty and...
Blog Post
Wahoo traction ~ NZ is reaching out to get Trauma Informed
I attended Global Resiliency Accelerator group on Tuesday 7 March 2023 at 6 am NZTime hosted by Warren Larkin and Becky Haas. I was smiling this morning ~ Great News I heard New Zealanders are reaching out to attend Trauma-informed programmes and Warren Larkin has visited New Zealand to work with others here in NZ Warren Larkin shared this report with us this morning He Oranga Ngakau ~ Maori Approaches to Trauma-Informed Care He Oranga Ngākau is a research project funded by the Health...
Blog Post
The fine art of putting myself first while staying compassionate
It has been a long time I am back I have gone through dark times once again I went through chaos and confusion I pulled myself out and up I made changes for me I am learning the fine art of putting myself first while staying compassionate I got into a deep dark hole simply because I was too compassionate for others and I put myself at the bottom once again Some find it easy to put themself first most of the time I do not Far too many people are like me especially if you are teachers and...