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Tagged With "Unconscious Eating"

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What the U.S. could learn from Japan about making healthy living easier (

The author awaits a bowl of ramen noodles in a Tokyo restaurant. Yuki Noguchi/NPR To read more of Yuki Noguchi's article, please click here. I was born and raised in the American Midwest, but love visiting my parents' homeland in Japan. Central to every trip there is always the food: Oh my goodness, the food. Eating is a raging national obsession here, with good reason. Staggering varieties of food are available everywhere; it's all delicious and — most impressively, to me — always fresh.
Blog Post

How stress can damage your brain and body

Ashley Guido ·
We all know what stress feels like physically — though the symptoms vary by person. Some people experience shakiness or a racing heart, while others develop muscle tension, headaches or stomach aches. But what we might not realize is that our physiological responses to life’s stresses and strains can have deeper, less obvious, repercussions for just about every organ and system in the body. “I think people really underestimate just how big the effects are,” said Janice Kiecolt-Glaser,...
Blog Post

The Neuroscience of Emotional Eating

Ashley Guido ·
For some people, no matter how much they try to eat healthy, when intense emotions surface, overcoming food cravings seems impossible. We reach for the comfort foods that we hope will make us feel better in the short term, but afterwards often end up feeling down in the dumps. That feeling of shame can be overwhelming — particularly in a diet-driven society where maintaining a healthy relationship with food is difficult, especially if it’s used as a coping mechanism. But why do some people...
Blog Post

Diets Make You Feel Bad. Try Training Your Brain Instead.

Ashley Guido ·
How eating habits are formed Dr. Brewer, an addiction psychiatrist, has tested a number of mindfulness practices to help people quit smoking, lower anxiety and reduce emotional eating. He has also created an app called Eat Right Now that uses mindfulness exercises to help people change their eating habits. One Brown University study of 104 overweight women found that mindfulness training reduced craving-related eating by 40 percent. Another review by scientists at Columbia University found...
Blog Post

I Grew Up With the Shame of Food Insecurity. Decades Later, I Still Obsess Over What I Eat

Ashley Guido ·
I remember watching my mother stand at the supermarket register, anxiously tugging at her shaggy dark blonde hair, repeatedly tucking it behind an ear. Her green eyes, amplified by thick glasses with rose-tinted plastic frames, scanned the running total. She’d hold an envelope open with one hand and whip out coupons like a blackjack dealer, placing them on each corresponding item to make sure the cashier scanned them together. She knew the total before we got to the checkout. She used a...

Re: Why Nutritional Psychiatry Is The Future of Mental Health Treatment (

Summer Ferguson ·
I like the idea of nutritional psychiatry that takes into account individual needs. I think it's important to not only eat healthy foods, but also take natural supplements that can improve your mood and reduce stress. For example, I read that theanine and vitamins can increase dopamine and serotonin levels in the brain, which promotes relaxation and reduces anxiety. I myself tried gaba theanine from and felt the difference. I recommend...
Blog Post

Why is Our Culture Preoccupied with How Bipoc Children Eat?

Monica Bhagwan · "Almost all of our public health solutions for children rely on individual behaviours, like not drinking soda. Not drinking soda will not solve racism. Whether a person does or does not eat any amount of potato chips is not the key to ending structural poverty. Disproportionately relying on public health measures that target individual behaviours doesn’t appropriately...
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