Healthy Eating Research (HER) is a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) national program, which supports research on policy, systems, and environmental (PSE) strategies with strong potential to promote the health and well-being of children at a population level. Specifically, HER aims to help all children achieve optimal nutrition and a healthy weight. HER grantmaking focuses on children and adolescents from birth to 18, and their families, with a priority on lower-income and racial and ethnic minority populations that are at-risk of poor nutrition and obesity. Findings are expected to advance RWJF’s efforts to ensure that all children and their families have the opportunity and resources to experience the best physical, social, and emotional health possible, promote health equity, and build a Culture of Health.
Healthy Eating Research issues calls for proposals (CFPs) to solicit scientifically rigorous, solution-oriented proposals from investigators representing diverse disciplines and backgrounds. This CFP is for two types of awards aimed at providing advocates, decision-makers, and policymakers with evidence to promote the health and well-being of children through nutritious foods and beverages. The award types are Round 11, small- and large-scale grants. The two funding opportunities are described in more detail beginning on page 2 of the CFP.
You can learn more about Healthy Eating Research at www.healthyeatingresearch.org.
Eligibility and Selection Criteria
For All Grant Opportunities
- Preference will be given to applicants that are either public entities or nonprofit organizations that are tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and are not private foundations or Type III supporting organizations. The Foundation may require additional documentation.
- Applicant organizations must be based in the United States or its territories.
- The focus of this program is the United States; studies in other countries will be considered only to the extent that they may directly inform U.S. policy.
Key Dates
May 23–July 18, 2018 (3 p.m. ET)
RWJF online system available to applicants for concept papers.
June 6, 2018 (3 p.m. ET)
Optional applicant webinar. Registration is required. Please visit the program’s website for complete details and to register.
July 18, 2018 (3 p.m. ET)
Concept papers due. Those submitted after July 18, 2018 (3 p.m. ET) will not be reviewed.
August 13, 2018
Applicants notified whether they are invited to submit a full proposal.
March 13–15, 2019
Healthy Eating Research Annual Meeting
For all grant types, see table in the CFP for separate key dates/deadlines for small-scale vs. large-scale grants.
Total Awards
Approximately $2.6 million will be awarded under this CFP for the two award types. The anticipated allocation of funds is as follows:
- Approximately $1.6 million will be awarded as small-scale grants, resulting in the funding of up to eight small research grants through this solicitation. Each grant will award up to $200,000 for up to 18 months.
- Approximately $1 million will be awarded as large-scale grants, resulting in the funding of two large-scale grants through this solicitation. Each grant will award up to $500,000 for up to 24 months.
To access the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's Call for Proposals and additional resources, please click here.
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