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Trauma-Responsive New Zealand

Tagged With "one moment in time"

Blog Post

Presence With @ ~ ImagiNATION

Adriana van Altvorst ·
This arrived in my inbox. I am subscribed to Jodi Wert's Blog. Here's a link to the most recent blog post @ Wert Knowing: imagiNATION ∞ Presence With (includes a video with subtitles / CC). Jodi shares a powerful message - Presence and Solidarity begins with self Her focus may be for Early Childhood. Her knowledge is valuable to us all. Watch this video with an open heart and open mind. The reason I like Jodi's blogs. She presents information in an accessible way. Jodi uses the power of...
Blog Post

NZ response to second wave of COVID ~ NZ people before the Election

Adriana van Altvorst ·
Thursday 13 August 2020 On Tuesday 11 August 2020 at 9.15 pm (New Zealand time), Jacinda Adern announced that 4 people from the same family living in South Auckland had tested positive for COVID. The NZ government led by Jacinda Adern placed Auckland under Alert Level 3 from 12 noon on Wednesday 12 August 2020 and the rest of NZ on Alert Level 2. Auckland is the largest city of NZ with a population of about 1.6 million. It makes up about 33% of the NZ population. Today (Thursday) a further...
Blog Post

Ignite your curiosity

Adriana van Altvorst ·
I have joined a number of ZOOM meetings hosted by ACES Connection which have exposed me to the work of many people who have inspired and motivated me. My thinking has been challenged, extended and expanded. My curiosity has been ignited I have been filled with hope and energised to share that hope to others We must acknowledge that we only know what we know If what we know does not feel like the truth then we must seek the truth If what we do does harm to ourselves or others then we must...
Blog Post

Listen ~ the movie

Adriana van Altvorst ·
ACEs in Education have weekly A Better Normal ~ Education Upended Zoom's every Thursday at 12.00 noon EST which equate to Friday at 7 am in New Zealand time for 1 hour They are invaluable. I recommend that All New Zealand members join. On Thursday 27 August 2020 in USA which is Friday 28 August 2020 in NZ A Better Normal will have special guests ~ Graham Bodie & Erahm Christopher to discuss the movie, "Listen" "I have toured the country for the past 10 years to talk to our young people.
Blog Post

Social Justice series of a Better Normal

Adriana van Altvorst ·
ACEs Connection provides a wealth of resources that you can access. Take time to explore Gain access to the ACES Connection Roundup which arrives by email in your inbox Carey Sipp shared the link to a blog which provides access to the Social Justice series. It is time well spent viewing the replays and reading through the attachments Safe Babies Court Team™ Logic Model (1).pdf Florida's Early Childhood Court PPT 8.7.20.pdf Early Childhood Court Manual 4172015.pdf Building a Trauma Informed...
Blog Post

"Open Wounds" panel discussion with Phil Allen hosted by Trauma Resilience Institute

Adriana van Altvorst ·
FOLLOWED BY PANEL DISCUSSION with Phil Allen Jr. Reena Evers-Everette La Shona Coleman Kevin McLeod This has happened you can rent the video To rent "Open Wounds" visit NEW ZEALAND TIME Date: Sunday 23 August 2020 Time: 10 am PACIFIC TIME Date: August 22, 2020 Time: 3.00 pm Registration: Closed ABOUT THE FILM In 1953, my grandfather, Nathaniel Allen, was murdered on the Sampit River in the historic Lowcountry town Georgetown, SC by a gunshot wound to the...
Blog Post

Be present ~ World Suicide Prevention Day

Adriana van Altvorst ·
Yesterday, 10 September 2020, was World Suicide Prevention Day. I missed it because I was too busy. When someone needs your help, be there, be present for them. Take time to notice, to listen, to talk, to engage Sadly, I did not I missed it because I was too busy R.I.P Susie
Blog Post

Protected Factor Framework ~ Free introductory webinar

Adriana van Altvorst ·
I attended the Protected Factors Framework Introduction webinar with Elizabeth Smith from Project Whole Child. It was a very good presentation. Very interactive, great video clip and great slides There is another free webinar - closing date Wednesday 16 December USA time Places are limited I recommend that you register for this if you want to know more about what you can do to strengthen families. The Protected Factors Framework is an approach ~ a way of viewing the world When we change the...

Re: New for You ~ PACES Connection Reacts to the HOPE Summit

Adriana van Altvorst ·
I attended the HOPE was truly amazing. Visit this website for more information: To all New Zealand followers you can join most of the workshops, summits, Zooms......we learn from others To help with the time zones I have downloaded an app to convert times sits on my toolbar and helps out so much I have attended many online events.....the more you do it the easier it gets. It is a great way to meet up with others Hope to see more New...
Blog Post

Whatever I have ~ Empower me with KNOWLEDGE and TOOLS

Adriana van Altvorst ·
In response to a comment to a post Misdiagnosis: Is It Bipolar Disorder or Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder , I made this comment. I believe it could HELP others I agree that the two overlaps and may co-exist hence why it is so very important to access a full history of life experiences from the person. The difficulty of course is that the person has often lost trust with people including those who want and can help. That is why TIME is so important - TIME to build a trusting...
Blog Post

Communal Mastery ~

Adriana van Altvorst ·
Communal Mastery could be applied to the NZ context as it embraces the Maori way of doing things The article Coping with Trauma Communally Reduces PTSD Risk By José G. Luiggi-Hernández August 18, 2021 Provides us with additional evidence of the importance of investigating and using "Communal Mastery" to address not just PTSD in women but the possibility of addressing many issues that we addressed individually in the past. You see, as individuals, we face harm from others and from our...
Blog Post

Social and Emotional Supports for Educators During and After the Pandemic

Adriana van Altvorst · released an article 'Social and Emotional Supports for Teachers During and After the Pandemic' giving a ton of great information on the stress that educators deal with regularly. The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning defines SEL as the process where youth and adults learn skills to manage emotions, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible decisions. "Research by Pennsylvania State University found that teachers who...
Blog Post

5 ways of helping ease the stress from 2020 in children

Adriana van Altvorst · released an article giving five ways of helping ease the stress from 2020 in children. Be responsive - By engaging in conversation with children, it helps to stimulate their brain. This is especially important for the first 3 years of a child's life. Share information - "Being transparent with kids, at an appropriate level for their age, can help lessen anxiety kids may feel" Help children share their feelings - Children tend to show their feelings which can lead to...
Blog Post

How the Brain Perceives and Remembers a New Place

Adriana van Altvorst ·
How the Brain Perceives and Remembers a New Place Featured Neuroscience·August 24, 2021 Summary: Combining virtual reality with neuroimaging, researchers identify how the brain perceives and remembers a novel place or landscape. Source: NTNU Surprising discovery #1 : We remember where, but not what It turned out that the subjects had an easier time remembering where things were placed than exactly what things were placed in each location. Surprising discovery #2 : Good networks mean...
Blog Post

What is the Freeze Response from Dr. Aimie, Trauma Healing Accelerated

Adriana van Altvorst ·
This arrived in my Gmail inbox from Dr. Aimie ~ Trauma Healing Accelerated. I am sharing as it may resonate with someone out there What is The Freeze Response? The pattern of stress and then collapse. High energy and then exhausted. Anxiety followed by heaviness and feeling down. If you identify with this up and down pattern, you may likely be experiencing a chronic freeze response. This is a very common pattern of the biology of the nervous system! The freeze response is one of the states...
Blog Post

Me & My Emotions: A New, Free Resource for Teens

Emily P Jackson ·
The pandemic has had a lasting effect on youth mental health. Moved by a desire to reduce youth’s toxic stress and increase their resilience, The Dibble Institute, in partnership with a team of students and alumni from ArtCenter College of Design and author Carolyn Curtis, PhD, is releasing Me & My Emotions —a new, free adaptation of our beloved Mind Matters Curriculum. The mobile-friendly Me & My Emotions website features engaging graphics and bite-sized lessons teens can access and...
Blog Post

One moment in time ~ So powerful, so real

Adriana van Altvorst ·
I want one moment in time. Really listen to Whitney sing The lyrics are So very powerful We are all survivors We are one We are never alone One Moment in Time Whitney Houston Each day I live I want to be A day to give The best of me I'm only one But not alone My finest day Is yet unknown I broke my heart Fought every gain To taste the sweet I face the pain I rise and fall Yet through it all This much remains I want one moment in time When I'm more than I thought I could be When all of my...
Blog Post

NZ Family Violence Prevention Strategy

Adriana van Altvorst ·
ACC is investing $44.9 million over four years to establish a fit-for-purpose sexual violence primary prevention system, Minister for ACC Carmel Sepuloni announced 3 October 2021. “Almost a quarter of adults in New Zealand have experienced sexual violence in their lifetime, and around one in six people are affected by sexual violence before the age of 18,” Carmel Sepuloni said. “These high rates cannot continue. We need to put in place systems that protect our whānau and our future...
Blog Post

New Ministry for Disabled People to be established in New Zealand

Adriana van Altvorst ·
This is great news for people with a disability in New Zealand. Many thanks to all those who worked so hard to make this happen and to Carmel Sepuloni our Minister for Disability Affairs and to Andrew Little our Minister for Health On Friday 29 October 2021 the NZ Government made an announcement on transformative changes for disabled people A joint message from Minister for Disability Issues Carmel Sepuloni and Minister of Health Andrew Little Tēnā koutou katoa, It was a pleasure for both of...

Tina Hentosh

Tina Hentosh
Blog Post

Growth through trauma

Adriana van Altvorst ·
There is growth through trauma. Hard as it is, there IS growth through trauma. Very often, we do not see it at the time. It is not until we reflect on what happened and find possible reasons why we faced a flashback or responded so badly to a trigger. I have been forcing myself to attend the Royal Commission Inquiry into Abuse in Care hearings because I wanted to discover WHY professionals working in our State institutions would cause harm to children and youth. I wanted to discover WHY they...
Blog Post

How do I contribute to the state of our education system in New Zealand?

Adriana van Altvorst ·
Life learnings for today Many of those I support Those facing schools that target their children Clarification of target: Effectively actions the school uses to discriminate against children in a way that the children know that they are different and that difference is not acceptable to them, the school Whanau (family) often face these types of responses Group 1: Shut up and put up - stop complaining and it will go away Group 2: You or your kid must have done something wrong ~ You deserve it...
Blog Post

Wahoo traction ~ NZ is reaching out to get Trauma Informed

Adriana van Altvorst ·
I attended Global Resiliency Accelerator group on Tuesday 7 March 2023 at 6 am NZTime hosted by Warren Larkin and Becky Haas. I was smiling this morning ~ Great News I heard New Zealanders are reaching out to attend Trauma-informed programmes and Warren Larkin has visited New Zealand to work with others here in NZ Warren Larkin shared this report with us this morning He Oranga Ngakau ~ Maori Approaches to Trauma-Informed Care He Oranga Ngākau is a research project funded by the Health...
Blog Post

Through death comes learning and growth

Adriana van Altvorst ·
Warning: it may be triggering Below is a link to an article from the NZ Herald today It triggered me Because I have lived it Many others have too We remained silent Thanks to the NZ Herald journalist, Carolyn Meng-Yee And his wife lives on with her memories I hope that Pua's wife gets all the support she needs I thank her for having the courage and strength to share her journey with us So that we can take time to reflect and learn I am sending her all my aroha and awhi to surround her to...
Blog Post

The fine art of putting myself first while staying compassionate

Adriana van Altvorst ·
It has been a long time I am back I have gone through dark times once again I went through chaos and confusion I pulled myself out and up I made changes for me I am learning the fine art of putting myself first while staying compassionate I got into a deep dark hole simply because I was too compassionate for others and I put myself at the bottom once again Some find it easy to put themself first most of the time I do not Far too many people are like me especially if you are teachers and...
Blog Post

Message from our CEO, Ingrid Cockhren: PACEs is Sunsetting eff. April 26th

Hello partners, members, and friends, It is with mixed emotions that I am sharing that PACEs Connection will be sunsetting all operations effective Friday, April 26. While it saddens me to see this chapter of PACEs work come to a close, this work is too important to end, and efforts are underway to identify a new home for PACEs to continue its work. At the same time, this presents an exciting opportunity for PACEs to reemerge stronger than ever. Although we intended a seamless transition,...

Rachel Mackay

Rachel Mackay
Blog Post

Underlying issues with solutions for NZ child protection services

Adriana van Altvorst ·
Our child protection services in NZ have the knowledge they struggle with the implementation I identify the problems I have found supporting parents who have had their children removed by child protection services in NZ (CYFS) These are the solutions: Build trusting relationships - change social worker when required Create full, accurate, objective records Complete thorough ecological assessments Identify the strengths of parents and use them to address the needs Support parents in the...
Blog Post

Emotional work is invisible work

Adriana van Altvorst ·
Emotional work is invisible Emotional work is just as hard as physical work You just can't see it Very often we are excluded or judged by others as incapable of holding down a job Because we have moments when we can't perform when called to attention It is NOT that we do not want to It is very often because in that moment of time we CAN'T do it Please do not discredit us Please do not exclude us Please do not judge us Give us time and space to deal with our trauma and to heal We can do the...
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