Tagged With "Chloe Young"
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Child Youth and Wellbeing Strategy NZ
The New Zealand Child Youth and Wellbeing Strategy https://childyouthwellbeing.govt.nz/resources/child-and-youth-wellbeing-strategy-html For further information, you can visit https://childyouthwellbeing.govt.nz/ Our Prime Minister, Jacinta Adern is currently the Minister for Child Poverty Reduction. The following is an excerpt of the Forward to the Child Youth and Wellbeing Strategy Our vision for the Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy is a bold one - that New Zealand be the best place in...
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NZ Office of the Children's Commissioner
In NZ we have the Office of the Children's Commissioner who advocates for the interests and well-being of children and young people in NZ. Currently, the Children's Commissioner is Judge Andrew Becroft They have a number of resources. Visit: https://www.occ.org.nz/our-work/ The Office of the Children's Commissioner is currently monitoring Oranga Tamarki - Ministry FOR Children. https://www.occ.org.nz/about-us/our-role-and-purpose/monitoring/ On 8 June 2020, The Children's Commission also...
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Oranga Tamariki - Ministry FOR Children are trauma-informed but NOT in the way they work
In New Zealand, we have Oranga Tamariki - Ministry FOR Children. This is what Oranga Tamariki state on their webpage: Oranga Tamariki was established on April 1, 2017. We are a Ministry dedicated to supporting any child in New Zealand whose wellbeing is at significant risk of harm now, or in the future. We also work with young people who may have offended, or are likely to offend. Our belief is that in the right environment, with the right people surrounding and nurturing them, any child...
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NZ ~ Royal Commission of Inquiry into Historical Abuse in State Care and in the Care of Faith-based Institutions
The Royal Commission of Inquiry are looking into what happened to children, young people and vulnerable adults in State and faith-based care in Aoteoroa New Zealand between the years 1950-99. They may also listen to survivor experiences before and after these dates. The inquiry is considered to be the largest in the world given its scope and terms of reference Why have an Inquiry? Many people and organisations - survivors, community leaders, iwi and Māori, the Human Rights Commission and the...
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Listen ~ the movie
ACEs in Education have weekly A Better Normal ~ Education Upended Zoom's every Thursday at 12.00 noon EST which equate to Friday at 7 am in New Zealand time for 1 hour They are invaluable. I recommend that All New Zealand members join. On Thursday 27 August 2020 in USA which is Friday 28 August 2020 in NZ A Better Normal will have special guests ~ Graham Bodie & Erahm Christopher to discuss the movie, "Listen" "I have toured the country for the past 10 years to talk to our young people.
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"Open Wounds" panel discussion with Phil Allen hosted by Trauma Resilience Institute
FOLLOWED BY PANEL DISCUSSION with Phil Allen Jr. Reena Evers-Everette La Shona Coleman Kevin McLeod This has happened you can rent the video To rent "Open Wounds" visit https://vimeo.com/ondemand/openwounds NEW ZEALAND TIME Date: Sunday 23 August 2020 Time: 10 am PACIFIC TIME Date: August 22, 2020 Time: 3.00 pm Registration: Closed ABOUT THE FILM In 1953, my grandfather, Nathaniel Allen, was murdered on the Sampit River in the historic Lowcountry town Georgetown, SC by a gunshot wound to the...
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They "think" they know what it is like ~ They don't
Anita Baker, Mayor of Porirua, NZ made the statement when discussing child poverty in NZ : They "think" they know what it is like. They don't In NZ, we have many vulnerable people who are marginalised because of who they are and who they are not. Their culture, their beliefs, their ability, their disability, the colour of their skin, the country they come from, their identity. Kevin McLeod uses the term "otherness". I see "otherness" happening right here in NZ, our paradise in the pacific.
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We frame the way we "see" the world ~ it reflects who we are
When I was very young I sat with my grandma She was bed-ridden So she always asked me to tell her what I could see in detail For HER She would ask me questions She changed The way I saw EVERYTHING I now know why I can see the finer details and that I frame what I see to reflect All that I AM I saw this blog from Jodi Wert on her blog, Wert Knowing And it reminded me of my Grandma We frame the way we "see" the world I like the way you frame the world of children's learning Thank you, @Jodi Wert
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Protected Factor Framework ~ Free introductory webinar
I attended the Protected Factors Framework Introduction webinar with Elizabeth Smith from Project Whole Child. It was a very good presentation. Very interactive, great video clip and great slides There is another free webinar - closing date Wednesday 16 December USA time Places are limited I recommend that you register for this if you want to know more about what you can do to strengthen families. The Protected Factors Framework is an approach ~ a way of viewing the world When we change the...
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Upside Youth Mentoring Aotearoa Creating Over $1.7 Million Worth Of Social Good In The Community [scoop.co.nz]
From Upside Youth Mentoring, March 16, 2021 A new report has found Upside Youth Mentoring Aotearoa is creating $1,702,712 worth of measurable good for New Zealand each year. The GoodMeasure report created by New Zealand company ImpactLab, found that for every dollar invested in Upside, there was $4.70 worth of measurable good created in the community. The youth mentoring organisation, based in Auckland, aims to improve the lives of young people, aged 9-13 years who have faced Adverse...
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New Zealand's first comprehensive assessment of the prevalence of ACES in the NZ population
This is NZ's first comprehensive assessment of the prevalence of ACES in the NZ population It shows what many of us have known for years, especially those of us who have been raising our concerns, that NZ has a problem The problem is that our children are facing Adverse Childhood Experiences in NZ especially those who are are Young From low socio-economic backgrounds are Maori It also shows that exposure to Adverse Childhood Experiences are significantly associated with exposure to Intimate...
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Moving Upstream: Confronting Racism to Open Up Children’s Potential
The scientific evidence is clear and growing: racism imposes unique and substantial stressors on the daily lives of families raising young children of color. Understanding how these stressors affect child health and development provides a compelling framework for new ideas about how communities, policies, programs, and funding streams might confront and dismantle these inequities and build a stronger future for us all. This new brief discusses how racism creates conditions that harm the...
Ben Birks Ang
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Social and Emotional Supports for Educators During and After the Pandemic
Americanprogress.org released an article 'Social and Emotional Supports for Teachers During and After the Pandemic' giving a ton of great information on the stress that educators deal with regularly. The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning defines SEL as the process where youth and adults learn skills to manage emotions, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible decisions. "Research by Pennsylvania State University found that teachers who...
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Maternal Voice reduces pain in premature babies
Notice and read this article: Maternal Voice Reduces Pain in Premature Babies Featured Neurology Neuroscience Open Neuroscience Articles Pain August 27, 2021 This is especially for all employees of Oranga Tamariki (Child protection services in NZ), NZ Family Court judges, and NZ Lawyers for Children Get informed with scientific evidence Work harder at getting trauma-responsive Babies need to be kept with their mothers at birth, from birth and onwards If you want the best for our children...
Charlotte Hardy
Blog Post
The Hidden Biases of Good People: Implicit Bias Awareness Training
The Dibble Institute is pleased to present an introductory webinar by Rev. Dr. Bryant T. Marks Sr. of the National Training Institute on Race and Equity , which will provide foundational information on implicit bias. It will focus at the individual level and discuss how implicit bias affects everyone. Strategies to reduce or manage implicit bias will be discussed. Broadly speaking, group-based bias involves varying degrees of stereotyping (exaggerated beliefs about others), prejudice...
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NZ Family Violence Prevention Strategy
ACC is investing $44.9 million over four years to establish a fit-for-purpose sexual violence primary prevention system, Minister for ACC Carmel Sepuloni announced 3 October 2021. “Almost a quarter of adults in New Zealand have experienced sexual violence in their lifetime, and around one in six people are affected by sexual violence before the age of 18,” Carmel Sepuloni said. “These high rates cannot continue. We need to put in place systems that protect our whānau and our future...
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More support for learners with highest needs in New Zealand October 2021
This announcement was made by Associate Education Minister, Jan Tinetti on 22 October 2021 Students most in need of extra help in the classroom are the focus of a new review that gets under way today, Associate Education Minister Jan Tinetti says. About 50,000-80,000 children and young people are expected to benefit from a Ministry of Education review into Highest Need Learners that will help to ensure all young people are receiving the education they deserve. “All our tamariki should be...
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NZ Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission's first report - on access and choice
On Friday 29 October 2021 the Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission’s released their first report: 'Access and Choice Programme: Report on the first two years - Te Hōtaka mō Ngā Whai Wāhitanga me Ngā Kōwhiringa: He purongo mo ngā rua tau tuatahi'. This is the first report released by the Commission since their establishment in February this year. The independent report on the Access and Choice Programme has found that the programme has put much-needed investment into primary and community...
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Damning ICU report reveals systemic inequities for Māori health (teaomaori.news)
Calls for upheaval in the health system are being amplified by a new study that reveals Māori are far more likely to be admitted to Intensive care after trauma or with sepsis, than non-Māori; and once admitted Māori have an increased likelihood of dying. Analysing data of more than 50,000 patients admitted to hospital over 10 years the research from the Medical Research Institute of New Zealand (MRINZ) reveals Māori patients were more likely than European patients to die within 180 days of...
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‘Racism is rampant’: Alien Weaponry, the metal band standing up for Māori culture (theguardian.com)
‘We either fight for the language to be revived or it’s gonna die’ … Alien Weaponry (L-R): Tūranga Morgan-Edmonds, Lewis de Jong, Henry de Jong. Photograph: Piotr Kwasnik Author: Matt Mills article, please click here. New Zealand was a war zone in the mid-1800s. On one side were the British and the colonial government, craving a stranglehold on more of the country’s land. On the other were the indigenous Māori people, fighting to preserve tino rangatiratanga : their sovereignty and...
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Wahoo traction ~ NZ is reaching out to get Trauma Informed
I attended Global Resiliency Accelerator group on Tuesday 7 March 2023 at 6 am NZTime hosted by Warren Larkin and Becky Haas. I was smiling this morning ~ Great News I heard New Zealanders are reaching out to attend Trauma-informed programmes and Warren Larkin has visited New Zealand to work with others here in NZ Warren Larkin shared this report with us this morning He Oranga Ngakau ~ Maori Approaches to Trauma-Informed Care He Oranga Ngākau is a research project funded by the Health...