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PACEs in Youth Justice

Discussion of Transition and Reentry issues of out of home (treatment, detention, sheltered, etc.) youth back to their families and communities. Frequently these youth have fallen behind in their schooling, have reduced motivation, and lack skills to navigate requirements to successfully re-enter school programs or even to move ahead with their dreams.

Tagged With "juvenile hall"

Blog Post

Too young for juvie? California bill bars prosecution of kids under 12 []

Samantha Sangenito ·
Sen. Holly Mitchell sits at her desk on the fifth floor of the Capitol and holds up a book. On the cover a small boy in oversized jeans and a Tommy Hilfiger T-shirt stands on a plastic milk crate, too small to reach, as a police officer presses the young child’s ink-soaked fingertips onto a piece of paper. “That image just stuck with me,” Mitchell said. The senator from Los Angeles is pushing a bill through the Legislature that would bar the state from prosecuting children under age 12. In...
Blog Post

Turning waste into gold at Nevada County’s Juvenile Hall (

Monday afternoon, two honor-level youth, both age 15 from Tuolomne County, were outside in the garden at Nevada County Juvenile Hall, adding food scraps from the kitchen to the compost pile. The boy of the duo poured out buckets of discarded vegetables, shredded recycled paper from county offices and coffee grounds from Starbucks and the county’s cafeteria. The girl used a pitchfork to turn the compost. Sometimes, yard trimmings and leaves from the facility’s orchard are also turned into the...
Blog Post

Two New Grant Opportunities for Youth Development and Diversion Services

Briana S. Zweifler ·
In 2019, more than $40 million will become available to fund community-based, culturally rooted, trauma-informed services for youth in California as alternatives to arrest and incarceration. Thousands of California youth are arrested every year for low-level offenses. Youth who are arrested or incarcerated for low-level offenses are less likely to graduate high school, more likely to suffer negative health-outcomes, and more likely to have later contact with the justice system.
Blog Post

Why So Many Formerly Justice-Involved Young Adults Are Homeless & What We Need To Do About It []

Samantha Sangenito ·
According to a recent series of research briefs on youth and young adult homelessness by Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago, in the U.S., 1 in 10 young adults, or 3.5 million young people ages 18-25, experience homelessness in a year. Of that 3.5 million (73%) are homeless for one month or more. For those young adults, homelessness means a variety of experiences, ranging from sleeping outdoors, or in abandoned buildings, or in emergency shelters, to sleeping in cars, or “couch...
Blog Post

A Court of Their Peers (

The judge is chewing gum. Her hair is piled in a messy bun on top of her head, where a pair of sunglasses also rests. She giggles shyly as she walks up to the podium and adjusts the microphone. Teen Court is now in session. A national diversion program, Teen Court is operated locally through the Boys and Girls Club of the Redwoods. The crime is real, the court is real and the sentence is real, although the emphasis is on rehabilitation rather than punishment. The goal is to steer young...
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Arts Seen As Crucial to Healing Youth, Changing the Juvenile Justice System []

Alicia Doktor ·
LOS ANGELES — For Jordan, growing up in Jamaica, Queens in New York City left much to be desired. One of the few places he could go after school were the youth arts programs in his neighborhood. “It was the thing to do after school instead of being outside or doing something that could possibly get you in trouble,” he said. One of the programs Jordan was in is Neighborhood Opportunity Networks , or NeON Arts . It’s part of New York City’s Department of Probation and is managed by Carnegie...
Blog Post

California can curb violence against incarcerated children. Here’s how. (

When I was 16, I was incarcerated in juvenile hall. Whenever I was moved within the facility, I was shackled. They would chain my ankles and handcuff my wrists to a belly-chain. I was bound like this anytime I went to see the nurse, the psychiatrist and whenever I went outside. Twenty years later, I still have scars where the cuffs carved into my ankles. Policies in California’s youth prisons, including the use of shackles, cause serious harm to our children. The vast majority of...
Blog Post

Charging Youth as Adults has Public Health Impact, Report Says ( 56 page report

Advocates in California say that for too long the hazardous health consequences of incarcerating juveniles in the state’s justice system have been obscured by overly punitive rhetoric around public safety. The authors describe a court process that offers few opportunities for youth to deal with childhood trauma that often leads to involvement with the justice system. When it comes to transfers of youth to the adult system, racial disparities are widespread . As a result, they say, high rates...
Blog Post

Childhood Trauma and Its Effects: Implications for Police

Dr. Cathy Anthofer-Fialon ·
This is important information regarding childhood trauma and policing. Includes reference for:
Blog Post

Chronicle investigation spurs calls to close foster care shelters (

The state attorney general's office is looking into hundreds of dubious arrests at California's shelters for abused and neglected children that were detailed last week in a San Francisco Chronicle investigative report . A County officials have called for immediate reviews of the newspaper's findings that shelter staff contacted the sheriff an average of nine times a day last year, with children booked at juvenile hall nearly 200 times in 2015 and 2016. The county shelters are the first stop...
Blog Post

Column: I Went Through the Juvenile Justice System. It Isn't Working []

By Jeff Wallace, Quad-City Times, February 2, 2020 Juvenile crime is at an all-time high in the Quad-Cities. Unfortunately, however, how juvenile crime is handled in the Quad-Cities isn’t the most proactive and solution-focused. Juvenile justice often focuses on juveniles after they have committed crimes rather than providing an intervention before the crime is ever committed. In our community, we know that poverty, trauma and lack of resources are high indicators of whether a youngster will...
Blog Post

Diversion Can Help Us Reduce Youth Violence By Aligning Caseloads With Risk Factors []

Alicia Doktor ·
Juvenile probation professionals know better than most the multitude and complexity of issues our justice-involved youth are facing, and what puts these young men and women at risk for violence. Get IN Chicago , as a youth violence prevention funder working to support the most effective and promising interventions in Chicago, wanted to better understand the youth probation population to inform quality service provision. Toward that end we commissioned Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago...
Blog Post

Does Abuse Lead to Incarceration For Girls? Usually Yes []

By Janelle Hawes and Jerry Flores, Juvenile Justice Information Exchange, September 10, 2019 Recently a trial judge in Washington state’s King County Superior Court discussed his three years presiding in juvenile court. Roger Rogoff described this time as “the most emotionally-charged, inspiring and terrifying of my 25-year legal career,” citing the complicated and conflicting nature of the juvenile justice system as well as the tension, apprehension and nuances of decision-making in this...
Blog Post

Dream Beyond Bars report offers a new way to study the effects of youth incarceration [Oakland North]

Karen Clemmer ·
About two years ago, when Xochtil Larios was in Alameda County Juvenile Hall in San Leandro, she decided to do more than just participate in classes and programs. “I didn’t feel like it was enough for me. I felt like the girls in there deserved better,” she said. During a session on vision boarding, Larios met staff members from Communities United for Restorative Youth Justice (CURYJ), an Oakland nonprofit that works to empower young people affected by the criminal justice system. At CURYJ,...
Blog Post

Early Investments in Children can Prevent Costly Lifetime of Effects of Damage

Robbyn Peters Bennett ·
Editorial in the New Mexico Politics. Dr. George Davis, former director of the New Mexico Juvenile Justice System and CYFD talks about how children end up in the criminal system. "Within the first five years of life, the trajectory is set for the most important skills a person will ever possess — such fundamental traits as the capacity for attachment and empathy, the ability to self-regulate and to be calmed, and the tendency to seek primary reward from contact with other humans rather than...
Blog Post

Ex-schools chief Deasy's next step: build alternative juvenile prisons (

John Deasy, the controversial former superintendent who led the Los Angeles Unified School District for three-and-a-half turbulent years, is embarking on a new venture that could prove just as challenging: keeping juvenile offenders from returning to jail. Deasy wants to do that by opening alternative juvenile prisons in Los Angeles and Alameda counties that could include activities such as yoga, meditation, art, counseling, athletics and education. His goal is to reduce recidivism by 50%.
Blog Post

GENDER & TRAUMA Somatic Interventions for Girls in Juvenile Justice: Implications for Policy and Practice (40 pages - Georgetown Center on Poverty and Inequality)

The impact of gender on the experience of trauma is less widely discussed, though it is significant in scope. In multiple studies, girls have reported higher rates of adverse childhood experiences than boys in all categories, especially girls in the juvenile justice system. Girls report sexual abuse at particularly disproportionate levels and are more likely than boys to experience such violence within intimate relationships. Girls are also at greater risk of developing negative mental...
Blog Post

Holding Evil Accountable

Dr. Cathy Anthofer-Fialon ·
When I worked in juvenile probation there were times youth were labeled with the diagnosis BAD. They were just bad kids. There are even maximum security juvenile detention centers for kids with the BAD diagnosis. Kids who seem to have been born evil. As a criminal justice academician, I have read details of some of the most hideous crimes ever committed. I have a PhD in criminal justice. Currently I teach criminal justice to undergraduate students eager to begin their careers in...
Blog Post

How The Juvenile Justice System is Failing Girls []

By Susie Armitage, YR Media, October 16, 2019 When Bree was booked into a juvenile detention center as a teen, they were subject to a strip search. “The staff had to take off my clothes and started patting me down, touching me, and making me feel uncomfortable,” said Bree, who asked that their last name not be used for privacy reasons. As a youth advocate with the Philadelphia-based Juvenile Law Center, Bree recounted their experience of incarceration in a report. “I felt violated, like I...
Blog Post

Is There Any Correcting Going On in "Correction" Facilities For Juveniles?

Julius Patterson ·
Tear Down the Juvenile Jails; They Make Bad Situations Worse [] By: Judge Steven Teske| July 10, 2017 Summary and Analysis by: Julius Patterson| July 30, 2017 This article really hits home for me. Judge Steven Teske talks about how Juvenile prisons need to be torn down. This article also focuses on how there’s a difference between being unruly and being a criminal. Jail is not always the answer for these young men and women. Statistics show that youth that have been incarcerated are...
Blog Post

Juvenile crime rates plummet amid new approaches to tackling youth crime []

Samantha Sangenito ·
When San Diego County went looking for grant funds to help build a 300-bed jail for juveniles, officials argued that the 1950s-era Juvenile Hall on Meadowlark Lane was strained to the breaking point. “There is literally no more room at the inn,” the county warned in a grant application in 1999 seeking $36 million in construction funds for what would become, in 2004, the East Mesa Juvenile Detention Facility. [For more of this story, written by Greg Moran, go to ...
Blog Post

Juvenile jail fees may be eliminated by Sonoma County Board of Supervisors (

Millions of dollars of debt carried by parents and guardians of children who have been committed to juvenile hall could be erased under a proposal up for review today by Sonoma County supervisors. The Board of Supervisors will consider voting to absolve the debt and stop charging a $32 daily fee to families of incarcerated children. The plan also includes ending fees for probation supervision and the $50 charge for those represented by a public defender. A Press Democrat report in May found...
Blog Post

Kids Under 12 Can No Longer be Sent to Juvenile Hall for Most Crimes Starting in 2020 []

By Steve Milne, Capital Public Radio, December 20, 2019 One of the last pieces of legislation from former California Gov. Jerry Brown’s final year in office would end the prosecution of pre-teens who commit crimes, other than murder and forcible sexual assault. Right now, California has no minimum age for sending children to juvenile hall. Beginning in the new year, counties will no longer be allowed to process kids under 12 years old through the juvenile justice system. Instead, they will...
Blog Post

Let’s invest in the care of our young people instead of putting them in cages [Sacramento Bee]

Gail Kennedy ·
BY CHET HEWITT AND SHANE GOLDSMITH SPECIAL TO THE SACRAMENTO BEE JUNE 13, 2019 02:40 AM, UPDATED JUNE 13, 2019 02:40 AM California’s young people need care, not cages. That call to action has become the drumbeat of a powerful movement of advocates working across California to push us to think bigger – and act boldly – to improve the health and wellbeing of our state’s biggest assets: our young people. A central theme and focus of this movement has been to encourage California to shift its...
Blog Post

Linking Juvenile Justice Research to Policy Action []

By Elizabeth S. Barnert, JAMA Pediatrics, February 10, 2020 Research shows that incarcerated youth are at risk of poor health and social outcomes.1 Interventions that focus on keeping youth out of the juvenile justice system are more likely to affect long-term outcomes.1 To create systems that prevent youth incarceration and improve youths’ trajectories, we must use evidence to inform public policy. By applying the scientific method through community-engaged scholarship,2 pediatric...
Blog Post

Measuring the impact: Schools struggle from multiple angles with incarceration (

Whether it's a parent or the student who have served time, schools see challenges. Beyond helping children of incarcerated parents pay for college, a growing body of research supports helping these children throughout the K-12 system, limiting harsh discipline policies that disproportionately impact them, training teachers to recognize the underlying causes of certain behaviors and targeting the intergenerational nature of the school-to-prison pipeline. When Jason Nance started travelling...
Blog Post

Nevada County Probation Department implementing Transitional Age Youth Program in Juvenile Hall

Jane Stevens ·
By Michael Ertola, Chief Probation Officer California State Assembly Passed Public Safety SB 1004 on June 28, 2016, to allow five California counties to implement a pilot program to house Transitional Age Youth (18-21 years old) in their Juvenile Halls. The five counties include Nevada, Napa, Butte, Santa Clara and Alameda. The Chief Probation Officers of California (CPOC) sponsored bill SB 1004 to provide appropriate housing, programs and services needed by Transitional Age Youth. SB 1004...
Blog Post

Reader Program at Juvenile Hall Marks 25th Year (

Years ago, Betty Frandsen joined the Juvenile Hall Auxiliary, spending time in with the children and youth confined in Contra Costa County Juvenile Hall. She began talking with them and hearing them say they needed some way to be soothed so they could sleep at night. “Her conversations with these children kept turning up how lonely and difficult night time was in an institutional setting,” said Susan Grice. Frandsen then founded “The Late Show Bedtime Reading Program” at the county’s...
Blog Post

Riots, escapes and pepper spray: Virus hits juvenile centers []

By Margie Mason and Robin McDowell, Associated Press News, May 2, 2020 Nicole Hingle wasn’t surprised when the call came. Frustrations had been building inside juvenile detention centers nationwide as the number of coronavirus cases continued to climb. Now, her 17-year-old son Jace, was on the phone telling her around 40 kids had rioted at his facility in Louisiana — the same state where more than a dozen youths escaped during two breakouts at another site this month. Hingle said her son...
Blog Post

SF’s juvenile hall would shut down within 3 years under proposal [SF Chronicle]

Gail Kennedy ·
San Francisco’s juvenile hall would close within three years under a proposal heading to the Board of Supervisors on Tuesday with a majority of elected officials on board, backed by prominent supporters. Six of the 11 supervisors, the district attorney, public defender and other local officials have thrown their support behind the measure requiring the youth detention facility to close by the end of 2021. It would also create a working group to oversee the process and come up with...
Blog Post

Standing Strong – The knowledge, skills and peer support parents need to lead (

Christine Cissy White ·
Cissy's note: I admire the work of this parent-led and parent-focused organization. I read everything they post. For those not familiar with what they do, this is a recent interview with three staffers and gives a really good look at what and how they work to support families and make systems change. Here's an excerpt. The full piece is here. To read more of this piece recently published in Rise Magazine, go here.
Blog Post

The Number of Youth in Juvenile Detention in California Has Quietly Plummeted (

San Diego County’s four detention facilities can hold 855 young people. But on a recent Wednesday, just 311 youths were housed inside the county’s prisons and camps, said Chief Probation Officer Adolfo Gonzales. At least five to six wings of the county’s juvenile detention space are totally empty at present, he said. Just eight years ago, the number of incarcerated kids was three times as high: The average daily population in lockup stood at 1,008 for January 2010. Gonzales told me about a...

Re: The Number of Youth in Juvenile Detention in California Has Quietly Plummeted (

Karen Clemmer ·
Thank you for sharing Dana. Maybe instead of seeing him as so liberal - maybe we could just see him as common sense? It is a "teachable moment" per Dr. Berry Brazelton. This example from the article is shocking: "A San Diego cop brought a 9-year-old boy to the Kearney Mesa juvenile hall for throwing a rock that almost hit a young girl...." A teachable moment is an unplanned event during the day that adults can use as a learning opportunity for kids. When a child displays an action or...
Blog Post

In Surprise Move, Newsom Calls for an End to California's Youth Prison System []

By Jeremy Louenback, The Chronicle of Social Change, May 14, 2020 With coronavirus pummeling Californians’ health and economy like a modern day plague, few expected a line item buried in an otherwise deficit-driven budget that Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) announced Thursday: After decades of the state running what was once the country’s most vast and notorious youth prison system, the end could be near for the Division of Juvenile Justice. The governor’s proposal would close the last three youth...
Blog Post

The Voices Of Youth Locked In San Francisco's Soon-To-Be-Shuttered Juvenile Hall

Taylor Walker (Guest) ·
By Taylor Walker, WitnessLA, February 22, 2021 On Tuesday, June 4, 2019, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted in favor of legislation to shutter the local juvenile hall by December 2021. The ordinance, which SF supes authored in partnership with the Young Women’s Freedom Center (YWFC), made SF the first major urban jurisdiction to choose to abolish juvenile incarceration. The city-county’s lone 150-bed youth lockup is already so close to empty — on August 15, 2020, there were 13...
Blog Post

Youth Detention Facility finds culture of kindness more effective than punishment

Laurie Udesky ·
A corner of the Multi-Sensory De-escalation Room, All MSDR photos courtesy of Valerie Clark When a young person enters the de-escalation room in the Sacramento County Youth Detention Facility , they’ll find dimmed lights, bottles of lavender, orange and other essential oils, an audio menu featuring the rush of ocean waves and other calming sounds, along with squeeze balls, TheraPutty, jigsaw puzzles, and an exercise ball to bounce on. TheraPutty, squeeze balls and more Sometimes, with a...
Blog Post

Youth Explore Solutions to Gun Violence and Trauma in Black and Brown Communities []

By Tyler Evains, Daily Breeze, December 11, 2019 The meeting began with a moment of silence to remember the six people who were killed in a New Jersey shooting. The country’s latest episode of mass gun violence occurred just hours before nearly 50 students and community members met Tuesday night, Dec. 10, at Banning High School in Wilmington for a town hall to discuss that very issue. Assemblyman Mike Gipson, D-Carson, hosted the meeting to inform potential policies, programs and funding...
Blog Post

NJ spends $445K a year to lock a kid up. We’ve got a better idea. | Opinion By Charles Loflin | Star Ledger Guest Columnist

Dwana Young ·
New Jersey plans to spend a staggering $445,504 per incarcerated youth in 2022 to house them in facilities that are almost 80% empty. The time is now for New Jersey to close its youth prisons and invest in community-based alternatives. The current system, with its focus wholly on punishment rather than rehabilitation, the current system leaves whole communities — as well as the families of both victims and offenders — with unresolved trauma that continues to reverberate long after the...
Blog Post

The Collective to Bring Adolescent Sexual & Reproductive Health Research to Youth-Supporting Professionals. (

Child Trends , in partnership with Chapin Hall and Healthy Teen Network , will develop and disseminate research-based practice resources for professionals who work with youth through Activate: The Collective to Bring Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Research to Youth-Supporting Professionals (Activate). Activate is funded through a grant from the Office of Population Affairs (OPA) in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services . Activate aims to bridge the gap between research...
Blog Post

Learn4Life Saved Ali’s Life…and His Future Looks Bright (

Have you ever eaten green chicken? Taken cold showers with other people and been locked in a cell 16 hours a day? That was just part of the horror for Ali N., 15 years old and serving time in juvenile hall. He had been running with the wrong crowd and got arrested and sentenced to probation at home. Rather than changing his behavior, he cut off his ankle monitor and went back to getting into trouble. He was re-arrested and had to serve several months in juvenile hall. “It was just horrible,...
Blog Post

The Annie E. Casey Foundation Juvenile Justice Reform Agenda

Porter Jennings-McGarity ·
The Foundation’s juvenile justice reform agenda is designed to improve the odds that at-risk youth can make successful transitions to adulthood. We are working to create a system that locks up fewer youth and relies more on proven, family-focused interventions that create opportunities for positive youth development. To learn more, visit .
Blog Post

How much would the NAS poverty reduction packages reduce referrals to CPS and foster care placements? Would they reduce racial disproportionality in child welfare? (

Carey Sipp ·
Because of a collaboration with Columbia University and UW-Madison, we have answers to these questions. By Peter Peter Pecora, Casey Family Programs, March 17, 2023 - Overview The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) recently released a “ roadmap ” to reduce child poverty by as much as half through the implementation of a series of social policy packages. The aim of this study was to simulate the reductions in Child Protective Services (CPS) involvement and foster care placements that are...
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